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root / Ganeti / HTools / Loader.hs @ a334d536

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1 e8f89bb6 Iustin Pop
{-| Generic data loader
2 040afc35 Iustin Pop
3 e8f89bb6 Iustin Pop
This module holds the common code for parsing the input data after it
4 e8f89bb6 Iustin Pop
has been loaded from external sources.
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6 040afc35 Iustin Pop
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8 e2fa2baf Iustin Pop
9 e2fa2baf Iustin Pop
10 6ff78049 Iustin Pop
Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Google Inc.
11 e2fa2baf Iustin Pop
12 e2fa2baf Iustin Pop
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 e2fa2baf Iustin Pop
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 e2fa2baf Iustin Pop
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15 e2fa2baf Iustin Pop
(at your option) any later version.
16 e2fa2baf Iustin Pop
17 e2fa2baf Iustin Pop
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 e2fa2baf Iustin Pop
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 e2fa2baf Iustin Pop
20 e2fa2baf Iustin Pop
General Public License for more details.
21 e2fa2baf Iustin Pop
22 e2fa2baf Iustin Pop
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 e2fa2baf Iustin Pop
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
24 e2fa2baf Iustin Pop
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
25 e2fa2baf Iustin Pop
02110-1301, USA.
26 e2fa2baf Iustin Pop
27 e2fa2baf Iustin Pop
28 e2fa2baf Iustin Pop
29 040afc35 Iustin Pop
module Ganeti.HTools.Loader
30 446d8827 Iustin Pop
    ( mergeData
31 446d8827 Iustin Pop
    , checkData
32 446d8827 Iustin Pop
    , assignIndices
33 446d8827 Iustin Pop
    , lookupNode
34 5a1edeb6 Iustin Pop
    , lookupInstance
35 3e4480e0 Iustin Pop
    , commonSuffix
36 19f38ee8 Iustin Pop
    , RqType(..)
37 19f38ee8 Iustin Pop
    , Request(..)
38 446d8827 Iustin Pop
    ) where
39 040afc35 Iustin Pop
40 e4c5beaf Iustin Pop
import Data.List
41 2d0ca2c5 Iustin Pop
import qualified Data.Map as M
42 446d8827 Iustin Pop
import Text.Printf (printf)
43 e4c5beaf Iustin Pop
44 e4c5beaf Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Container as Container
45 e4c5beaf Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Instance as Instance
46 e4c5beaf Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Node as Node
47 e4c5beaf Iustin Pop
48 e4c5beaf Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.HTools.Types
49 e4c5beaf Iustin Pop
50 f5e67f55 Iustin Pop
-- * Constants
51 f5e67f55 Iustin Pop
52 f5e67f55 Iustin Pop
-- | The exclusion tag prefix
53 f5e67f55 Iustin Pop
exTagsPrefix :: String
54 f5e67f55 Iustin Pop
exTagsPrefix = "htools:iextags:"
55 f5e67f55 Iustin Pop
56 19f38ee8 Iustin Pop
-- * Types
57 19f38ee8 Iustin Pop
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{-| The iallocator request type.
59 19f38ee8 Iustin Pop
60 19f38ee8 Iustin Pop
This type denotes what request we got from Ganeti and also holds
61 19f38ee8 Iustin Pop
request-specific fields.
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63 19f38ee8 Iustin Pop
64 19f38ee8 Iustin Pop
data RqType
65 19f38ee8 Iustin Pop
    = Allocate Instance.Instance Int -- ^ A new instance allocation
66 19f38ee8 Iustin Pop
    | Relocate Idx Int [Ndx]         -- ^ Move an instance to a new
67 19f38ee8 Iustin Pop
                                     -- secondary node
68 54365762 Iustin Pop
    | Evacuate [Ndx]                 -- ^ Evacuate nodes
69 19f38ee8 Iustin Pop
    deriving (Show)
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71 19f38ee8 Iustin Pop
-- | A complete request, as received from Ganeti.
72 3e4480e0 Iustin Pop
data Request = Request RqType Node.List Instance.List [String]
73 19f38ee8 Iustin Pop
    deriving (Show)
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-- * Functions
76 19f38ee8 Iustin Pop
77 9188aeef Iustin Pop
-- | Lookups a node into an assoc list.
