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root / src / Ganeti / Curl / Multi.hs @ d067f40b

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1 cc40185c Iustin Pop
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, EmptyDataDecls #-}
2 cc40185c Iustin Pop
3 cc40185c Iustin Pop
{-| Ganeti-specific implementation of the Curl multi interface
4 cc40185c Iustin Pop
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TODO: Evaluate implementing and switching to
7 cc40185c Iustin Pop
curl_multi_socket_action(3) interface, which is deemed to be more
8 cc40185c Iustin Pop
performant for high-numbers of connections (but this is not the case
9 cc40185c Iustin Pop
for Ganeti).
10 cc40185c Iustin Pop
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14 cc40185c Iustin Pop
15 cc40185c Iustin Pop
Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc.
16 cc40185c Iustin Pop
17 cc40185c Iustin Pop
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
18 cc40185c Iustin Pop
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
19 cc40185c Iustin Pop
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
20 cc40185c Iustin Pop
(at your option) any later version.
21 cc40185c Iustin Pop
22 cc40185c Iustin Pop
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
23 cc40185c Iustin Pop
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
24 cc40185c Iustin Pop
25 cc40185c Iustin Pop
General Public License for more details.
26 cc40185c Iustin Pop
27 cc40185c Iustin Pop
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
28 cc40185c Iustin Pop
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
29 cc40185c Iustin Pop
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
30 cc40185c Iustin Pop
02110-1301, USA.
31 cc40185c Iustin Pop
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34 cc40185c Iustin Pop
module Ganeti.Curl.Multi where
35 cc40185c Iustin Pop
36 cc40185c Iustin Pop
import Control.Concurrent
37 cc40185c Iustin Pop
import Control.Monad
38 cc40185c Iustin Pop
import Data.IORef
39 cc40185c Iustin Pop
import qualified Data.Map as Map
40 cc40185c Iustin Pop
import Foreign.C.String
41 cc40185c Iustin Pop
import Foreign.C.Types
42 cc40185c Iustin Pop
import Foreign.Marshal
43 cc40185c Iustin Pop
import Foreign.Ptr
44 cc40185c Iustin Pop
import Foreign.Storable
45 cc40185c Iustin Pop
import Network.Curl
46 cc40185c Iustin Pop
47 cc40185c Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.Curl.Internal
48 cc40185c Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.Logging
49 cc40185c Iustin Pop
50 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- * Data types
51 cc40185c Iustin Pop
52 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- | Empty data type denoting a Curl multi handle. Naming is similar to
53 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- "Network.Curl" types.
54 cc40185c Iustin Pop
data CurlM_
55 cc40185c Iustin Pop
56 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- | Type alias for a pointer to a Curl multi handle.
57 cc40185c Iustin Pop
type CurlMH = Ptr CurlM_
58 cc40185c Iustin Pop
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-- | Our type alias for maps indexing 'CurlH' handles to the 'IORef'
60 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- for the Curl code.
61 cc40185c Iustin Pop
type HandleMap = Map.Map CurlH (IORef CurlCode)
62 cc40185c Iustin Pop
63 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- * FFI declarations
64 cc40185c Iustin Pop
65 cc40185c Iustin Pop
foreign import ccall
66 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  "curl_multi_init" curl_multi_init :: IO CurlMH
67 cc40185c Iustin Pop
68 cc40185c Iustin Pop
foreign import ccall
69 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  "curl_multi_cleanup" curl_multi_cleanup :: CurlMH -> IO CInt
70 cc40185c Iustin Pop
71 cc40185c Iustin Pop
foreign import ccall
72 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  "curl_multi_add_handle" curl_multi_add_handle :: CurlMH -> CurlH -> IO CInt
73 cc40185c Iustin Pop
74 cc40185c Iustin Pop
foreign import ccall
75 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  "curl_multi_remove_handle" curl_multi_remove_handle :: CurlMH -> CurlH ->
76 cc40185c Iustin Pop
                                                         IO CInt
77 cc40185c Iustin Pop
78 cc40185c Iustin Pop
foreign import ccall
79 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  "curl_multi_perform" curl_multi_perform :: CurlMH -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt
80 cc40185c Iustin Pop
81 cc40185c Iustin Pop
foreign import ccall
82 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  "curl_multi_info_read" curl_multi_info_read :: CurlMH -> Ptr CInt
83 cc40185c Iustin Pop
                                              -> IO (Ptr CurlMsg)
84 cc40185c Iustin Pop
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-- * Wrappers over FFI functions
86 cc40185c Iustin Pop
87 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- | Adds an easy handle to a multi handle. This is a nicer wrapper
88 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- over 'curl_multi_add_handle' that fails for wrong codes.
