New html styles
[astakos] / snf-astakos-app / astakos / im / static / im / js / jquery.colorbox.js
1 // ColorBox v1.3.19 - jQuery lightbox plugin\r
2 // (c) 2011 Jack Moore -\r
3 // License:\r
4 (function ($, document, window) {\r
5     var\r
6     // Default settings object. \r
7     // See for details.\r
8     defaults = {\r
9         transition: "elastic",\r
10         speed: 300,\r
11         width: false,\r
12         initialWidth: "600",\r
13         innerWidth: false,\r
14         maxWidth: false,\r
15         height: false,\r
16         initialHeight: "450",\r
17         innerHeight: false,\r
18         maxHeight: false,\r
19         scalePhotos: true,\r
20         scrolling: true,\r
21         inline: false,\r
22         html: false,\r
23         iframe: false,\r
24         fastIframe: true,\r
25         photo: false,\r
26         href: false,\r
27         title: false,\r
28         rel: false,\r
29         opacity: 0.9,\r
30         preloading: true,\r
31         current: "image {current} of {total}",\r
32         previous: "previous",\r
33         next: "next",\r
34         close: "close",\r
35         open: false,\r
36         returnFocus: true,\r
37         reposition: true,\r
38         loop: true,\r
39         slideshow: false,\r
40         slideshowAuto: true,\r
41         slideshowSpeed: 2500,\r
42         slideshowStart: "start slideshow",\r
43         slideshowStop: "stop slideshow",\r
44         onOpen: false,\r
45         onLoad: false,\r
46         onComplete: false,\r
47         onCleanup: false,\r
48         onClosed: false,\r
49         overlayClose: true,             \r
50         escKey: true,\r
51         arrowKey: true,\r
52         top: false,\r
53         bottom: false,\r
54         left: false,\r
55         right: false,\r
56         fixed: false,\r
57         data: undefined\r
58     },\r
59         \r
60     // Abstracting the HTML and event identifiers for easy rebranding\r
61     colorbox = 'colorbox',\r
62     prefix = 'cbox',\r
63     boxElement = prefix + 'Element',\r
64     \r
65     // Events   \r
66     event_open = prefix + '_open',\r
67     event_load = prefix + '_load',\r
68     event_complete = prefix + '_complete',\r
69     event_cleanup = prefix + '_cleanup',\r
70     event_closed = prefix + '_closed',\r
71     event_purge = prefix + '_purge',\r
72     \r
73     // Special Handling for IE\r
74     isIE = !$.support.opacity && !$, // IE7 & IE8\r
75     isIE6 = isIE && !window.XMLHttpRequest, // IE6\r
76     event_ie6 = prefix + '_IE6',\r
77 \r
78     // Cached jQuery Object Variables\r
79     $overlay,\r
80     $box,\r
81     $wrap,\r
82     $content,\r
83     $topBorder,\r
84     $leftBorder,\r
85     $rightBorder,\r
86     $bottomBorder,\r
87     $related,\r
88     $window,\r
89     $loaded,\r
90     $loadingBay,\r
91     $loadingOverlay,\r
92     $title,\r
93     $current,\r
94     $slideshow,\r
95     $next,\r
96     $prev,\r
97     $close,\r
98     $groupControls,\r
99     \r
100     // Variables for cached values or use across multiple functions\r
101     settings,\r
102     interfaceHeight,\r
103     interfaceWidth,\r
104     loadedHeight,\r
105     loadedWidth,\r
106     element,\r
107     index,\r
108     photo,\r
109     open,\r
110     active,\r
111     closing,\r
112     loadingTimer,\r
113     publicMethod,\r
114     div = "div",\r
115     init;\r
116 \r
117         // ****************\r
118         // HELPER FUNCTIONS\r
119         // ****************\r
120     \r
121         // Convience function for creating new jQuery objects\r
122     function $tag(tag, id, css) {\r
123                 var element = document.createElement(tag);\r
124 \r
125                 if (id) {\r
126                = prefix + id;\r
127                 }\r
128 \r
129                 if (css) {\r
130                = css;\r
131                 }\r
132 \r
133                 return $(element);\r
134     }\r
135 \r
136         // Determine the next and previous members in a group.\r
137         function getIndex(increment) {\r
138                 var \r
139                 max = $related.length, \r
140                 newIndex = (index + increment) % max;\r
141                 \r
142                 return (newIndex < 0) ? max + newIndex : newIndex;\r
143         }\r
144 \r
145         // Convert '%' and 'px' values to integers\r
146         function setSize(size, dimension) {\r
147                 return Math.round((/%/.test(size) ? ((dimension === 'x' ? $window.width() : $window.height()) / 100) : 1) * parseInt(size, 10));\r
148         }\r
149         \r
150         // Checks an href to see if it is a photo.\r
151         // There is a force photo option (photo: true) for hrefs that cannot be matched by this regex.\r
152         function isImage(url) {\r
153                 return || /\.(gif|png|jpe?g|bmp|ico)((#|\?).*)?$/i.test(url);\r
154         }\r
155         \r
156         // Assigns function results to their respective properties\r
157         function makeSettings() {\r
158         var i;\r
159         settings = $.extend({}, $.data(element, colorbox));\r
160         \r
161                 for (i in settings) {\r