78 6ff78049 Iustin Pop
lookupNode :: (Monad m) => NameAssoc -> String -> String -> m Ndx
79 040afc35 Iustin Pop
lookupNode ktn inst node =
80 2d0ca2c5 Iustin Pop
    case M.lookup node ktn of
81 040afc35 Iustin Pop
      Nothing -> fail $ "Unknown node '" ++ node ++ "' for instance " ++ inst
82 040afc35 Iustin Pop
      Just idx -> return idx
83 040afc35 Iustin Pop
84 9188aeef Iustin Pop
-- | Lookups an instance into an assoc list.
85 6ff78049 Iustin Pop
lookupInstance :: (Monad m) => NameAssoc -> String -> m Idx
86 5a1edeb6 Iustin Pop
lookupInstance kti inst =
87 2d0ca2c5 Iustin Pop
    case M.lookup inst kti of
88 5a1edeb6 Iustin Pop
      Nothing -> fail $ "Unknown instance '" ++ inst ++ "'"
89 5a1edeb6 Iustin Pop
      Just idx -> return idx
90 5a1edeb6 Iustin Pop
91 9188aeef Iustin Pop
-- | Given a list of elements (and their names), assign indices to them.
92 497e30a1 Iustin Pop
assignIndices :: (Element a) =>
93 497e30a1 Iustin Pop
                 [(String, a)]
94 99b63608 Iustin Pop
              -> (NameAssoc, Container.Container a)
95 2d0ca2c5 Iustin Pop
assignIndices nodes =
96 2d0ca2c5 Iustin Pop
  let (na, idx_node) =
97 2d0ca2c5 Iustin Pop
          unzip . map (\ (idx, (k, v)) -> ((k, idx), (idx, setIdx v idx)))
98 2d0ca2c5 Iustin Pop
          . zip [0..] $ nodes
99 99b63608 Iustin Pop
  in (M.fromList na, Container.fromAssocList idx_node)
100 78694255 Iustin Pop
101 9188aeef Iustin Pop
-- | For each instance, add its index to its primary and secondary nodes.
102 99b63608 Iustin Pop
fixNodes :: Node.List
103 aa8d2e71 Iustin Pop
         -> Instance.Instance
104 99b63608 Iustin Pop
         -> Node.List
105 aa8d2e71 Iustin Pop
fixNodes accu inst =
106 d71d0a1d Iustin Pop
107 2060348b Iustin Pop
        pdx = Instance.pNode inst
108 2060348b Iustin Pop
        sdx = Instance.sNode inst
109 99b63608 Iustin Pop
        pold = Container.find pdx accu
110 a488a217 Iustin Pop
        pnew = Node.setPri pold inst
111 99b63608 Iustin Pop
        ac2 = Container.add pdx pnew accu
112 d71d0a1d Iustin Pop
113 d71d0a1d Iustin Pop
      if sdx /= Node.noSecondary
114 99b63608 Iustin Pop
      then let sold = Container.find sdx accu
115 a488a217 Iustin Pop
               snew = Node.setSec sold inst
116 99b63608 Iustin Pop
           in Container.add sdx snew ac2
117 d71d0a1d Iustin Pop
      else ac2
118 e4c5beaf Iustin Pop
119 0f15cc76 Iustin Pop
-- | Remove non-selected tags from the exclusion list
120 0f15cc76 Iustin Pop
filterExTags :: [String] -> Instance.Instance -> Instance.Instance
121 0f15cc76 Iustin Pop
filterExTags tl inst =
122 0f15cc76 Iustin Pop
    let old_tags = Instance.tags inst
123 5182e970 Iustin Pop
        new_tags = filter (\tag -> any (`isPrefixOf` tag) tl)
124 0f15cc76 Iustin Pop
125 0f15cc76 Iustin Pop
    in inst { Instance.tags = new_tags }
126 0f15cc76 Iustin Pop
127 39f979b8 Iustin Pop
-- | Update the movable attribute
128 39f979b8 Iustin Pop
updateMovable :: [String] -> Instance.Instance -> Instance.Instance
129 39f979b8 Iustin Pop
updateMovable exinst inst =
130 39f979b8 Iustin Pop
    if Instance.sNode inst == Node.noSecondary ||
131 39f979b8 Iustin Pop inst `elem` exinst
132 39f979b8 Iustin Pop
    then Instance.setMovable inst False
133 39f979b8 Iustin Pop
    else inst
134 39f979b8 Iustin Pop
135 f9fc7a63 Iustin Pop
-- | Compute the longest common suffix of a list of strings that
136 9188aeef Iustin Pop
-- | starts with a dot.
