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root / pylintrc @ e969a81f

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1 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
# Configuration file for pylint ( See
2 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
# for more detailed variable
3 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
# descriptions.
4 bd39b6bb Thomas Thrainer
5 bd39b6bb Thomas Thrainer
# NOTE: Keep this file in sync (as much as possible) with pylintrc-test!
6 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
7 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
8 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
profile = no
9 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
ignore =
10 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
persistent = no
11 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
cache-size = 50000
12 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
load-plugins =
13 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
14 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
15 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
output-format = colorized
16 80f3f415 Iustin Pop
include-ids = yes
17 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
files-output = no
18 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
reports = no
19 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
evaluation = 10.0 - ((float(5 * error + warning + refactor + convention) / statement) * 10)
20 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
comment = yes
21 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
22 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
23 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
required-attributes =
24 80f3f415 Iustin Pop
# disabling docstring checks since we have way too many without (complex
25 80f3f415 Iustin Pop
# inheritance hierarchies)
26 80f3f415 Iustin Pop
#no-docstring-rgx = __.*__
27 80f3f415 Iustin Pop
no-docstring-rgx = .*
28 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
module-rgx = (([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)|([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+))$
29 80f3f415 Iustin Pop
# added lower-case names
30 adb6d685 Iustin Pop
const-rgx = ((_{0,2}[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)|(__.*__))$
31 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
class-rgx = _?[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+$
32 80f3f415 Iustin Pop
# added lower-case names
33 80f3f415 Iustin Pop
function-rgx = (_?([A-Z]+[a-z0-9]+([A-Z]+[a-z0-9]*)*)|main|([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*))$
34 80f3f415 Iustin Pop
# add lower-case names, since derived classes must obey method names
35 80f3f415 Iustin Pop
method-rgx = (_{0,2}[A-Z]+[a-z0-9]+([A-Z]+[a-z0-9]*)*|__.*__|([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*))$
36 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
attr-rgx = [a-z_][a-z0-9_]{1,30}$
37 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
argument-rgx = [a-z_][a-z0-9_]*$
38 80f3f415 Iustin Pop
variable-rgx = (_?([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)|(_?[A-Z0-9_]+))$
39 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
inlinevar-rgx = [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*$
40 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
good-names = i,j,k,_
41 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
bad-names = foo,bar,baz,toto,tutu,tata
42 11c684bf Michael Hanselmann
bad-functions = xrange
43 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
44 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
45 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
ignore-mixin-members = yes
46 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
zope = no
47 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
acquired-members =
48 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
49 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
50 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
init-import = no
51 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
dummy-variables-rgx = _
52 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
additional-builtins =
53 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
54 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
55 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
ignore-iface-methods =
56 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
defining-attr-methods = __init__,__new__,setUp
57 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
58 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
59 80f3f415 Iustin Pop
max-args = 15
60 80f3f415 Iustin Pop
max-locals = 50
61 80f3f415 Iustin Pop
max-returns = 10
62 80f3f415 Iustin Pop
max-branchs = 80
63 80f3f415 Iustin Pop
max-statements = 200
64 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
max-parents = 7
65 80f3f415 Iustin Pop
max-attributes = 20
66 80f3f415 Iustin Pop
# zero as struct-like (PODS) classes don't export any methods
67 80f3f415 Iustin Pop
min-public-methods = 0
68 80f3f415 Iustin Pop
max-public-methods = 50
69 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
70 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
71 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
deprecated-modules = regsub,string,TERMIOS,Bastion,rexec
72 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
import-graph =
73 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
ext-import-graph =
74 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
int-import-graph =
75 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
76 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
77 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
max-line-length = 80
78 26ec2f38 Thomas Thrainer
max-module-lines = 4500
79 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
indent-string = "  "
80 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
81 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
82 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
83 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
84 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
85 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
min-similarity-lines = 4
86 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
ignore-comments = yes
87 70c771f6 Michael Hanselmann
ignore-docstrings = yes
88 dfe879ce Iustin Pop
89 dfe879ce Iustin Pop
90 dfe879ce Iustin Pop
91 dfe879ce Iustin Pop
# Enable only checker(s) with the given id(s). This option conflicts with the
92 dfe879ce Iustin Pop
# disable-checker option
93 dfe879ce Iustin Pop
94 dfe879ce Iustin Pop
95 dfe879ce Iustin Pop
# Enable all checker(s) except those with the given id(s). This option
96 dfe879ce Iustin Pop
# conflicts with the enable-checker option
97 dfe879ce Iustin Pop
98 0dda8696 Iustin Pop
99 dfe879ce Iustin Pop
100 dfe879ce Iustin Pop
# Enable all messages in the listed categories (IRCWEF).
101 dfe879ce Iustin Pop
102 dfe879ce Iustin Pop
103 dfe879ce Iustin Pop
# Disable all messages in the listed categories (IRCWEF).
104 dfe879ce Iustin Pop
105 dfe879ce Iustin Pop
106 dfe879ce Iustin Pop
# Enable the message(s) with the given id(s).
107 dfe879ce Iustin Pop
108 dfe879ce Iustin Pop
109 dfe879ce Iustin Pop
# Disable the message(s) with the given id(s).
110 460bb584 Iustin Pop
111 37adad2b Iustin Pop
112 37adad2b Iustin Pop
# The new pylint 0.21+ style (plus the similarities checker, which is no longer
113 37adad2b Iustin Pop
# a separate opiton, but a generic disable control)
114 37adad2b Iustin Pop