89 cc40185c Iustin Pop
curlMultiAddHandle :: CurlMH -> Curl -> IO ()
90 cc40185c Iustin Pop
curlMultiAddHandle multi easy = do
91 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  r <- curlPrim easy $ \_ x -> curl_multi_add_handle multi x
92 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  when (toMCode r /= CurlmOK) .
93 cc40185c Iustin Pop
    fail $ "Failed adding easy handle to multi handle: " ++ show r
94 cc40185c Iustin Pop
95 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- | Nice wrapper over 'curl_multi_info_read' that massages the
96 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- results into Haskell types.
97 cc40185c Iustin Pop
curlMultiInfoRead :: CurlMH -> IO (Maybe CurlMsg, CInt)
98 cc40185c Iustin Pop
curlMultiInfoRead multi =
99 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  alloca $ \ppending -> do
100 cc40185c Iustin Pop
    pmsg <- curl_multi_info_read multi ppending
101 cc40185c Iustin Pop
    pending <- peek ppending
102 cc40185c Iustin Pop
    msg <- if pmsg == nullPtr
103 cc40185c Iustin Pop
             then return Nothing
104 cc40185c Iustin Pop
             else Just `fmap` peek pmsg
105 cc40185c Iustin Pop
    return (msg, pending)
106 cc40185c Iustin Pop
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-- | Nice wrapper over 'curl_multi_perform'.
108 cc40185c Iustin Pop
curlMultiPerform :: CurlMH -> IO (CurlMCode, CInt)
109 cc40185c Iustin Pop
curlMultiPerform multi =
110 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  alloca $ \running -> do
111 cc40185c Iustin Pop
    mcode <- curl_multi_perform multi running
112 cc40185c Iustin Pop
    running' <- peek running
113 cc40185c Iustin Pop
    return (toMCode mcode, running')
114 cc40185c Iustin Pop
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-- * Helper functions
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117 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- | Magical constant for the polling delay. This needs to be chosen such that:
118 cc40185c Iustin Pop
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-- * we don't poll too often; a slower poll allows the RTS to schedule
120 cc40185c Iustin Pop
--   other threads, and let them work
121 cc40185c Iustin Pop
122 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- * we don't want to pool too slow, so that Curl gets to act on the
123 cc40185c Iustin Pop
--   handles that need it
124 cc40185c Iustin Pop
pollDelayInterval :: Int
125 cc40185c Iustin Pop
pollDelayInterval = 10000
126 cc40185c Iustin Pop
127 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- | Writes incoming curl data to a list of strings, stored in an 'IORef'.
128 cc40185c Iustin Pop
writeHandle :: IORef [String] -> Ptr CChar -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr () -> IO CInt
129 cc40185c Iustin Pop
writeHandle bufref cstr sz nelems _ = do
130 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  let full_sz = sz * nelems
131 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  hs_str <- peekCStringLen (cstr, fromIntegral full_sz)
132 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  modifyIORef bufref (hs_str:)
133 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  return full_sz
134 cc40185c Iustin Pop
135 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- | Loops and extracts all pending messages from a Curl multi handle.
136 cc40185c Iustin Pop
readMessages :: CurlMH -> HandleMap -> IO ()
137 cc40185c Iustin Pop
readMessages mh hmap = do
138 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  (cmsg, pending) <- curlMultiInfoRead mh
139 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  case cmsg of
140 cc40185c Iustin Pop
    Nothing -> return ()
141 cc40185c Iustin Pop
    Just (CurlMsg msg eh res) -> do
142 cc40185c Iustin Pop
      logDebug $ "Got msg! msg " ++ show msg ++ " res " ++ show res ++
143 cc40185c Iustin Pop
               ", " ++ show pending ++ " messages left"
144 cc40185c Iustin Pop
      let cref = (Map.!) hmap eh
145 cc40185c Iustin Pop
      writeIORef cref res
146 cc40185c Iustin Pop
      _ <- curl_multi_remove_handle mh eh
147 cc40185c Iustin Pop
      when (pending > 0) $ readMessages mh hmap
148 cc40185c Iustin Pop
149 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- | Loops and polls curl until there are no more remaining handles.
