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root / UPGRADE @ a0eeb01a

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1 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
Upgrade notes
2 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
3 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
4 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
.. highlight:: shell-example
5 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
6 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
This document details the steps needed to upgrade a cluster to newer versions
7 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
of Ganeti.
8 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
9 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
As a general rule the node daemons need to be restarted after each software
10 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
upgrade; if using the provided example init.d script, this means running the
11 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
following command on all nodes::
12 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
13 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ /etc/init.d/ganeti restart
14 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
15 98ef4a7b Klaus Aehlig
2.11 and above
16 98ef4a7b Klaus Aehlig
17 98ef4a7b Klaus Aehlig
18 98ef4a7b Klaus Aehlig
Starting from 2.10 onwards, Ganeti has support for parallely installed versions
19 98ef4a7b Klaus Aehlig
and automated upgrades. The default configuration for 2.11 and higher already is
20 98ef4a7b Klaus Aehlig
to install as a parallel version without changing the running version. If both
21 98ef4a7b Klaus Aehlig
versions, the installed one and the one to upgrade to, are 2.10 or higher, the
22 98ef4a7b Klaus Aehlig
actual switch of the live version can be carried out by the following command
23 98ef4a7b Klaus Aehlig
on the master node.::
24 98ef4a7b Klaus Aehlig
25 98ef4a7b Klaus Aehlig
   $ gnt-cluster upgrade --to 2.11
26 98ef4a7b Klaus Aehlig
27 98ef4a7b Klaus Aehlig
This will carry out the steps described below in the section on upgrades from
28 98ef4a7b Klaus Aehlig
2.1 and above. Downgrades to the previous minor version can be done in the same
29 98ef4a7b Klaus Aehlig
way, specifiying the smaller version on the ``--to`` argument.
30 98ef4a7b Klaus Aehlig
31 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
32 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
2.1 and above
33 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
34 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
35 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
Starting with Ganeti 2.0, upgrades between revisions (e.g. 2.1.0 to 2.1.1)
36 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
should not need manual intervention. As a safety measure, minor releases (e.g.
37 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
2.1.3 to 2.2.0) require the ``cfgupgrade`` command for changing the
38 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
configuration version. Below you find the steps necessary to upgrade between
39 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
minor releases.
40 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
41 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
To run commands on all nodes, the `distributed shell (dsh)
42 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
<>`_ can be used, e.g.
43 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
``dsh -M -F 8 -f /var/lib/ganeti/ssconf_online_nodes gnt-cluster --version``.
44 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
45 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Ensure no jobs are running (master node only)::
46 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
47 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ gnt-job list
48 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
49 6c28c480 Bernardo Dal Seno
#. Pause the watcher for an hour (master node only)::
50 6c28c480 Bernardo Dal Seno
51 6c28c480 Bernardo Dal Seno
    $ gnt-cluster watcher pause 1h
52 6c28c480 Bernardo Dal Seno
53 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Stop all daemons on all nodes::
54 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
55 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ /etc/init.d/ganeti stop
56 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
57 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Backup old configuration (master node only)::
58 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
59 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ tar czf /var/lib/ganeti-$(date +\%FT\%T).tar.gz -C /var/lib ganeti
60 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
61 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Install new Ganeti version on all nodes
62 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Run cfgupgrade on the master node::
63 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
64 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ /usr/lib/ganeti/tools/cfgupgrade --verbose --dry-run
65 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ /usr/lib/ganeti/tools/cfgupgrade --verbose
66 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
67 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
   (``cfgupgrade`` supports a number of parameters, run it with
68 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
   ``--help`` for more information)
69 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
70 fe05a931 Michele Tartara
#. Upgrade the directory permissions on all nodes::
71 fe05a931 Michele Tartara
72 fe05a931 Michele Tartara
    $ /usr/lib/ganeti/ensure-dirs --full-run
73 fe05a931 Michele Tartara
74 91cdc18f Michele Tartara
#. Create the (missing) required users and make users part of the required
75 3449551d Michele Tartara
   groups on all nodes::
76 91cdc18f Michele Tartara
77 91cdc18f Michele Tartara
    $ /usr/lib/ganeti/tools/users-setup
78 91cdc18f Michele Tartara
79 1ce2f51f Klaus Aehlig
   This will ask for confirmation. To execute directly, add the ``--yes-do-it``
80 1ce2f51f Klaus Aehlig
81 1ce2f51f Klaus Aehlig
82 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Restart daemons on all nodes::
83 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
84 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ /etc/init.d/ganeti restart
85 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
86 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Re-distribute configuration (master node only)::
87 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
88 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
    $ gnt-cluster redist-conf
89 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
90 e43f849c Guido Trotter
#. If you use file storage, check that the ``/etc/ganeti/file-storage-paths``
91 c7ec6a25 Michele Tartara
   is correct on all nodes. For security reasons it's not copied
92 c7ec6a25 Michele Tartara
   automatically, but it can be copied manually via::
93 e43f849c Guido Trotter
94 e43f849c Guido Trotter
   $ gnt-cluster copyfile /etc/ganeti/file-storage-paths
95 e43f849c Guido Trotter
96 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
#. Restart daemons again on all nodes::
97 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
98 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
    $ /etc/init.d/ganeti restart
99 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
100 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
#. Enable the watcher again (master node only)::
101 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
102 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
    $ gnt-cluster watcher continue
103 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
104 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
#. Verify cluster (master node only)::
105 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
106 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
    $ gnt-cluster verify
107 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
108 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
Reverting an upgrade
109 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
110 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
111 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
For going back between revisions (e.g. 2.1.1 to 2.1.0) no manual
112 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
intervention is required, as for upgrades.