137 8472a321 Iustin Pop
longestDomain :: [String] -> String
138 e4c5beaf Iustin Pop
longestDomain [] = ""
139 8472a321 Iustin Pop
longestDomain (x:xs) =
140 8472a321 Iustin Pop
      foldr (\ suffix accu -> if all (isSuffixOf suffix) xs
141 e4c5beaf Iustin Pop
                              then suffix
142 e4c5beaf Iustin Pop
                              else accu)
143 e4c5beaf Iustin Pop
      "" $ filter (isPrefixOf ".") (tails x)
144 e4c5beaf Iustin Pop
145 f5e67f55 Iustin Pop
-- | Extracts the exclusion tags from the cluster configuration
146 f5e67f55 Iustin Pop
extractExTags :: [String] -> [String]
147 f5e67f55 Iustin Pop
extractExTags =
148 f5e67f55 Iustin Pop
    map (drop (length exTagsPrefix)) .
149 f5e67f55 Iustin Pop
    filter (isPrefixOf exTagsPrefix)
150 f5e67f55 Iustin Pop
151 381be58a Iustin Pop
-- | Extracts the common suffix from node\/instance names
152 3e4480e0 Iustin Pop
commonSuffix :: Node.List -> Instance.List -> String
153 3e4480e0 Iustin Pop
commonSuffix nl il =
154 3e4480e0 Iustin Pop
    let node_names = map $ Container.elems nl
155 3e4480e0 Iustin Pop
        inst_names = map $ Container.elems il
156 3e4480e0 Iustin Pop
    in longestDomain (node_names ++ inst_names)
157 3e4480e0 Iustin Pop
158 9188aeef Iustin Pop
-- | Initializer function that loads the data from a node and instance
159 9188aeef Iustin Pop
-- list and massages it into the correct format.
160 aa8d2e71 Iustin Pop
mergeData :: [(String, DynUtil)]  -- ^ Instance utilisation data
161 0f15cc76 Iustin Pop
          -> [String]             -- ^ Exclusion tags
162 39f979b8 Iustin Pop
          -> [String]             -- ^ Untouchable instances
163 99b63608 Iustin Pop
          -> (Node.List, Instance.List, [String])
164 94e05c32 Iustin Pop
          -- ^ Data from backends
165 3e4480e0 Iustin Pop
          -> Result (Node.List, Instance.List, [String])
166 99b63608 Iustin Pop
mergeData um extags exinsts (nl, il2, tags) =
167 99b63608 Iustin Pop
  let il = Container.elems il2
168 a5f8dcdc Iustin Pop
      il3 = foldl' (\im (name, n_util) ->
169 a5f8dcdc Iustin Pop
                        case Container.findByName im name of
170 a5f8dcdc Iustin Pop
                          Nothing -> im -- skipping unknown instance
171 a5f8dcdc Iustin Pop
                          Just inst ->
172 a5f8dcdc Iustin Pop
                              let new_i = inst { Instance.util = n_util }
173 a5f8dcdc Iustin Pop
                              in Container.add (Instance.idx inst) new_i im
174 a5f8dcdc Iustin Pop
                   ) il2 um
175 f5e67f55 Iustin Pop
      allextags = extags ++ extractExTags tags
176 39f979b8 Iustin Pop
      il4 = (filterExTags allextags .
