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1 a755f3a0 Michele Tartara
HAREP(1) Ganeti | Version @GANETI_VERSION@
2 2c7c1fa8 Apollon Oikonomopoulos
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harep - Ganeti auto-repair tool
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**harep** [ [**-L** | **\--luxi** ] = *socket* ] [ --job-delay = *seconds* ]
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**harep** \--version
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Harep is the Ganeti auto-repair tool. It is able to detect that an instance is
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broken and to generate a sequence of jobs that will fix it, in accordance to the
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policies set by the administrator.
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Harep is able to recognize what state an instance is in (healthy, suspended,
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needs repair, repair disallowed, pending repair, repair disallowed, repair
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failed) and to lead it through a sequence of steps that will bring the instance
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back to the healthy state. Therefore, harep is mainly meant to be run regularly
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and frequently using a cron job, so that is can actually follow the instance
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along all the process. At every run, harep will update the tags it adds to
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instances that describe its repair status, and will submit jobs that actually
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perform the required repair operations.
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By default, harep only reports on the health status of instances, but doesn't
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perform any action, as they might be potentially dangerous. Therefore, harep
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will only touch instances that it has been explicitly authorized to work on.
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The tags enabling harep, can be associated to single instances, or to a
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nodegroup or to the whole cluster, therefore affecting all the instances they
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contain. The possible tags share the common structure::
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where ``<type>`` can have the following values:
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* ``fix-storage``: allow disk replacement or fix the backend without affecting the instance
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  itself (broken DRBD secondary)
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* ``migrate``: allow instance migration
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* ``failover``: allow instance reboot on the secondary
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* ``reinstall``: allow disks to be recreated and the instance to be reinstalled
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Each element in the list of tags, includes all the authorizations of the
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previous one, with ``fix-storage`` being the least powerful and ``reinstall``
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being the most powerful.
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In case multiple autorepair tags act on the same instance, only one can actually
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be active. The conflict is solved according to the following rules:
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#. if multiple tags are in the same object, the least destructive takes
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#. if the tags are across objects, the nearest tag wins.
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A cluster has instances I1 and I2, where I1 has the ``failover`` tag, and
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the cluster has both ``fix-storage`` and ``reinstall``.
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The I1 instance will be allowed to ``failover``, the I2 instance only to
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The options that can be passed to the program are as follows:
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-L *socket*, \--luxi=*socket*
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  collect data via Luxi, optionally using the given *socket* path.
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  insert this much delay before the execution of repair jobs to allow the tool
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  to continue processing instances.
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