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root / test / hs / Test / Ganeti / HTools / Graph.hs @ efa6dd08

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1 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
3 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
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{-| Unittests for Ganeti.Htools.Graph
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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Google Inc.
11 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
12 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
(at your option) any later version.
16 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
20 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
General Public License for more details.
21 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
22 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
24 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
25 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
02110-1301, USA.
26 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
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module Test.Ganeti.HTools.Graph (testHTools_Graph) where
30 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
31 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
import Test.QuickCheck
32 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
import Test.HUnit
33 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
34 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
import Test.Ganeti.TestHelper
35 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
import Test.Ganeti.TestCommon
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37 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
import Ganeti.HTools.Graph
38 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
39 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
import qualified Data.Graph as Graph
40 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
41 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
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{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-}
43 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
44 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
data TestableGraph = TestableGraph Graph.Graph deriving (Show)
45 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
data TestableClique = TestableClique Graph.Graph deriving (Show)
46 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
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-- | Generate node bounds and edges for an undirected graph.
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-- A graph is undirected if for every (a, b) edge there is a
49 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
-- corresponding (b, a) one.
50 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
undirEdges :: Gen (Graph.Bounds, [Graph.Edge])
51 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
undirEdges = sized undirEdges'
52 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
53 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
    undirEdges' 0 = return ((0, 0), [])
54 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
    undirEdges' n = do
55 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
      maxv <- choose (1, n)
56 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
      edges <- listOf1 $ do
57 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
        i <- choose (0, maxv)
58 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
        j <- choose (0, maxv) `suchThat` (/= i)
59 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
        return [(i, j), (j, i)]
60 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
      return ((0, maxv), concat edges)
61 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
62 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
-- | Generate node bounds and edges for a clique.
63 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
-- In a clique all nodes are directly connected to each other.
64 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
cliqueEdges :: Gen (Graph.Bounds, [Graph.Edge])
65 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
cliqueEdges = sized cliqueEdges'
66 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
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    cliqueEdges' 0 = return ((0, 0), [])
68 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
    cliqueEdges' n = do
69 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
      maxv <- choose (0, n)
70 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
      let edges = [(x, y) | x <- [0..maxv], y <- [0..maxv], x /= y]
71 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
      return ((0, maxv), edges)
72 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
73 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
instance Arbitrary TestableGraph where
74 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
  arbitrary = do
75 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
    (mybounds, myedges) <- undirEdges
76 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
    return . TestableGraph $ Graph.buildG mybounds myedges
77 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
78 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
instance Arbitrary TestableClique where
79 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
  arbitrary = do
80 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
    (mybounds, myedges) <- cliqueEdges
81 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
    return . TestableClique $ Graph.buildG mybounds myedges
82 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
83 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
-- | Check that the empty vertex color map is empty.
84 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
case_emptyVertColorMapNull :: Assertion
85 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
case_emptyVertColorMapNull = assertBool "" $ IntMap.null emptyVertColorMap
86 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
87 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
-- | Check that the empty vertex color map is zero in size.
88 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
case_emptyVertColorMapEmpty :: Assertion
89 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
case_emptyVertColorMapEmpty =
90 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
  assertEqual "" 0 $ IntMap.size emptyVertColorMap
91 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
92 34a21cc4 Guido Trotter
-- | Check if each two consecutive elements on a list
93 34a21cc4 Guido Trotter
-- respect a given condition.
94 34a21cc4 Guido Trotter
anyTwo :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
95 34a21cc4 Guido Trotter
anyTwo _ [] = True
96 34a21cc4 Guido Trotter
anyTwo _ [_] = True
97 34a21cc4 Guido Trotter
anyTwo op (x:y:xs) = (x `op` y) && anyTwo op (y:xs)
98 34a21cc4 Guido Trotter
99 34a21cc4 Guido Trotter
-- | Check order of vertices returned by verticesByDegreeAsc.
100 cce30754 Guido Trotter
prop_verticesByDegreeAscAsc :: TestableGraph -> Bool
101 cce30754 Guido Trotter
prop_verticesByDegreeAscAsc (TestableGraph g) = anyTwo (<=) (degrees asc)
102 34a21cc4 Guido Trotter
    where degrees = map (length . neighbors g)
103 34a21cc4 Guido Trotter
          asc = verticesByDegreeAsc g
104 34a21cc4 Guido Trotter
105 34a21cc4 Guido Trotter
-- | Check order of vertices returned by verticesByDegreeDesc.
106 cce30754 Guido Trotter
prop_verticesByDegreeDescDesc :: TestableGraph -> Bool
107 cce30754 Guido Trotter
prop_verticesByDegreeDescDesc (TestableGraph g) = anyTwo (>=) (degrees desc)
108 34a21cc4 Guido Trotter
    where degrees = map (length . neighbors g)
109 34a21cc4 Guido Trotter
          desc = verticesByDegreeDesc g
110 34a21cc4 Guido Trotter
111 faef859e Guido Trotter
-- | Check that our generated graphs are colorable
112 cce30754 Guido Trotter
prop_isColorableTestableGraph :: TestableGraph -> Bool
113 cce30754 Guido Trotter
prop_isColorableTestableGraph (TestableGraph g) = isColorable g
114 faef859e Guido Trotter
115 faef859e Guido Trotter
-- | Check that our generated graphs are colorable
116 cce30754 Guido Trotter
prop_isColorableTestableClique :: TestableClique -> Bool
117 cce30754 Guido Trotter
prop_isColorableTestableClique (TestableClique g) = isColorable g
118 faef859e Guido Trotter
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-- | Check that the given algorithm colors a clique with the same number of
120 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
-- colors as the vertices number.
