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root / htools / Ganeti / Query / Node.hs @ cca4e6fe

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1 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
{-| Implementation of the Ganeti Query2 node queries.
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7 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc.
8 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
9 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
12 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
(at your option) any later version.
13 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
14 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
15 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
17 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
General Public License for more details.
18 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
19 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
21 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
22 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
02110-1301, USA.
23 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
24 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
25 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
26 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
module Ganeti.Query.Node
27 7f0fd838 Agata Murawska
  ( NodeRuntime
28 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  , nodeFieldsMap
29 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  ) where
30 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
31 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
import Control.Applicative
32 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
import Data.List
33 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
import qualified Data.Map as Map
34 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
import qualified Text.JSON as J
35 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
36 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.Config
37 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.Objects
38 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
import Ganeti.JSON
39 7f0fd838 Agata Murawska
import Ganeti.Rpc
40 4cab6703 Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.Query.Language
41 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.Query.Common
42 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.Query.Types
43 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
44 7f0fd838 Agata Murawska
-- | NodeRuntime is the resulting type for NodeInfo call.
45 7f0fd838 Agata Murawska
type NodeRuntime = Either RpcError RpcResultNodeInfo
46 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
47 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
-- | List of node live fields.
48 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
nodeLiveFieldsDefs :: [(FieldName, FieldTitle, FieldType, String, FieldDoc)]
49 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
nodeLiveFieldsDefs =
50 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  [ ("bootid", "BootID", QFTText, "bootid",
51 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
     "Random UUID renewed for each system reboot, can be used\
52 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
     \ for detecting reboots by tracking changes")
53 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  , ("cnodes", "CNodes", QFTNumber, "cpu_nodes",
54 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
     "Number of NUMA domains on node (if exported by hypervisor)")
55 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  , ("csockets", "CSockets", QFTNumber, "cpu_sockets",
56 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
     "Number of physical CPU sockets (if exported by hypervisor)")
57 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  , ("ctotal", "CTotal", QFTNumber, "cpu_total",
58 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
     "Number of logical processors")
59 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  , ("dfree", "DFree", QFTUnit, "vg_free",
60 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
     "Available disk space in volume group")
61 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  , ("dtotal", "DTotal", QFTUnit, "vg_size",
62 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
     "Total disk space in volume group used for instance disk allocation")
63 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  , ("mfree", "MFree", QFTUnit, "memory_free",
64 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
     "Memory available for instance allocations")
65 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  , ("mnode", "MNode", QFTUnit, "memory_dom0",
66 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
     "Amount of memory used by node (dom0 for Xen)")
67 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  , ("mtotal", "MTotal", QFTUnit, "memory_total",
68 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
     "Total amount of memory of physical machine")
69 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
70 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
71 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
-- | Map each name to a function that extracts that value from
72 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
-- the RPC result.
73 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
nodeLiveFieldExtract :: String -> RpcResultNodeInfo -> J.JSValue
74 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
nodeLiveFieldExtract "bootid" res =
75 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
    J.showJSON $ rpcResNodeInfoBootId res
76 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
nodeLiveFieldExtract "cpu_nodes" res =
77 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
    jsonHead (rpcResNodeInfoHvInfo res) hvInfoCpuNodes
78 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
nodeLiveFieldExtract "cpu_sockets" res =
79 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
    jsonHead (rpcResNodeInfoHvInfo res) hvInfoCpuSockets
80 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
nodeLiveFieldExtract "cpu_total" res =
81 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
    jsonHead (rpcResNodeInfoHvInfo res) hvInfoCpuTotal
82 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
nodeLiveFieldExtract "vg_free" res =
83 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
    jsonHead (rpcResNodeInfoVgInfo res) vgInfoVgFree
84 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
nodeLiveFieldExtract "vg_size" res =
85 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
    jsonHead (rpcResNodeInfoVgInfo res) vgInfoVgSize
86 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
nodeLiveFieldExtract "memory_free" res =
87 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
    jsonHead (rpcResNodeInfoHvInfo res) hvInfoMemoryFree
88 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
nodeLiveFieldExtract "memory_dom0" res =
89 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
    jsonHead (rpcResNodeInfoHvInfo res) hvInfoMemoryDom0
90 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
nodeLiveFieldExtract "memory_total" res =
91 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
    jsonHead (rpcResNodeInfoHvInfo res) hvInfoMemoryTotal
92 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
nodeLiveFieldExtract _ _ = J.JSNull
93 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
94 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
-- | Helper for extracting field from RPC result.
95 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
nodeLiveRpcCall :: FieldName -> NodeRuntime -> Node -> ResultEntry
96 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
nodeLiveRpcCall fname (Right res) _ =
97 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
    rsNormal (nodeLiveFieldExtract fname res)
98 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
nodeLiveRpcCall _ (Left err) _ =
99 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
    ResultEntry (rpcErrorToStatus err) Nothing
100 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
101 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
-- | Builder for node live fields.
102 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
nodeLiveFieldBuilder :: (FieldName, FieldTitle, FieldType, String, FieldDoc)
103 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
                     -> FieldData Node NodeRuntime
104 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
nodeLiveFieldBuilder (fname, ftitle, ftype, _, fdoc) =
105 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
  ( FieldDefinition fname ftitle ftype fdoc
106 cca4e6fe Agata Murawska
  , FieldRuntime $ nodeLiveRpcCall fname)
107 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
108 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
-- | The docstring for the node role. Note that we use 'reverse in
109 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
-- order to keep the same order as Python.
