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1 a997cec5 Apollon Oikonomopoulos
2 a997cec5 Apollon Oikonomopoulos
Ganeti shared storage support for 2.3+
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This document describes the changes in Ganeti 2.3+ compared to Ganeti
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2.3 storage model.
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.. contents:: :depth: 4
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The aim is to introduce support for externally mirrored, shared storage.
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This includes two distinct disk templates:
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- A shared filesystem containing instance disks as regular files
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  typically residing on a networked or cluster filesystem (e.g. NFS,
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  AFS, Ceph, OCFS2, etc.).
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- Instance images being shared block devices, typically LUNs residing on
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  a SAN appliance.
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DRBD is currently the only shared storage backend supported by Ganeti.
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DRBD offers the advantages of high availability while running on
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commodity hardware at the cost of high network I/O for block-level
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synchronization between hosts. DRBD's master-slave model has greatly
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influenced Ganeti's design, primarily by introducing the concept of
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primary and secondary nodes and thus defining an instance's “mobility
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Although DRBD has many advantages, many sites choose to use networked
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storage appliances for Virtual Machine hosting, such as SAN and/or NAS,
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which provide shared storage without the administrative overhead of DRBD
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nor the limitation of a 1:1 master-slave setup. Furthermore, new
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distributed filesystems such as Ceph are becoming viable alternatives to
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expensive storage appliances. Support for both modes of operation, i.e.
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shared block storage and shared file storage backend would make Ganeti a
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robust choice for high-availability virtualization clusters.
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Throughout this document, the term “externally mirrored storage” will
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refer to both modes of shared storage, suggesting that Ganeti does not
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need to take care about the mirroring process from one host to another.
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Use cases
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We consider the following use cases:
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- A virtualization cluster with FibreChannel shared storage, mapping at
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  leaste one LUN per instance, accessible by the whole cluster.
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- A virtualization cluster with instance images stored as files on an
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  NFS server.
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- A virtualization cluster storing instance images on a Ceph volume.
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Design Overview
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The design addresses the following procedures:
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- Refactoring of all code referring to constants.DTS_NET_MIRROR.
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- Obsolescence of the primary-secondary concept for externally mirrored
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- Introduction of a shared file storage disk template for use with networked
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- Introduction of shared block device disk template with device
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Additionally, mid- to long-term goals include:
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- Support for external “storage pools”.
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- Introduction of an interface for communicating with external scripts,
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  providing methods for the various stages of a block device's and
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  instance's life-cycle. In order to provide storage provisioning
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  capabilities for various SAN appliances, external helpers in the form
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  of a “storage driver” will be possibly introduced as well.
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Refactoring of all code referring to constants.DTS_NET_MIRROR
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Currently, all storage-related decision-making depends on a number of
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frozensets in lib/, typically constants.DTS_NET_MIRROR.
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However, constants.DTS_NET_MIRROR is used to signify two different
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- A storage device that is shared
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- A storage device whose mirroring is supervised by Ganeti
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We propose the introduction of two new frozensets to ease
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- constants.DTS_EXT_MIRROR, holding externally mirrored disk templates
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- constants.DTS_MIRRORED, being a union of constants.DTS_EXT_MIRROR and
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Additionally, DTS_NET_MIRROR will be renamed to DTS_INT_MIRROR to reflect
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the status of the storage as internally mirrored by Ganeti.
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Thus, checks could be grouped into the following categories:
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- Mobility checks, like whether an instance failover or migration is
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  possible should check against constants.DTS_MIRRORED
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- Syncing actions should be performed only for templates in
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Obsolescence of the primary-secondary node model
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The primary-secondary node concept has primarily evolved through the use
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of DRBD. In a globally shared storage framework without need for
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external sync (e.g. SAN, NAS, etc.), such a notion does not apply for the
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following reasons:
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1. Access to the storage does not necessarily imply different roles for
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   the nodes (e.g. primary vs secondary).
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2. The same storage is available to potentially more than 2 nodes. Thus,
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   an instance backed by a SAN LUN for example may actually migrate to
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   any of the other nodes and not just a pre-designated failover node.
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The proposed solution is using the iallocator framework for run-time
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decision making during migration and failover, for nodes with disk
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templates in constants.DTS_EXT_MIRROR. Modifications to gnt-instance and
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gnt-node will be required to accept target node and/or iallocator
123 a997cec5 Apollon Oikonomopoulos
specification for these operations. Modifications of the iallocator
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protocol will be required to address at least the following needs:
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- Allocation tools must be able to distinguish between internal and
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  external storage
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- Migration/failover decisions must take into account shared storage
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Introduction of a shared file disk template
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Basic shared file storage support can be implemented by creating a new
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disk template based on the existing FileStorage class, with only minor
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modifications in lib/ The shared file disk template relies on a
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shared filesystem (e.g. NFS, AFS, Ceph, OCFS2 over SAN or DRBD) being
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mounted on all nodes under the same path, where instance images will be
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A new cluster initialization option is added to specify the mountpoint
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of the shared filesystem.