162                         if ($.isFunction(settings[i]) && i.slice(0, 2) !== 'on') { // checks to make sure the function isn't one of the callbacks, they will be handled at the appropriate time.\r
163                             settings[i] = settings[i].call(element);\r
164                         }\r
165                 }\r
166         \r
167                 settings.rel = settings.rel || element.rel || 'nofollow';\r
168                 settings.href = settings.href || $(element).attr('href');\r
169                 settings.title = settings.title || element.title;\r
170         \r
171         if (typeof settings.href === "string") {\r
172             settings.href = $.trim(settings.href);\r
173         }\r
174         }\r
175 \r
176         function trigger(event, callback) {\r
177                 $.event.trigger(event);\r
178                 if (callback) {\r
179               ;\r
180                 }\r
181         }\r
182 \r
183         // Slideshow functionality\r
184         function slideshow() {\r
185                 var\r
186                 timeOut,\r
187                 className = prefix + "Slideshow_",\r
188                 click = "click." + prefix,\r
189                 start,\r
190                 stop,\r
191                 clear;\r
192                 \r
193                 if (settings.slideshow && $related[1]) {\r
194                         start = function () {\r
195                                 $slideshow\r
196                                         .text(settings.slideshowStop)\r
197                                         .unbind(click)\r
198                                         .bind(event_complete, function () {\r
199                                                 if (settings.loop || $related[index + 1]) {\r
200                                                         timeOut = setTimeout(, settings.slideshowSpeed);\r
201                                                 }\r
202                                         })\r
203                                         .bind(event_load, function () {\r
204                                                 clearTimeout(timeOut);\r
205                                         })\r
206                                         .one(click + ' ' + event_cleanup, stop);\r
207                                 $box.removeClass(className + "off").addClass(className + "on");\r
208                                 timeOut = setTimeout(, settings.slideshowSpeed);\r
209                         };\r
210                         \r
211                         stop = function () {\r
212                                 clearTimeout(timeOut);\r
213                                 $slideshow\r
214                                         .text(settings.slideshowStart)\r
215                                         .unbind([event_complete, event_load, event_cleanup, click].join(' '))\r
216                                         .one(click, function () {\r
217                                       ;\r
218                                                 start();\r
219                                         });\r
220                                 $box.removeClass(className + "on").addClass(className + "off");\r
221                         };\r
222                         \r
223                         if (settings.slideshowAuto) {\r
224                                 start();\r
225                         } else {\r
226                                 stop();\r
227                         }\r
228                 } else {\r
229             $box.removeClass(className + "off " + className + "on");\r
230         }\r
231         }\r
232 \r
233         function launch(target) {\r
234                 if (!closing) {\r
235                         \r
236                         element = target;\r
237                         \r
238                         makeSettings();\r
239                         \r
240                         $related = $(element);\r
241                         \r
242                         index = 0;\r
243                         \r
244                         if (settings.rel !== 'nofollow') {\r
245                                 $related = $('.' + boxElement).filter(function () {\r
246                                         var relRelated = $.data(this, colorbox).rel || this.rel;\r
247                                         return (relRelated === settings.rel);\r
248                                 });\r
249                                 index = $related.index(element);\r
250                                 \r
251                                 // Check direct calls to ColorBox.\r
252                                 if (index === -1) {\r
253                                         $related = $related.add(element);\r
254                                         index = $related.length - 1;\r
255                                 }\r
256                         }\r
257                         \r
258                         if (!open) {\r
259                                 open = active = true; // Prevents the page-change action from queuing up if the visitor holds down the left or right keys.\r
260                                 \r
261                                 $;\r