110 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
nodeRoleDoc :: String
111 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
nodeRoleDoc =
112 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  "Node role; " ++
113 5b11f8db Iustin Pop
  intercalate ", "
114 5b11f8db Iustin Pop
   (map (\role ->
115 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
          "\"" ++ nodeRoleToRaw role ++ "\" for " ++ roleDescription role)
116 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
   (reverse [minBound..maxBound]))
117 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
118 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
-- | List of all node fields.
119 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
nodeFields :: FieldList Node NodeRuntime
120 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
nodeFields =
121 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  [ (FieldDefinition "drained" "Drained" QFTBool "Whether node is drained",
122 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
     FieldSimple (rsNormal . nodeDrained))
123 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  , (FieldDefinition "master_candidate" "MasterC" QFTBool
124 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
       "Whether node is a master candidate",
125 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
     FieldSimple (rsNormal . nodeMasterCandidate))
126 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  , (FieldDefinition "master_capable" "MasterCapable" QFTBool
127 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
       "Whether node can become a master candidate",
128 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
     FieldSimple (rsNormal . nodeMasterCapable))
129 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  , (FieldDefinition "name" "Node" QFTText "Node name",
130 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
     FieldSimple (rsNormal . nodeName))
131 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  , (FieldDefinition "offline" "Offline" QFTBool
132 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
       "Whether node is marked offline",
133 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
     FieldSimple (rsNormal . nodeOffline))
134 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  , (FieldDefinition "vm_capable" "VMCapable" QFTBool
135 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
       "Whether node can host instances",
136 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
     FieldSimple (rsNormal . nodeVmCapable))
137 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  , (FieldDefinition "pip" "PrimaryIP" QFTText "Primary IP address",
138 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
     FieldSimple (rsNormal . nodePrimaryIp))
139 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  , (FieldDefinition "sip" "SecondaryIP" QFTText "Secondary IP address",
140 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
     FieldSimple (rsNormal . nodeSecondaryIp))
141 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  , (FieldDefinition "master" "IsMaster" QFTBool "Whether node is master",
142 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
     FieldConfig (\cfg node ->
143 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
                    rsNormal (nodeName node ==
144 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
                              clusterMasterNode (configCluster cfg))))
145 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  , (FieldDefinition "group" "Group" QFTText "Node group",
146 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
     FieldConfig (\cfg node ->
147 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
                    rsMaybe (groupName <$> getGroupOfNode cfg node)))
148 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  , (FieldDefinition "group.uuid" "GroupUUID" QFTText "UUID of node group",
149 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
     FieldSimple (rsNormal . nodeGroup))
150 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  ,  (FieldDefinition "ndparams" "NodeParameters" QFTOther
151 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
        "Merged node parameters",
152 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
      FieldConfig ((rsMaybe .) . getNodeNdParams))
153 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  , (FieldDefinition "custom_ndparams" "CustomNodeParameters" QFTOther
154 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
                       "Custom node parameters",
155 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
     FieldSimple (rsNormal . nodeNdparams))
156 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  -- FIXME: the below could be generalised a bit, like in Python
157 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  , (FieldDefinition "pinst_cnt" "Pinst" QFTNumber
158 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
       "Number of instances with this node as primary",
159 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
     FieldConfig (\cfg ->
160 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
                    rsNormal . length . fst . getNodeInstances cfg . nodeName))
161 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  , (FieldDefinition "sinst_cnt" "Sinst" QFTNumber
162 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
       "Number of instances with this node as secondary",
163 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
     FieldConfig (\cfg ->
164 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
                    rsNormal . length . snd . getNodeInstances cfg . nodeName))
165 b9bdc10e Iustin Pop
  , (FieldDefinition "pinst_list" "PriInstances" QFTOther
166 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
       "List of instances with this node as primary",
167 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
     FieldConfig (\cfg -> rsNormal . map instName . fst .
168 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
                          getNodeInstances cfg . nodeName))
169 b9bdc10e Iustin Pop
  , (FieldDefinition "sinst_list" "SecInstances" QFTOther
170 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
       "List of instances with this node as secondary",
171 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
     FieldConfig (\cfg -> rsNormal . map instName . snd .
172 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
                          getNodeInstances cfg . nodeName))
173 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  , (FieldDefinition "role" "Role" QFTText nodeRoleDoc,
174 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
     FieldConfig ((rsNormal .) . getNodeRole))
175 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  -- FIXME: the powered state is special (has an different context,
176 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  -- not runtime) in Python
177 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  , (FieldDefinition "powered" "Powered" QFTBool
178 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
       "Whether node is thought to be powered on",
179 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
180 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  -- FIXME: the two fields below are incomplete in Python, part of the
181 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  -- non-implemented node resource model; they are declared just for
182 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  -- parity, but are not functional
183 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  , (FieldDefinition "hv_state" "HypervisorState" QFTOther "Hypervisor state",
184 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
185 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  , (FieldDefinition "disk_state" "DiskState" QFTOther "Disk state",
186 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
187 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  ] ++
188 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  map nodeLiveFieldBuilder nodeLiveFieldsDefs ++
189 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  map buildNdParamField allNDParamFields ++
190 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  timeStampFields ++
191 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  uuidFields "Node" ++
192 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
  serialFields "Node" ++
193 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
194 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
195 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
-- | The node fields map.
196 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
nodeFieldsMap :: FieldMap Node NodeRuntime
197 046fe3f5 Iustin Pop
nodeFieldsMap = Map.fromList $ map (\v -> (fdefName (fst v), v)) nodeFields