113 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
114 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
Starting from version 2.8, ``cfgupgrade`` supports ``--downgrade``
115 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
option to bring the configuration back to the previous stable version.
116 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
This is useful if you upgrade Ganeti and after some time you run into
117 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
problems with the new version. You can downgrade the configuration
118 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
without losing the changes made since the upgrade. Any feature not
119 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
supported by the old version will be removed from the configuration, of
120 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
course, but you get a warning about it. If there is any new feature and
121 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
you haven't changed from its default value, you don't have to worry
122 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
about it, as it will get the same value whenever you'll upgrade again.
123 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
124 df89787b Klaus Aehlig
Automatic downgrades
125 df89787b Klaus Aehlig
126 df89787b Klaus Aehlig
127 df89787b Klaus Aehlig
From version 2.11 onwards, downgrades can be done by using the
128 df89787b Klaus Aehlig
``gnt-cluster upgrade`` command.::
129 df89787b Klaus Aehlig
130 df89787b Klaus Aehlig
  gnt-cluster upgrade --to 2.10
131 df89787b Klaus Aehlig
132 df89787b Klaus Aehlig
Manual downgrades
133 df89787b Klaus Aehlig
134 df89787b Klaus Aehlig
135 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
The procedure is similar to upgrading, but please notice that you have to
136 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
revert the configuration **before** installing the old version.
137 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
138 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
#. Ensure no jobs are running (master node only)::
139 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
140 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
    $ gnt-job list
141 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
142 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
#. Pause the watcher for an hour (master node only)::
143 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
144 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
    $ gnt-cluster watcher pause 1h
145 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
146 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
#. Stop all daemons on all nodes::
147 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
148 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
    $ /etc/init.d/ganeti stop
149 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
150 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
#. Backup old configuration (master node only)::
151 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
152 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
    $ tar czf /var/lib/ganeti-$(date +\%FT\%T).tar.gz -C /var/lib ganeti
153 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
154 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
#. Run cfgupgrade on the master node::
155 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
156 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
    $ /usr/lib/ganeti/tools/cfgupgrade --verbose --downgrade --dry-run
157 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
    $ /usr/lib/ganeti/tools/cfgupgrade --verbose --downgrade
158 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
159 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
   You may want to copy all the messages about features that have been
160 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
   removed during the downgrade, in case you want to restore them when
161 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
   upgrading again.
162 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
163 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
#. Install the old Ganeti version on all nodes
164 f3c7b51c Michele Tartara
165 f3c7b51c Michele Tartara
   NB: in Ganeti 2.8, the ```` file was split into a series of files
166 f3c7b51c Michele Tartara
   contained in the ``cmdlib`` directory. If Ganeti is installed from sources
167 f3c7b51c Michele Tartara
   and not from a package, while downgrading Ganeti to a pre-2.8
168 f3c7b51c Michele Tartara
   version it is important to remember to remove the ``cmdlib`` directory
169 f3c7b51c Michele Tartara
   from the directory containing the Ganeti python files (which usually is
170 f3c7b51c Michele Tartara
171 f3c7b51c Michele Tartara
   A simpler upgrade/downgrade procedure will be made available in future
172 f3c7b51c Michele Tartara
   versions of Ganeti.
