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root / src / Ganeti / DataCollectors / CLI.hs @ 7660aaf3

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1 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
{-| Implementation of DataCollectors CLI functions.
2 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
3 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
This module holds the common command-line related functions for the
4 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
collector binaries.
5 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
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7 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
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9 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
10 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Google Inc.
11 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
12 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
(at your option) any later version.
16 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
17 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
20 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
General Public License for more details.
21 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
22 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
24 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
25 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
02110-1301, USA.
26 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
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28 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
29 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
module Ganeti.DataCollectors.CLI
30 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
  ( Options(..)
31 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
  , OptType
32 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
  , defaultOptions
33 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
  -- * The options
34 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
  , oShowHelp
35 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
  , oShowVer
36 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
  , oShowComp
37 d78970ba Michele Tartara
  , oDrbdPairing
38 d78970ba Michele Tartara
  , oDrbdStatus
39 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
  , oNode
40 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
  , oConfdAddr
41 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
  , oConfdPort
42 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
  , genericOptions
43 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
  ) where
44 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
45 d78970ba Michele Tartara
import System.Console.GetOpt
46 d78970ba Michele Tartara
47 d78970ba Michele Tartara
import Ganeti.BasicTypes
48 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.Common as Common
49 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
import Ganeti.Utils
50 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
51 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
52 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
-- * Data types
53 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
54 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
-- | Command line options structure.
55 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
data Options = Options
56 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
  { optShowHelp    :: Bool           -- ^ Just show the help
57 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
  , optShowComp    :: Bool           -- ^ Just show the completion info
58 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
  , optShowVer     :: Bool           -- ^ Just show the program version
59 d78970ba Michele Tartara
  , optDrbdStatus  :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ Path to the file containing DRBD
60 d78970ba Michele Tartara
                                     -- status information
61 d78970ba Michele Tartara
  , optDrbdPairing :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ Path to the file containing pairings
62 d78970ba Michele Tartara
                                     -- between instances and DRBD minors
63 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
  , optNode        :: Maybe String   -- ^ Info are requested for this node
64 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
  , optConfdAddr   :: Maybe String   -- ^ IP address of the Confd server
65 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
  , optConfdPort   :: Maybe Int      -- ^ The port of the Confd server to
66 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
                                     -- connect to
67 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
  } deriving Show
68 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
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-- | Default values for the command line options.
70 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
defaultOptions :: Options
71 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
defaultOptions  = Options
72 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
  { optShowHelp    = False
73 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
  , optShowComp    = False
74 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
  , optShowVer     = False
75 d78970ba Michele Tartara
  , optDrbdStatus  = Nothing
76 d78970ba Michele Tartara
  , optDrbdPairing = Nothing
77 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
  , optNode        = Nothing
78 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
  , optConfdAddr   = Nothing
79 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
  , optConfdPort   = Nothing
80 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
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-- | Abbreviation for the option type.
83 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
type OptType = GenericOptType Options
84 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
85 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
instance StandardOptions Options where
86 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
  helpRequested = optShowHelp
87 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
  verRequested  = optShowVer
88 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
  compRequested = optShowComp
89 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
  requestHelp o = o { optShowHelp = True }
90 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
  requestVer  o = o { optShowVer  = True }
91 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
  requestComp o = o { optShowComp = True }
92 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
93 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
-- * Command line options
94 d78970ba Michele Tartara
oDrbdPairing :: OptType
95 d78970ba Michele Tartara
oDrbdPairing =
96 d78970ba Michele Tartara
  ( Option "p" ["drbd-pairing"]
97 d78970ba Michele Tartara
      (ReqArg (\ f o -> Ok o { optDrbdPairing = Just f}) "FILE")
98 d78970ba Michele Tartara
      "the FILE containing pairings between instances and DRBD minors",
99 d78970ba Michele Tartara
100 d78970ba Michele Tartara
101 d78970ba Michele Tartara
oDrbdStatus :: OptType
102 d78970ba Michele Tartara
oDrbdStatus =
103 d78970ba Michele Tartara
  ( Option "s" ["drbd-status"]
104 d78970ba Michele Tartara
      (ReqArg (\ f o -> Ok o { optDrbdStatus = Just f }) "FILE")
105 d78970ba Michele Tartara
      "the DRBD status FILE",
106 d78970ba Michele Tartara
107 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
108 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
oNode :: OptType
109 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
oNode =
110 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
  ( Option "n" ["node"]
111 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
      (ReqArg (\ n o -> Ok o { optNode = Just n }) "NODE")
112 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
      "the FQDN of the NODE about which information is requested",
113 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
114 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
115 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
oConfdAddr :: OptType
116 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
oConfdAddr =
117 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
  ( Option "a" ["address"]
118 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
      (ReqArg (\ a o -> Ok o { optConfdAddr = Just a }) "IP_ADDR")
119 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
      "the IP address of the Confd server to connect to",
120 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
121 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
122 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
oConfdPort :: OptType
123 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
oConfdPort =
124 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
  (Option "p" ["port"]
125 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
    (reqWithConversion (tryRead "reading port")
126 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
      (\port opts -> Ok opts { optConfdPort = Just port }) "PORT")
127 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
    "Network port of the Confd server to connect to",
128 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
129 7dc27988 Michele Tartara
130 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
-- | Generic options.
131 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
genericOptions :: [GenericOptType Options]
132 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
genericOptions =  [ oShowVer
133 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
                  , oShowHelp
134 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop
                  , oShowComp
135 55abd2c7 Iustin Pop