Bug #3396

Cyclades UI, excessive delays on initialization

Added by Vangelis Koukis over 11 years ago.

Status:Assigned Start date:03/07/2013
Priority:High Due date:
Assignee:Kostas Papadimitriou % Done:


Category:Cyclades UI Spent time: -
Target version:0.13.0


The UI shows excessive delays upon initialization.

It performs multiple queries of the type:

HEAD https://cyclades.okeanos.grnet.gr/plankton/images/49971ade-3bbc-4700-9a84-b3ca00133850?_=1362651848383 404 (NOT FOUND) 

If it's failed once, why try again?

Associated revisions

Revision 336ddd59
Added by Kostas Papadimitriou about 11 years ago

UI loading view improvements

Refs #3396
Refs #3397

- Use separate loading messages for each action to avoid confusion
caused due to aynchronous progress
- Enforce resolving of unknown machine image ids before the main view
gets rendered.

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