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root / Ganeti / HTools / Instance.hs @ b0517d61

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1 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
{-| Module describing an instance.
2 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
3 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
The instance data type holds very few fields, the algorithm
4 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
intelligence is in the "Node" and "Cluster" modules.
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6 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
7 669d7e3d Iustin Pop
module Ganeti.HTools.Instance where
8 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
9 f82f1f39 Iustin Pop
data Instance = Instance { mem :: Int       -- ^ memory of the instance
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                         , dsk :: Int       -- ^ disk size of instance
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                         , running :: Bool  -- ^ whether the instance
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                                            -- is running
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                         , run_st :: String -- ^ original (text) run status
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                         , pnode :: Int     -- ^ original primary node
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                         , snode :: Int     -- ^ original secondary node
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                         , idx :: Int       -- ^ internal index for
17 f82f1f39 Iustin Pop
                                            -- book-keeping
18 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
                         } deriving (Show)
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create :: Int -> Int -> String -> Int -> Int -> Instance
21 f82f1f39 Iustin Pop
create mem_init dsk_init run_init pn sn =
22 47a8bade Iustin Pop
    Instance {
23 47a8bade Iustin Pop
          mem = mem_init,
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          dsk = dsk_init,
25 f82f1f39 Iustin Pop
          running = case run_init of
26 f82f1f39 Iustin Pop
                      "running" -> True
27 f82f1f39 Iustin Pop
                      "ERROR_up" -> True
28 f82f1f39 Iustin Pop
                      _ -> False,
29 f82f1f39 Iustin Pop
          run_st = run_init,
30 47a8bade Iustin Pop
          pnode = pn,
31 47a8bade Iustin Pop
          snode = sn,
32 47a8bade Iustin Pop
          idx = -1
33 47a8bade Iustin Pop
34 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
35 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
-- | Changes the primary node of the instance.
36 fd934a28 Iustin Pop
setPri :: Instance  -- ^ the original instance
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        -> Int      -- ^ the new primary node
38 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
        -> Instance -- ^ the modified instance
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setPri t p = t { pnode = p }
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41 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
-- | Changes the secondary node of the instance.
42 fd934a28 Iustin Pop
setSec :: Instance  -- ^ the original instance
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        -> Int      -- ^ the new secondary node
44 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
        -> Instance -- ^ the modified instance
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setSec t s = t { snode = s }
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-- | Changes both nodes of the instance.
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setBoth :: Instance  -- ^ the original instance
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         -> Int      -- ^ new primary node index
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         -> Int      -- ^ new secondary node index
51 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
         -> Instance -- ^ the modified instance
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setBoth t p s = t { pnode = p, snode = s }
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-- | Changes the index.
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-- This is used only during the building of the data structures.
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setIdx :: Instance  -- ^ the original instance
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        -> Int      -- ^ new index
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        -> Instance -- ^ the modified instance
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setIdx t i = t { idx = i }