173 f3c7b51c Michele Tartara
174 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
#. Restart daemons on all nodes::
175 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
176 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
    $ /etc/init.d/ganeti restart
177 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
178 91fb0d18 Bernardo Dal Seno
#. Re-distribute configuration (master node only)::
179 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
180 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ gnt-cluster redist-conf
181 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
182 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Restart daemons again on all nodes::
183 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
184 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ /etc/init.d/ganeti restart
185 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
186 6c28c480 Bernardo Dal Seno
#. Enable the watcher again (master node only)::
187 6c28c480 Bernardo Dal Seno
188 6c28c480 Bernardo Dal Seno
    $ gnt-cluster watcher continue
189 6c28c480 Bernardo Dal Seno
190 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Verify cluster (master node only)::
191 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
192 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ gnt-cluster verify
193 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
194 b18409cf Klaus Aehlig
Specific tasks for 2.11 to 2.10 downgrade
195 b18409cf Klaus Aehlig
196 b18409cf Klaus Aehlig
197 b18409cf Klaus Aehlig
After running ``cfgupgrade``, the ``client.pem`` and
198 b18409cf Klaus Aehlig
``ssconf_master_candidates_certs`` files need to be removed
199 b18409cf Klaus Aehlig
from Ganeti's data directory on all nodes. While this step is
200 b18409cf Klaus Aehlig
not necessary for 2.10 to run cleanly, leaving them will cause
201 b18409cf Klaus Aehlig
problems when upgrading again after the downgrade.
202 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
203 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
2.0 releases
204 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
205 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
206 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
2.0.3 to 2.0.4
207 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
208 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
209 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
No changes needed except restarting the daemon; but rollback to 2.0.3 might
210 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
require configuration editing.
211 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
212 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
If you're using Xen-HVM instances, please double-check the network
213 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
configuration (``nic_type`` parameter) as the defaults might have changed:
214 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
2.0.4 adds any missing configuration items and depending on the version of the
215 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
software the cluster has been installed with, some new keys might have been
216 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
217 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
218 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
2.0.1 to 2.0.2/2.0.3
219 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
220 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
221 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
Between 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 there have been some changes in the handling of block
222 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
devices, which can cause some issues. 2.0.3 was then released which adds two
223 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
new options/commands to fix this issue.
224 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
225 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
If you use DRBD-type instances and see problems in instance start or
226 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
activate-disks with messages from DRBD about "lower device too small" or
227 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
similar, it is recoomended to:
228 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
229 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Run ``gnt-instance activate-disks --ignore-size $instance`` for each
230 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
   of the affected instances
231 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Then run ``gnt-cluster repair-disk-sizes`` which will check that
232 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
   instances have the correct disk sizes
233 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
234 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
1.2 to 2.0
235 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
236 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
237 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
238 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
239 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
- Ganeti 1.2.7 is currently installed
240 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
- All instances have been migrated from DRBD 0.7 to DRBD 8.x (i.e. no
241 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
  ``remote_raid1`` disk template)
242 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
- Upgrade to Ganeti 2.0.0~rc2 or later (~rc1 and earlier don't have the needed
243 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
  upgrade tool)
244 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
245 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
In the below steps, replace :file:`/var/lib` with ``$libdir`` if Ganeti was not
246 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
installed with this prefix (e.g. :file:`/usr/local/var`). Same for
247 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
248 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
249 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
Execution (all steps are required in the order given):
250 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
251 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Make a backup of the current configuration, for safety::
252 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
253 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ cp -a /var/lib/ganeti /var/lib/ganeti-1.2.backup
254 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
255 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Stop all instances::
256 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
257 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ gnt-instance stop --all
258 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
259 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Make sure no DRBD device are in use, the following command should show no
260 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
   active minors::
261 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
262 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ gnt-cluster command grep cs: /proc/drbd | grep -v cs:Unconf
263 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
264 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Stop the node daemons and rapi daemon on all nodes (note: should be logged
265 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
   in not via the cluster name, but the master node name, as the command below
266 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
   will remove the cluster ip from the master node)::
267 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
268 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ gnt-cluster command /etc/init.d/ganeti stop
269 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
270 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Install the new software on all nodes, either from packaging (if available)
271 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
   or from sources; the master daemon will not start but give error messages
272 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
   about wrong configuration file, which is normal
273 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Upgrade the configuration file::
274 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
275 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ /usr/lib/ganeti/tools/cfgupgrade12 -v --dry-run
276 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ /usr/lib/ganeti/tools/cfgupgrade12 -v
277 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
278 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Make sure ``ganeti-noded`` is running on all nodes (and start it if
279 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
280 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Start the master daemon::
281 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
282 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ ganeti-masterd
283 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