262                                 \r
263                                 if (settings.returnFocus) {\r
264                                         $(element).blur().one(event_closed, function () {\r
265                                                 $(this).focus();\r
266                                         });\r
267                                 }\r
268                                 \r
269                                 // +settings.opacity avoids a problem in IE when using non-zero-prefixed-string-values, like '.5'\r
270                                 $overlay.css({"opacity": +settings.opacity, "cursor": settings.overlayClose ? "pointer" : "auto"}).show();\r
271                                 \r
272                                 // Opens inital empty ColorBox prior to content being loaded.\r
273                                 settings.w = setSize(settings.initialWidth, 'x');\r
274                                 settings.h = setSize(settings.initialHeight, 'y');\r
275                                 publicMethod.position();\r
276                                 \r
277                                 if (isIE6) {\r
278                                         $window.bind('resize.' + event_ie6 + ' scroll.' + event_ie6, function () {\r
279                                                 $overlay.css({width: $window.width(), height: $window.height(), top: $window.scrollTop(), left: $window.scrollLeft()});\r
280                                         }).trigger('resize.' + event_ie6);\r
281                                 }\r
282                                 \r
283                                 trigger(event_open, settings.onOpen);\r
284                                 \r
285                                 $groupControls.add($title).hide();\r
286                                 \r
287                                 $close.html(settings.close).show();\r
288                         }\r
289                         \r
290                         publicMethod.load(true);\r
291                 }\r
292         }\r
293 \r
294         // ColorBox's markup needs to be added to the DOM prior to being called\r
295         // so that the browser will go ahead and load the CSS background images.\r
296         function appendHTML() {\r
297                 if (!$box && document.body) {\r
298                         init = false;\r
299 \r
300                         $window = $(window);\r
301                         $box = $tag(div).attr({id: colorbox, 'class': isIE ? prefix + (isIE6 ? 'IE6' : 'IE') : ''}).hide();\r
302                         $overlay = $tag(div, "Overlay", isIE6 ? 'position:absolute' : '').hide();\r
303                         $wrap = $tag(div, "Wrapper");\r
304                         $content = $tag(div, "Content").append(\r
305                                 $loaded = $tag(div, "LoadedContent", 'width:0; height:0; overflow:hidden'),\r
306                                 $loadingOverlay = $tag(div, "LoadingOverlay").add($tag(div, "LoadingGraphic")),\r
307                                 $title = $tag(div, "Title"),\r
308                                 $current = $tag(div, "Current"),\r
309                                 $next = $tag(div, "Next"),\r
310                                 $prev = $tag(div, "Previous"),\r
311                                 $slideshow = $tag(div, "Slideshow").bind(event_open, slideshow),\r
312                                 $close = $tag(div, "Close")\r
313                         );\r
314                         \r
315                         $wrap.append( // The 3x3 Grid that makes up ColorBox\r
316                                 $tag(div).append(\r
317                                         $tag(div, "TopLeft"),\r
318                                         $topBorder = $tag(div, "TopCenter"),\r
319                                         $tag(div, "TopRight")\r
320                                 ),\r
321                                 $tag(div, false, 'clear:left').append(\r
322                                         $leftBorder = $tag(div, "MiddleLeft"),\r
323                                         $content,\r
324                                         $rightBorder = $tag(div, "MiddleRight")\r
325                                 ),\r
326                                 $tag(div, false, 'clear:left').append(\r
327                                         $tag(div, "BottomLeft"),\r
328                                         $bottomBorder = $tag(div, "BottomCenter"),\r
329                                         $tag(div, "BottomRight")\r
330                                 )\r
331                         ).find('div div').css({'float': 'left'});\r
332                         \r
333                         $loadingBay = $tag(div, false, 'position:absolute; width:9999px; visibility:hidden; display:none');\r
334                         \r
335                         $groupControls = $next.add($prev).add($current).add($slideshow);\r
336 \r
337                         $(document.body).append($overlay, $box.append($wrap, $loadingBay));\r
338                 }\r
339         }\r
340 \r
341         // Add ColorBox's event bindings\r
