Bug #3397

Misleading initialization messages in the Cyclades UI

Added by Vangelis Koukis about 11 years ago.

Status:Assigned Start date:03/07/2013
Priority:Medium Due date:
Assignee:Kostas Papadimitriou % Done:


Category:Cyclades UI Spent time: -
Target version:0.14.0


The UI shows "Loading flavors..." and gets stuck there, although in reality it's waiting for "Loading Images..."
to complete.

It would be best if "Loading flavors...", "Loading servers...", "Loading images..." were on separate lines,
and disappeared upon completion of each operation.

This would make visible the parallelism in executing queries, and report the failing operation precisely.

Associated revisions

Revision 336ddd59
Added by Kostas Papadimitriou about 11 years ago

UI loading view improvements

Refs #3396
Refs #3397

- Use separate loading messages for each action to avoid confusion
caused due to aynchronous progress
- Enforce resolving of unknown machine image ids before the main view
gets rendered.

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