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root / man / gnt-job.rst @ 988dc5ca

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1 b3723c81 Iustin Pop
gnt-job(8) Ganeti | Version @GANETI_VERSION@
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gnt-job - Job commands
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**gnt-job** {command} [arguments...]
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The **gnt-job** is used for examining and manipulating the job
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**archive** {id...}
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This command can be used to archive job by their IDs. Only jobs
29 b3723c81 Iustin Pop
that have finished execution (i.e either *success*, *error* or
30 b3723c81 Iustin Pop
*canceled* jobs).
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**autoarchive** {*age* | ``all``}
36 b3723c81 Iustin Pop
37 b3723c81 Iustin Pop
Archive jobs by their age. This command can archive jobs older than
38 b3723c81 Iustin Pop
*age* seconds, or alternatively all finished jobs can be archived
39 b3723c81 Iustin Pop
if the string all is passed.
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44 e1c701e7 Michael Hanselmann
| **cancel**
45 e1c701e7 Michael Hanselmann
| {[\--force] {\--pending | \--queued | \--waiting} | *job-id* ...}
46 b3723c81 Iustin Pop
47 e1c701e7 Michael Hanselmann
Cancel the job(s) identified by the given *job id*. Only jobs that have
48 b3723c81 Iustin Pop
not yet started to run can be canceled; that is, jobs in either the
49 e1c701e7 Michael Hanselmann
*queued* or *waiting* state. To skip a confirmation, pass ``--force``.
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``--queued`` and ``waiting`` can be used to cancel all jobs in the
51 e1c701e7 Michael Hanselmann
respective state, ``--pending`` includes both.
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| **change-priority** --priority {low | normal | high}
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| {[\--force] {\--pending | \--queued | \--waiting} | *job-id* ...}
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Changes the priority of one or multiple pending jobs. Jobs currently
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running have only the priority of remaining opcodes changed.
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``--priority`` must be specified. ``--queued`` and ``waiting`` can be
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used to re-prioritize all jobs in the respective state, ``--pending``
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includes both. To skip a confirmation, pass ``--force``.
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**info** {*id*...}
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Show detailed information about the given job id(s). If no job id
71 b3723c81 Iustin Pop
is given, all jobs are examined (warning, this is a lot of
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77 72ef8df8 Michael Hanselmann
| **list** [\--no-headers] [\--separator=*SEPARATOR*]
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| [-o *[+]FIELD,...*] [\--filter] [job-id...]
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Lists the jobs and their status. By default, the job id, job
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status, and a small job description is listed, but additional
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parameters can be selected.
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The ``--no-headers`` option will skip the initial header line. The
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``--separator`` option takes an argument which denotes what will be
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used between the output fields. Both these options are to help
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The ``-o`` option takes a comma-separated list of output fields.
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The available fields and their meaning are:
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If the value of the option starts with the character ``+``, the new
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fields will be added to the default list. This allows one to quickly
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see the default list plus a few other fields, instead of retyping
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the entire list of fields.
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99 43d51ef2 Michael Hanselmann
To include archived jobs in the list the ``--archived`` option can be
100 43d51ef2 Michael Hanselmann
101 43d51ef2 Michael Hanselmann
102 72ef8df8 Michael Hanselmann
The following options can be used to show only specific jobs:
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104 72ef8df8 Michael Hanselmann
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  Show only jobs pending execution.
106 72ef8df8 Michael Hanselmann
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  Show jobs currently running only.
108 72ef8df8 Michael Hanselmann
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  Show failed jobs only.
110 72ef8df8 Michael Hanselmann
111 72ef8df8 Michael Hanselmann
  Show finished jobs only.
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113 72ef8df8 Michael Hanselmann
If exactly one argument is given and it appears to be a query filter
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(see **ganeti(7)**), the query result is filtered accordingly. For
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ambiguous cases (e.g. a single field name as a filter) the ``--filter``
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(``-F``) option forces the argument to be treated as a filter.
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**list-fields** [field...]
123 b3723c81 Iustin Pop
124 3086220e Michael Hanselmann
Lists available fields for jobs.
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**watch** {id}
131 b3723c81 Iustin Pop
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This command follows the output of the job by the given *id* and
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prints it.
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