150 cc40185c Iustin Pop
performMulti :: CurlMH -> HandleMap -> CInt -> IO ()
151 cc40185c Iustin Pop
performMulti mh hmap expected = do
152 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  (mcode, running) <- curlMultiPerform mh
153 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  delay <- case mcode of
154 cc40185c Iustin Pop
             CurlmCallMultiPerform -> return $ return ()
155 cc40185c Iustin Pop
             CurlmOK -> return $ threadDelay pollDelayInterval
156 cc40185c Iustin Pop
             code -> error $ "Received bad return code from" ++
157 cc40185c Iustin Pop
                     "'curl_multi_perform': " ++ show code
158 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  logDebug $ "mcode: " ++ show mcode ++ ", remaining: " ++ show running
159 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  -- check if any handles are done and then retrieve their messages
160 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  when (expected /= running) $ readMessages mh hmap
161 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  -- and if we still have handles running, loop
162 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  when (running > 0) $ delay >> performMulti mh hmap running
163 cc40185c Iustin Pop
164 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- | Template for the Curl error buffer.
165 cc40185c Iustin Pop
errorBuffer :: String
166 cc40185c Iustin Pop
errorBuffer = replicate errorBufferSize '\0'
167 cc40185c Iustin Pop
168 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- | Allocate a NULL-initialised error buffer.
169 cc40185c Iustin Pop
mallocErrorBuffer :: IO CString
170 cc40185c Iustin Pop
mallocErrorBuffer = fst `fmap` newCStringLen errorBuffer
171 cc40185c Iustin Pop
172 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- | Initialise a curl handle. This is just a wrapper over the
173 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- "Network.Curl" function 'initialize', plus adding our options.
174 cc40185c Iustin Pop
makeEasyHandle :: (IORef [String], Ptr CChar, ([CurlOption], URLString))
175 cc40185c Iustin Pop
               -> IO Curl
176 cc40185c Iustin Pop
makeEasyHandle (f, e, (opts, url)) = do
177 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  h <- initialize
178 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  setopts h opts
179 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  setopts h [ CurlWriteFunction (writeHandle f)
180 cc40185c Iustin Pop
            , CurlErrorBuffer e
181 cc40185c Iustin Pop
            , CurlURL url
182 cc40185c Iustin Pop
            , CurlFailOnError True
183 cc40185c Iustin Pop
            , CurlNoSignal True
184 cc40185c Iustin Pop
            , CurlProxy ""
185 cc40185c Iustin Pop
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  return h
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-- * Main multi-call work function
189 cc40185c Iustin Pop
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-- | Perform a multi-call against a list of nodes.
191 cc40185c Iustin Pop
execMultiCall :: [([CurlOption], String)] -> IO [(CurlCode, String)]
192 cc40185c Iustin Pop
execMultiCall ous = do
193 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  -- error buffers
194 ffc18bb2 Thomas Thrainer
  errorbufs <- mapM (const mallocErrorBuffer) ous
195 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  -- result buffers
196 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  outbufs <- mapM (\_ -> newIORef []) ous
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  -- handles
198 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  ehandles <- mapM makeEasyHandle $ zip3 outbufs errorbufs ous
199 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  -- holding handles to error code iorefs
200 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  hmap <- foldM (\m h -> curlPrim h (\_ hnd -> do
201 cc40185c Iustin Pop
                                       ccode <- newIORef CurlOK
202 cc40185c Iustin Pop
                                       return $ Map.insert hnd ccode m
203 cc40185c Iustin Pop
                                    )) Map.empty ehandles
204 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  mh <- curl_multi_init
205 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  mapM_ (curlMultiAddHandle mh) ehandles
206 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  performMulti mh hmap (fromIntegral $ length ehandles)
207 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  -- dummy code to keep the handles alive until here
208 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  mapM_ (\h -> curlPrim h (\_ _ -> return ())) ehandles
209 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  -- cleanup the multi handle
210 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  mh_cleanup <- toMCode `fmap` curl_multi_cleanup mh
211 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  when (mh_cleanup /= CurlmOK) .
212 cc40185c Iustin Pop
    logError $ "Non-OK return from multi_cleanup: " ++ show mh_cleanup
213 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  -- and now extract the data from the IORefs
214 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  mapM (\(e, b, h) -> do
215 cc40185c Iustin Pop
          s <- peekCString e
216 cc40185c Iustin Pop
          free e
217 cc40185c Iustin Pop
          cref <- curlPrim h (\_ hnd -> return $ (Map.!) hmap hnd)
218 cc40185c Iustin Pop
          ccode <- readIORef cref
219 cc40185c Iustin Pop
          result <- if ccode == CurlOK
220 cc40185c Iustin Pop
                      then (concat . reverse) `fmap` readIORef b
221 cc40185c Iustin Pop
                      else return s
222 cc40185c Iustin Pop
          return (ccode, result)
223 cc40185c Iustin Pop
       ) $ zip3 errorbufs outbufs ehandles