121 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
prop_colorClique :: (Graph.Graph -> VertColorMap) -> TestableClique -> Property
122 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
prop_colorClique alg (TestableClique g) = numvertices ==? numcolors
123 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
    where numcolors = (IntMap.size . colorVertMap) $ alg g
124 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
          numvertices = length (Graph.vertices g)
125 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
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-- | Specific check for the LF algorithm.
127 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
prop_colorLFClique :: TestableClique -> Property
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prop_colorLFClique = prop_colorClique colorLF
129 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
130 742bd043 Guido Trotter
-- | Specific check for the Dsatur algorithm.
131 742bd043 Guido Trotter
prop_colorDsaturClique :: TestableClique -> Property
132 742bd043 Guido Trotter
prop_colorDsaturClique = prop_colorClique colorDsatur
133 742bd043 Guido Trotter
134 8b50de5c Guido Trotter
-- | Specific check for the Dcolor algorithm.
135 8b50de5c Guido Trotter
prop_colorDcolorClique :: TestableClique -> Property
136 8b50de5c Guido Trotter
prop_colorDcolorClique = prop_colorClique colorDcolor
137 8b50de5c Guido Trotter
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-- Check that all nodes are colored.
139 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
prop_colorAllNodes :: (Graph.Graph -> VertColorMap)
140 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
                   -> TestableGraph
141 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
                   -> Property
142 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
prop_colorAllNodes alg (TestableGraph g) = numvertices ==? numcolored
143 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
    where numcolored = IntMap.fold ((+) . length) 0 vcMap
144 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
          vcMap = colorVertMap $ alg g
145 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
          numvertices = length (Graph.vertices g)
146 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
147 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
-- | Specific check for the LF algorithm.
148 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
prop_colorLFAllNodes :: TestableGraph -> Property
149 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
prop_colorLFAllNodes = prop_colorAllNodes colorLF
150 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
151 742bd043 Guido Trotter
-- | Specific check for the Dsatur algorithm.
152 742bd043 Guido Trotter
prop_colorDsaturAllNodes :: TestableGraph -> Property
153 742bd043 Guido Trotter
prop_colorDsaturAllNodes = prop_colorAllNodes colorDsatur
154 742bd043 Guido Trotter
155 8b50de5c Guido Trotter
-- | Specific check for the Dcolor algorithm.
156 8b50de5c Guido Trotter
prop_colorDcolorAllNodes :: TestableGraph -> Property
157 8b50de5c Guido Trotter
prop_colorDcolorAllNodes = prop_colorAllNodes colorDcolor
158 8b50de5c Guido Trotter
159 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
-- | Check that no two vertices sharing the same edge have the same color.
160 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
prop_colorProper :: (Graph.Graph -> VertColorMap) -> TestableGraph -> Bool
161 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
prop_colorProper alg (TestableGraph g) = all isEdgeOk $ Graph.edges g
162 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
    where isEdgeOk :: Graph.Edge -> Bool
163 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
          isEdgeOk (v1, v2) = color v1 /= color v2
164 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
          color v = cMap IntMap.! v
165 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
          cMap = alg g
166 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
167 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
-- | Specific check for the LF algorithm.
168 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
prop_colorLFProper :: TestableGraph -> Bool
169 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
prop_colorLFProper = prop_colorProper colorLF
170 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
171 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
-- | Specific check for the Dsatur algorithm.
172 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
prop_colorDsaturProper :: TestableGraph -> Bool
173 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
prop_colorDsaturProper = prop_colorProper colorDsatur
174 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
175 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
-- | Specific check for the Dcolor algorithm.
176 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
prop_colorDcolorProper :: TestableGraph -> Bool
177 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
prop_colorDcolorProper = prop_colorProper colorDcolor
178 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
179 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
-- | List of tests for the Graph module.
180 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
testSuite "HTools/Graph"
181 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
            [ 'case_emptyVertColorMapNull
182 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
            , 'case_emptyVertColorMapEmpty
183 34a21cc4 Guido Trotter
            , 'prop_verticesByDegreeAscAsc
184 34a21cc4 Guido Trotter
            , 'prop_verticesByDegreeDescDesc
185 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
            , 'prop_colorLFClique
186 742bd043 Guido Trotter
            , 'prop_colorDsaturClique
187 8b50de5c Guido Trotter
            , 'prop_colorDcolorClique
188 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter
            , 'prop_colorLFAllNodes
189 742bd043 Guido Trotter
            , 'prop_colorDsaturAllNodes
190 8b50de5c Guido Trotter
            , 'prop_colorDcolorAllNodes
191 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
            , 'prop_colorLFProper
192 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
            , 'prop_colorDsaturProper
193 c94f9990 Guido Trotter
            , 'prop_colorDcolorProper
194 faef859e Guido Trotter
            , 'prop_isColorableTestableGraph
195 faef859e Guido Trotter
            , 'prop_isColorableTestableClique
196 8e6623c8 Guido Trotter