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root / htools / Ganeti / Query / Filter.hs @ bc4cdeef

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1 8a65c02b Iustin Pop
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
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{-| Implementation of the Ganeti Query2 filterning.
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The filtering of results should be done in two phases.
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In the first phase, before contacting any remote nodes for runtime
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data, the filtering should be executed with 'Nothing' for the runtime
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context. This will make all non-runtime filters filter correctly,
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whereas all runtime filters will respond successfully. As described in
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the Python version too, this makes for example /Or/ filters very
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inefficient if they contain runtime fields.
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Once this first filtering phase has been done, we hopefully eliminated
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some remote nodes out of the list of candidates, we run the remote
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data gathering, and we evaluate the filter again, this time with a
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'Just' runtime context. This will make all filters work correctly.
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Note that the second run will re-evaluate the config/simple fields,
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without caching; this is not perfect, but we consider config accesses
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very cheap (and the configuration snapshot we have won't change
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between the two runs, hence we will not get inconsistent results).
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Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc.
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This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
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(at your option) any later version.
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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
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WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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General Public License for more details.
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
41 8a65c02b Iustin Pop
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
42 8a65c02b Iustin Pop
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
43 8a65c02b Iustin Pop
02110-1301, USA.
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module Ganeti.Query.Filter
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  ( compileFilter
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  , evaluateFilter
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  , requestedNames
51 8a65c02b Iustin Pop
  ) where
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import Control.Applicative
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import Control.Monad (liftM)
55 8a65c02b Iustin Pop
import qualified Data.Map as Map
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import Data.Traversable (traverse)
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import Text.JSON (JSValue(..), fromJSString)
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import Text.JSON.Pretty (pp_value)
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import qualified Text.Regex.PCRE as PCRE
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import Ganeti.BasicTypes
62 8a65c02b Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.Objects
63 4cab6703 Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.Query.Language
64 8a65c02b Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.Query.Types
65 f3baf5ef Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.JSON
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-- | Compiles a filter based on field names to one based on getters.
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compileFilter :: FieldMap a b
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              -> Filter FilterField
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              -> Result (Filter (FieldGetter a b))
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compileFilter fm =
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  traverse (\field -> maybe (Bad $ "Can't find field named '" ++ field ++ "'")
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                      (Ok . snd) (field `Map.lookup` fm))
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-- | Wraps a getter, filter pair. If the getter is 'FieldRuntime' but
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-- we don't have a runtime context, we skip the filtering, returning
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-- \"pass\". Otherwise, we pass the actual value to the filter.
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wrapGetter :: ConfigData
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           -> Maybe b
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           -> a
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           -> FieldGetter a b
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           -> (JSValue -> Result Bool)
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           -> Result Bool
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wrapGetter cfg b a getter faction =
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  case tryGetter cfg b a getter of
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    Nothing -> Ok True -- runtime missing, accepting the value
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    Just v ->
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      case v of
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        ResultEntry RSNormal (Just fval) -> faction fval
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        ResultEntry RSNormal Nothing ->
91 8a65c02b Iustin Pop
          Bad "Internal error: Getter returned RSNormal/Nothing"
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        _ -> Ok True -- filter has no data to work, accepting it
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-- | Helper to evaluate a filter getter (and the value it generates) in
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-- a boolean context.
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trueFilter :: JSValue -> Result Bool
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trueFilter (JSBool x) = Ok x
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trueFilter v = Bad $ "Unexpected value '" ++ show (pp_value v) ++
99 8a65c02b Iustin Pop
               "' in boolean context"
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-- | A type synonim for a rank-2 comparator function. This is used so
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-- that we can pass the usual '<=', '>', '==' functions to 'binOpFilter'
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-- and for them to be used in multiple contexts.
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type Comparator = (Eq a, Ord a) => a -> a -> Bool
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-- | Helper to evaluate a filder getter (and the value it generates)
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-- in a boolean context. Note the order of arguments is reversed from
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-- the filter definitions (due to the call chain), make sure to
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-- compare in the reverse order too!.