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The remainder of this document deals with shared block storage.
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Introduction of a shared block device template
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Basic shared block device support will be implemented with an additional
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disk template. This disk template will not feature any kind of storage
151 a997cec5 Apollon Oikonomopoulos
control (provisioning, removal, resizing, etc.), but will instead rely
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on the adoption of already-existing block devices (e.g. SAN LUNs, NBD
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devices, remote iSCSI targets, etc.).
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The shared block device template will make the following assumptions:
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- The adopted block device has a consistent name across all nodes,
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  enforced e.g. via udev rules.
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- The device will be available with the same path under all nodes in the
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  node group.
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Long-term shared storage goals
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Storage pool handling
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A new cluster configuration attribute will be introduced, named
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“storage_pools”, modeled as a dictionary mapping storage pools to
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external storage drivers (see below), e.g.::
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  "nas1": "foostore",
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  "nas2": "foostore",
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  "cloud1": "barcloud",
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Ganeti will not interpret the contents of this dictionary, although it
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will provide methods for manipulating them under some basic constraints
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(pool identifier uniqueness, driver existence). The manipulation of
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storage pools will be performed by implementing new options to the
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`gnt-cluster` command::
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 gnt-cluster modify --add-pool nas1 foostore
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 gnt-cluster modify --remove-pool nas1 # There may be no instances using
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                                       # the pool to remove it
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Furthermore, the storage pools will be used to indicate the availability
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of storage pools to different node groups, thus specifying the
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instances' “mobility domain”.
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New disk templates will also be necessary to facilitate the use of external
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storage. The proposed addition is a whole template namespace created by
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prefixing the pool names with a fixed string, e.g. “ext:”, forming names
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like “ext:nas1”, “ext:foo”.
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Interface to the external storage drivers
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In addition to external storage pools, a new interface will be
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introduced to allow external scripts to provision and manipulate shared
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In order to provide storage provisioning and manipulation (e.g. growing,
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renaming) capabilities, each instance's disk template can possibly be
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associated with an external “storage driver” which, based on the
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instance's configuration and tags, will perform all supported storage
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operations using auxiliary means (e.g. XML-RPC, ssh, etc.).
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A “storage driver” will have to provide the following methods:
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- Create a disk
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- Remove a disk
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- Rename a disk
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- Resize a disk
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- Attach a disk to a given node
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- Detach a disk from a given node
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The proposed storage driver architecture borrows heavily from the OS
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interface and follows a one-script-per-function approach. A storage
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driver is expected to provide the following scripts:
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- `create`
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- `resize`
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- `rename`
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- `remove`
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- `attach`
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- `detach`
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These executables will be called once for each disk with no arguments
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and all required information will be passed through environment
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variables. The following environment variables will always be present on
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each invocation:
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- `INSTANCE_NAME`: The instance's name
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- `INSTANCE_UUID`: The instance's UUID
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- `INSTANCE_TAGS`: The instance's tags
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- `DISK_INDEX`: The current disk index.
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- `LOGICAL_ID`: The disk's logical id (if existing)
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- `POOL`: The storage pool the instance belongs to.
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Additional variables may be available in a per-script context (see
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Of particular importance is the disk's logical ID, which will act as
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glue between Ganeti and the external storage drivers; there are two
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possible ways of using a disk's logical ID in a storage driver:
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1. Simply use it as a unique identifier (e.g. UUID) and keep a separate,
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   external database linking it to the actual storage.
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2. Encode all useful storage information in the logical ID and have the
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   driver decode it at runtime.
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All scripts should return 0 on success and non-zero on error accompanied by
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an appropriate error message on stderr. Furthermore, the following
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special cases are defined:
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1. `create` In case of success, a string representing the disk's logical
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   id must be returned on stdout, which will be saved in the instance's
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   configuration and can be later used by the other scripts of the same
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   storage driver. The logical id may be based on instance name,
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   instance uuid and/or disk index.
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   Additional environment variables present:
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     - `DISK_SIZE`: The requested disk size in MiB
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2. `resize` In case of success, output the new disk size.
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   Additional environment variables present:
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     - `DISK_SIZE`: The requested disk size in MiB
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3. `rename` On success, a new logical id should be returned, which will
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   replace the old one. This script is meant to rename the instance's
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   backing store and update the disk's logical ID in case one of them is
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   bound to the instance name.
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   Additional environment variables present:
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     - `NEW_INSTANCE_NAME`: The instance's new name.
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