177 39f979b8 Iustin Pop
                           updateMovable exinsts) il3
178 0f15cc76 Iustin Pop
      nl2 = foldl' fixNodes nl (Container.elems il4)
179 99b63608 Iustin Pop
      nl3 = (\node -> Node.buildPeers node il4) nl2
180 99b63608 Iustin Pop
      node_names = map (Container.elems nl)
181 99b63608 Iustin Pop
      inst_names = map il
182 8472a321 Iustin Pop
      common_suffix = longestDomain (node_names ++ inst_names)
183 3e4480e0 Iustin Pop
      snl = (computeAlias common_suffix) nl3
184 3e4480e0 Iustin Pop
      sil = (computeAlias common_suffix) il4
185 c854092b Iustin Pop
      all_inst_names = concatMap allNames $ Container.elems sil
186 c854092b Iustin Pop
  in if not $ all (`elem` all_inst_names) exinsts
187 5ab2b771 Iustin Pop
     then Bad $ "Some of the excluded instances are unknown: " ++
188 c854092b Iustin Pop
          show (exinsts \\ all_inst_names)
189 3e4480e0 Iustin Pop
     else Ok (snl, sil, tags)
190 446d8827 Iustin Pop
191 9188aeef Iustin Pop
-- | Checks the cluster data for consistency.
192 262a08a2 Iustin Pop
checkData :: Node.List -> Instance.List
193 262a08a2 Iustin Pop
          -> ([String], Node.List)
194 dbd6700b Iustin Pop
checkData nl il =
195 446d8827 Iustin Pop
196 446d8827 Iustin Pop
        (\ msgs node ->
197 dbd6700b Iustin Pop
             let nname = node
198 5182e970 Iustin Pop
                 nilst = map (`Container.find` il) (Node.pList node)
199 446d8827 Iustin Pop
                 dilst = filter (not . Instance.running) nilst
200 446d8827 Iustin Pop
                 adj_mem = sum . map Instance.mem $ dilst
201 2060348b Iustin Pop
                 delta_mem = truncate (Node.tMem node)
202 2060348b Iustin Pop
                             - Node.nMem node
203 2060348b Iustin Pop
                             - Node.fMem node
204 9f6dcdea Iustin Pop
                             - nodeImem node il
205 446d8827 Iustin Pop
                             + adj_mem
206 2060348b Iustin Pop
                 delta_dsk = truncate (Node.tDsk node)
207 2060348b Iustin Pop
                             - Node.fDsk node
208 9f6dcdea Iustin Pop
                             - nodeIdsk node il
209 446d8827 Iustin Pop
                 newn = Node.setFmem (Node.setXmem node delta_mem)
210 2060348b Iustin Pop
                        (Node.fMem node - adj_mem)
211 9f6dcdea Iustin Pop
                 umsg1 = [printf "node %s is missing %d MB ram \
212 9f6dcdea Iustin Pop
                                 \and %d GB disk"
213 9f6dcdea Iustin Pop
                                 nname delta_mem (delta_dsk `div` 1024) |
214 9f6dcdea Iustin Pop
                                 delta_mem > 512 || delta_dsk > 1024]::[String]
215 446d8827 Iustin Pop
             in (msgs ++ umsg1, newn)
216 446d8827 Iustin Pop
        ) [] nl
217 446d8827 Iustin Pop
218 446d8827 Iustin Pop
-- | Compute the amount of memory used by primary instances on a node.
219 262a08a2 Iustin Pop
nodeImem :: Node.Node -> Instance.List -> Int
220 446d8827 Iustin Pop
nodeImem node il =
221 9f6dcdea Iustin Pop
    let rfind = flip Container.find il
222 9f6dcdea Iustin Pop
    in sum . map (Instance.mem . rfind)
223 2060348b Iustin Pop
           $ Node.pList node
224 446d8827 Iustin Pop
225 446d8827 Iustin Pop
-- | Compute the amount of disk used by instances on a node (either primary
226 446d8827 Iustin Pop
-- or secondary).
227 262a08a2 Iustin Pop
nodeIdsk :: Node.Node -> Instance.List -> Int
228 446d8827 Iustin Pop
nodeIdsk node il =
229 9f6dcdea Iustin Pop
    let rfind = flip Container.find il
230 9f6dcdea Iustin Pop
    in sum . map (Instance.dsk . rfind)
231 2060348b Iustin Pop
           $ Node.pList node ++ Node.sList node