Christos Stathis

  • Registered on: 02/22/2011
  • Last connection: 08/31/2015



Reported issues: 95


02:22 pm Pithos Web Client Bug #3111 (Resolved): Context-menu unusable in Chrome 24
02:22 pm Pithos Web Client Bug #3111: Context-menu unusable in Chrome 24
Fixed in commit:28267d27
Latest version of chrome browser breaks an animated effect used in popup panels.


03:48 pm Pithos Web Client Bug #2747 (Resolved): Avoid 403 when heading foreign folders that are not shared but are parents ...
Fixed in commit:625b9b9a8c162de6b621803065ec518c63817780


05:15 pm Pithos Web Client Feature #2748 (Resolved): Don't show size for subfolders in the list (on the right)
Fixed in commit:c20ea7d


03:56 pm Pithos Web Client Feature #2748 (Resolved): Don't show size for subfolders in the list (on the right)
03:55 pm Pithos Web Client Bug #2747 (Resolved): Avoid 403 when heading foreign folders that are not shared but are parents ...


02:00 pm Pithos Android Client android-pithosplus_130712_v.1.3.3.apk


07:39 pm Pithos Android Client android-pithosplus_100712_v.1.3.2.apk
07:31 pm Pithos Web Client Feature #2651 (Resolved): When empty trash is ready add an "empty" option in all containers
Fixed in commit:42214d4ad05707607508c7df4824ca305320f683
07:30 pm Pithos Web Client Bug #2633 (Resolved): Empty trash does not work due to 409 CONFLICT
Fixed in commit:3608dcd5a807eb3f51b575fd23bcc9b3b8860623

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