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binOpFilter :: Comparator -> FilterValue -> JSValue -> Result Bool
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binOpFilter comp (QuotedString y) (JSString x) =
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  Ok $ fromJSString x `comp` y
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binOpFilter comp (NumericValue y) (JSRational _ x) =
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  Ok $ x `comp` fromIntegral y
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binOpFilter _ expr actual =
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  Bad $ "Invalid types in comparison, trying to compare " ++
117 8a65c02b Iustin Pop
      show (pp_value actual) ++ " with '" ++ show expr ++ "'"
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-- | Implements the 'RegexpFilter' matching.
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regexpFilter :: FilterRegex -> JSValue -> Result Bool
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regexpFilter re (JSString val) =
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  Ok $ PCRE.match (compiledRegex re) (fromJSString val)
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regexpFilter _ x =
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  Bad $ "Invalid field value used in regexp matching,\
125 8a65c02b Iustin Pop
        \ expecting string but got '" ++ show (pp_value x) ++ "'"
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-- | Implements the 'ContainsFilter' matching.
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containsFilter :: FilterValue -> JSValue -> Result Bool
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-- note: the next two implementations are the same, but we have to
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-- repeat them due to the encapsulation done by FilterValue
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containsFilter (QuotedString val) lst = do
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  lst' <- fromJVal lst
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  return $ val `elem` lst'
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containsFilter (NumericValue val) lst = do
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  lst' <- fromJVal lst
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  return $ val `elem` lst'
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-- | Verifies if a given item passes a filter. The runtime context
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-- might be missing, in which case most of the filters will consider
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-- this as passing the filter.
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evaluateFilter :: ConfigData -> Maybe b -> a
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               -> Filter (FieldGetter a b)
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               -> Result Bool
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evaluateFilter _ _  _ EmptyFilter = Ok True
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evaluateFilter c mb a (AndFilter flts) =
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  all id <$> mapM (evaluateFilter c mb a) flts
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evaluateFilter c mb a (OrFilter flts)  =
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  any id <$> mapM (evaluateFilter c mb a) flts
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evaluateFilter c mb a (NotFilter flt)  =
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  not <$> evaluateFilter c mb a flt
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evaluateFilter c mb a (TrueFilter getter)  =
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  wrapGetter c mb a getter trueFilter
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evaluateFilter c mb a (EQFilter getter val) =
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  wrapGetter c mb a getter (binOpFilter (==) val)
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evaluateFilter c mb a (LTFilter getter val) =
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  wrapGetter c mb a getter (binOpFilter (<) val)
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evaluateFilter c mb a (LEFilter getter val) =
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  wrapGetter c mb a getter (binOpFilter (<=) val)
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evaluateFilter c mb a (GTFilter getter val) =
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  wrapGetter c mb a getter (binOpFilter (>) val)
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evaluateFilter c mb a (GEFilter getter val) =
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  wrapGetter c mb a getter (binOpFilter (>=) val)
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evaluateFilter c mb a (RegexpFilter getter re) =
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  wrapGetter c mb a getter (regexpFilter re)
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evaluateFilter c mb a (ContainsFilter getter val) =
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  wrapGetter c mb a getter (containsFilter val)
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-- | Runs a getter with potentially missing runtime context.
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tryGetter :: ConfigData -> Maybe b -> a -> FieldGetter a b -> Maybe ResultEntry
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tryGetter _   _ item (FieldSimple getter)  = Just $ getter item
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tryGetter cfg _ item (FieldConfig getter)  = Just $ getter cfg item
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tryGetter _  rt item (FieldRuntime getter) =
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  maybe Nothing (\rt' -> Just $ getter rt' item) rt
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tryGetter _   _ _    FieldUnknown          = Just $
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                                             ResultEntry RSUnknown Nothing
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-- | Computes the requested names, if only names were requested (and
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-- with equality). Otherwise returns 'Nothing'.
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requestedNames :: FilterField -> Filter FilterField -> Maybe [FilterValue]
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requestedNames _ EmptyFilter = Just []
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requestedNames namefield (OrFilter flts) =
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  liftM concat $ mapM (requestedNames namefield) flts
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requestedNames namefield (EQFilter fld val) =
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  if namefield == fld
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    then Just [val]
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    else Nothing
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requestedNames _ _ = Nothing