284 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Check that a simple node-list works::
285 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
286 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ gnt-node list
287 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
288 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Redistribute updated configuration to all nodes::
289 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
290 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ gnt-cluster redist-conf
291 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ gnt-cluster copyfile /var/lib/ganeti/known_hosts
292 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
293 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Optional: if needed, install RAPI-specific certificates under
294 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
   :file:`/var/lib/ganeti/rapi.pem` and run::
295 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
296 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ gnt-cluster copyfile /var/lib/ganeti/rapi.pem
297 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
298 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Run a cluster verify, this should show no problems::
299 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
300 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ gnt-cluster verify
301 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
302 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Remove some obsolete files::
303 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
304 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ gnt-cluster command rm /var/lib/ganeti/ssconf_node_pass
305 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ gnt-cluster command rm /var/lib/ganeti/ssconf_hypervisor
306 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
307 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Update the xen pvm (if this was a pvm cluster) setting for 1.2
308 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
309 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
310 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ gnt-cluster modify -H xen-pvm:root_path=/dev/sda
311 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
312 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Depending on your setup, you might also want to reset the initrd parameter::
313 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
314 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ gnt-cluster modify -H xen-pvm:initrd_path=/boot/initrd-2.6-xenU
315 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
316 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Reset the instance autobalance setting to default::
317 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
318 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ for i in $(gnt-instance list -o name --no-headers); do \
319 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
       gnt-instance modify -B auto_balance=default $i; \
320 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
321 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
322 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Optional: start the RAPI demon::
323 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
324 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ ganeti-rapi
325 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
326 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Restart instances::
327 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
328 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ gnt-instance start --force-multiple --all
329 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
330 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
At this point, ``gnt-cluster verify`` should show no errors and the migration
331 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
is complete.
332 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
333 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
1.2 releases
334 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
335 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
336 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
1.2.4 to any other higher 1.2 version
337 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
338 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
339 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
No changes needed. Rollback will usually require manual edit of the
340 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
configuration file.
341 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
342 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
1.2.3 to 1.2.4
343 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
344 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
345 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
No changes needed. Note that going back from 1.2.4 to 1.2.3 will require manual
346 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
edit of the configuration file (since we added some HVM-related new
347 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
348 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
349 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
1.2.2 to 1.2.3
350 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
351 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
352 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
No changes needed. Note that the drbd7-to-8 upgrade tool does a disk format
353 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
change for the DRBD metadata, so in theory this might be **risky**. It is
354 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
advised to have (good) backups before doing the upgrade.
355 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
356 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
1.2.1 to 1.2.2
357 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
358 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
359 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
No changes needed.
360 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
361 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
1.2.0 to 1.2.1
362 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
363 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
364 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
No changes needed. Only some bugfixes and new additions that don't affect
365 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
existing clusters.
366 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
367 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
1.2.0 beta 3 to 1.2.0
368 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
369 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
370 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
No changes needed.
371 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
372 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
1.2.0 beta 2 to beta 3
373 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
374 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
375 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
No changes needed. A new version of the debian-etch-instance OS (0.3) has been
376 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
released, but upgrading it is not required.
377 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
378 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
1.2.0 beta 1 to beta 2
379 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
380 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
381 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
Beta 2 switched the config file format to JSON. Steps to upgrade:
382 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
383 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Stop the daemons (``/etc/init.d/ganeti stop``) on all nodes
384 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Disable the cron job (default is :file:`/etc/cron.d/ganeti`)
385 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Install the new version
386 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Make a backup copy of the config file
387 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Upgrade the config file using the following command::
388 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
389 e1ff0de1 Iustin Pop
    $ /usr/share/ganeti/cfgupgrade --verbose /var/lib/ganeti/
390 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
391 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
#. Start the daemons and run ``gnt-cluster info``, ``gnt-node list`` and
392 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
   ``gnt-instance list`` to check if the upgrade process finished successfully
393 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
394 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
The OS definition also need to be upgraded. There is a new version of the
395 35dd762d Michael Hanselmann
debian-etch-instance OS (0.2) that goes along with beta 2.
396 9ff4f2c0 Michael Hanselmann
397 9ff4f2c0 Michael Hanselmann
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