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root / Ganeti / HTools / Instance.hs @ a46f34d7

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1 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
{-| Module describing an instance.
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The instance data type holds very few fields, the algorithm
4 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
intelligence is in the "Node" and "Cluster" modules.
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Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc.
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This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 e2fa2baf Iustin Pop
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15 e2fa2baf Iustin Pop
(at your option) any later version.
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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
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WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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20 e2fa2baf Iustin Pop
General Public License for more details.
21 e2fa2baf Iustin Pop
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 e2fa2baf Iustin Pop
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
24 e2fa2baf Iustin Pop
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
25 e2fa2baf Iustin Pop
02110-1301, USA.
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29 181d4e04 Iustin Pop
module Ganeti.HTools.Instance
30 181d4e04 Iustin Pop
    ( Instance(..)
31 181d4e04 Iustin Pop
    , AssocList
32 181d4e04 Iustin Pop
    , List
33 181d4e04 Iustin Pop
    , create
34 181d4e04 Iustin Pop
    , setIdx
35 181d4e04 Iustin Pop
    , setName
36 181d4e04 Iustin Pop
    , setPri
37 181d4e04 Iustin Pop
    , setSec
38 181d4e04 Iustin Pop
    , setBoth
39 a182df55 Iustin Pop
    , setMovable
40 83ad1f3c Iustin Pop
    , specOf
41 c8db97e5 Iustin Pop
    , shrinkByType
42 a46f34d7 Iustin Pop
    , runningStates
43 181d4e04 Iustin Pop
    ) where
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45 262a08a2 Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Types as T
46 262a08a2 Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Container as Container
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-- * Type declarations
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-- | The instance type
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data Instance = Instance { name :: String    -- ^ The instance name
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                         , mem :: Int        -- ^ Memory of the instance
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                         , dsk :: Int        -- ^ Disk size of instance
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                         , vcpus :: Int      -- ^ Number of VCPUs
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                         , running :: Bool   -- ^ Is the instance running?
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                         , runSt :: String   -- ^ Original (text) run status
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                         , pNode :: T.Ndx    -- ^ Original primary node
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                         , sNode :: T.Ndx    -- ^ Original secondary node
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                         , idx :: T.Idx      -- ^ Internal index
60 2180829f Iustin Pop
                         , util :: T.DynUtil -- ^ Dynamic resource usage
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                         , movable :: Bool   -- ^ Can the instance be moved?
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                         , tags :: [String]  -- ^ List of instance tags
63 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
                         } deriving (Show)
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65 262a08a2 Iustin Pop
instance T.Element Instance where
66 262a08a2 Iustin Pop
    nameOf  = name
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    idxOf   = idx
68 262a08a2 Iustin Pop
    setName = setName
69 262a08a2 Iustin Pop
    setIdx  = setIdx
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-- | Base memory unit.
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unitMem :: Int
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unitMem = 64
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-- | Base disk unit.
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unitDsk :: Int
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unitDsk = 256
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-- | Base vcpus unit.
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unitCpu :: Int
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unitCpu = 1
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-- | Running instance states.
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runningStates :: [String]
83 a46f34d7 Iustin Pop
runningStates = ["running", "ERROR_up"]
84 a46f34d7 Iustin Pop
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-- | A simple name for the int, instance association list.
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type AssocList = [(T.Idx, Instance)]
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-- | A simple name for an instance map.
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type List = Container.Container Instance
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-- * Initialization
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-- | Create an instance.
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-- Some parameters are not initialized by function, and must be set
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-- later (via 'setIdx' for example).
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create :: String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> String
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       -> [String] -> T.Ndx -> T.Ndx -> Instance
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create name_init mem_init dsk_init vcpus_init run_init tags_init pn sn =
100 2180829f Iustin Pop
    Instance { name = name_init
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             , mem = mem_init
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             , dsk = dsk_init
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             , vcpus = vcpus_init
104 a46f34d7 Iustin Pop
             , running = run_init `elem` runningStates
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             , runSt = run_init
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             , pNode = pn
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             , sNode = sn
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             , idx = -1
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             , util = T.baseUtil
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             , tags = tags_init
111 a182df55 Iustin Pop
             , movable = True
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-- | Changes the index.
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-- This is used only during the building of the data structures.
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setIdx :: Instance -- ^ The original instance
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       -> T.Idx    -- ^ New index
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       -> Instance -- ^ The modified instance
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setIdx t i = t { idx = i }
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-- | Changes the name.
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-- This is used only during the building of the data structures.
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setName :: Instance -- ^ The original instance
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        -> String   -- ^ New name
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        -> Instance -- ^ The modified instance
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setName t s = t { name = s }
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-- * Update functions
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-- | Changes the primary node of the instance.
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setPri :: Instance  -- ^ the original instance
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        -> T.Ndx    -- ^ the new primary node
135 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
        -> Instance -- ^ the modified instance
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setPri t p = t { pNode = p }
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-- | Changes the secondary node of the instance.
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setSec :: Instance  -- ^ the original instance
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        -> T.Ndx    -- ^ the new secondary node
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        -> Instance -- ^ the modified instance
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setSec t s = t { sNode = s }
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-- | Changes both nodes of the instance.
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setBoth :: Instance  -- ^ the original instance
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         -> T.Ndx    -- ^ new primary node index
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         -> T.Ndx    -- ^ new secondary node index
148 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
         -> Instance -- ^ the modified instance
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setBoth t p s = t { pNode = p, sNode = s }
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151 a182df55 Iustin Pop
setMovable :: Instance -- ^ The original instance
152 a182df55 Iustin Pop
           -> Bool     -- ^ New movable flag
153 a182df55 Iustin Pop
           -> Instance -- ^ The modified instance
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setMovable t m = t { movable = m }
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-- | Try to shrink the instance based on the reason why we can't
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-- allocate it.
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shrinkByType :: Instance -> T.FailMode -> T.Result Instance
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shrinkByType inst T.FailMem = let v = mem inst - unitMem
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                              in if v < unitMem
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                                 then T.Bad "out of memory"
162 c8db97e5 Iustin Pop
                                 else T.Ok inst { mem = v }
163 c8db97e5 Iustin Pop
shrinkByType inst T.FailDisk = let v = dsk inst - unitDsk
164 c8db97e5 Iustin Pop
                               in if v < unitDsk
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                                  then T.Bad "out of disk"
166 c8db97e5 Iustin Pop
                                  else T.Ok inst { dsk = v }
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shrinkByType inst T.FailCPU = let v = vcpus inst - unitCpu
168 c8db97e5 Iustin Pop
                              in if v < unitCpu
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                                 then T.Bad "out of vcpus"
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                                 else T.Ok inst { vcpus = v }
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shrinkByType _ f = T.Bad $ "Unhandled failure mode " ++ show f
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-- | Return the spec of an instance.
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specOf :: Instance -> T.RSpec
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specOf Instance { mem = m, dsk = d, vcpus = c } =
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    T.RSpec { T.rspecCpu = c, T.rspecMem = m, T.rspecDsk = d }