342         function addBindings() {\r
343                 if ($box) {\r
344                         if (!init) {\r
345                                 init = true;\r
346 \r
347                                 // Cache values needed for size calculations\r
348                                 interfaceHeight = $topBorder.height() + $bottomBorder.height() + $content.outerHeight(true) - $content.height();//Subtraction needed for IE6\r
349                                 interfaceWidth = $leftBorder.width() + $rightBorder.width() + $content.outerWidth(true) - $content.width();\r
350                                 loadedHeight = $loaded.outerHeight(true);\r
351                                 loadedWidth = $loaded.outerWidth(true);\r
352                                 \r
353                                 // Setting padding to remove the need to do size conversions during the animation step.\r
354                                 $box.css({"padding-bottom": interfaceHeight, "padding-right": interfaceWidth});\r
355 \r
356                                 // Anonymous functions here keep the public method from being cached, thereby allowing them to be redefined on the fly.\r
357                                 $ () {\r
358                               ;\r
359                                 });\r
360                                 $ () {\r
361                                         publicMethod.prev();\r
362                                 });\r
363                                 $ () {\r
364                                         publicMethod.close();\r
365                                 });\r
366                                 $ () {\r
367                                         if (settings.overlayClose) {\r
368                                                 publicMethod.close();\r
369                                         }\r
370                                 });\r
371                                 \r
372                                 // Key Bindings\r
373                                 $(document).bind('keydown.' + prefix, function (e) {\r
374                                         var key = e.keyCode;\r
375                                         if (open && settings.escKey && key === 27) {\r
376                                                 e.preventDefault();\r
377                                                 publicMethod.close();\r
378                                         }\r
379                                         if (open && settings.arrowKey && $related[1]) {\r
380                                                 if (key === 37) {\r
381                                                         e.preventDefault();\r
382                                                         $;\r
383                                                 } else if (key === 39) {\r
384                                                         e.preventDefault();\r
385                                                         $;\r
386                                                 }\r
387                                         }\r
388                                 });\r
389 \r
390                                 $('.' + boxElement, document).live('click', function (e) {\r
391                                 // ignore non-left-mouse-clicks and clicks modified with ctrl / command, shift, or alt.\r
392                                 // See:\r
393                                 if (!(e.which > 1 || e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey)) {\r
394                                     e.preventDefault();\r
395                                     launch(this);\r
396                                 }\r
397                             });\r
398                         }\r
399                         return true;\r
400                 }\r
401                 return false;\r
402         }\r
403 \r
404         // Don't do anything if ColorBox already exists.\r
405         if ($.colorbox) {\r
406                 return;\r
407         }\r
408 \r
409         // Append the HTML when the DOM loads\r
410         $(appendHTML);\r
411 \r
412 \r
413         // ****************\r
414         // PUBLIC FUNCTIONS\r
415         // Usage format: $.fn.colorbox.close();\r
416         // Usage from within an iframe: parent.$.fn.colorbox.close();\r
417         // ****************\r
418         \r
419         publicMethod = $.fn[colorbox] = $[colorbox] = function (options, callback) {\r
420                 var $this = this;\r
421                 \r
422         options = options || {};\r
423         \r
424         appendHTML();\r
425 \r
426                 if (addBindings()) {\r
427                         if (!$this[0]) {\r
428                                 if ($this.selector) { // if a selector was given and it didn't match any elements, go ahead and exit.\r
429                         return $this;\r
430                     }\r
431                     // if no selector was given (ie. $.colorbox()), create a temporary element to work with\r
432                                 $this = $('<a/>');\r
433                        = true; // assume an immediate open\r
434                         }\r
435                         \r
436                         if (callback) {\r
437                                 options.onComplete = callback;\r
438                         }\r
439                         \r
440                         $this.each(function () {\r
441                                 $.data(this, colorbox, $.extend({}, $.data(this, colorbox) || defaults, options));\r
442                         }).addClass(boxElement);\r
443                         \r
444                 if (($.isFunction( &&$this)) || {\r
445                                 launch($this[0]);\r
446                         }\r
447                 }\r
448         \r
449                 return $this;\r
450         };\r
451 \r
452         publicMethod.position = function (speed, loadedCallback) {\r
453         var \r
454         top = 0, \r
455         left = 0, \r
456         offset = $box.offset(),\r
457         scrollTop = $window.scrollTop(), \r
458         scrollLeft = $window.scrollLeft();\r
459         \r
460         $window.unbind('resize.' + prefix);\r
461 \r
462         // remove the modal so that it doesn't influence the document width/height        \r
463         $box.css({top: -9e4, left: -9e4});\r
464 \r
465         if (settings.fixed && !isIE6) {\r
466                -= scrollTop;\r
467                         offset.left -= scrollLeft;\r
468             $box.css({position: 'fixed'});\r
469         } else {\r
470             top = scrollTop;\r
471             left = scrollLeft;\r
472             $box.css({position: 'absolute'});\r
473         }\r
474 \r
475                 // keeps the top and left positions within the browser's viewport.\r
476         if (settings.right !== false) {\r
477             left += Math.max($window.width() - settings.w - loadedWidth - interfaceWidth - setSize(settings.right, 'x'), 0);\r
478         } else if (settings.left !== false) {\r
479             left += setSize(settings.left, 'x');\r
480         } else {\r
481             left += Math.round(Math.max($window.width() - settings.w - loadedWidth - interfaceWidth, 0) / 2);\r
482         }\r
483         \r
484         if (settings.bottom !== false) {\r
485             top += Math.max($window.height() - settings.h - loadedHeight - interfaceHeight - setSize(settings.bottom, 'y'), 0);\r
486         } else if ( !== false) {\r
487             top += setSize(, 'y');\r
488         } else {\r
489             top += Math.round(Math.max($window.height() - settings.h - loadedHeight - interfaceHeight, 0) / 2);\r
490         }\r
491 \r
492         $box.css({top:, left: offset.left});\r
493 \r
494                 // setting the speed to 0 to reduce the delay between same-sized content.\r
495                 speed = ($box.width() === settings.w + loadedWidth && $box.height() === settings.h + loadedHeight) ? 0 : speed || 0;\r
496         \r
497                 // this gives the wrapper plenty of breathing room so it's floated contents can move around smoothly,\r
498                 // but it has to be shrank down around the size of div#colorbox when it's done.  If not,\r
499                 // it can invoke an obscure IE bug when using iframes.\r
500                 $wrap[0].style.width = $wrap[0].style.height = "9999px";\r
501                 \r
502                 function modalDimensions(that) {\r
503                         $topBorder[0].style.width = $bottomBorder[0].style.width = $content[0].style.width =;\r
504                         $content[0].style.height = $leftBorder[0].style.height = $rightBorder[0].style.height =;\r
505                 }\r
506                 \r
507                 $box.dequeue().animate({width: settings.w + loadedWidth, height: settings.h + loadedHeight, top: top, left: left}, {\r
508                         duration: speed,\r
509                         complete: function () {\r
510                                 modalDimensions(this);\r
511                                 \r
512                                 active = false;\r
513                                 \r
514                                 // shrink the wrapper down to exactly the size of colorbox to avoid a bug in IE's iframe implementation.\r
515                                 $wrap[0].style.width = (settings.w + loadedWidth + interfaceWidth) + "px";\r
516                                 $wrap[0].style.height = (settings.h + loadedHeight + interfaceHeight) + "px";\r
517                 \r
518                 if (settings.reposition) {\r
519                         setTimeout(function () {  // small delay before binding onresize due to an IE8 bug.\r
520                             $window.bind('resize.' + prefix, publicMethod.position);\r
521                         }, 1);\r
522                     }\r
523 \r
524                                 if (loadedCallback) {\r
525                                         loadedCallback();\r
526                                 }\r
527                         },\r
528                         step: function () {\r
529                                 modalDimensions(this);\r
530                         }\r
531                 });\r
532         };\r
533 \r
534         publicMethod.resize = function (options) {\r
535                 if (open) {\r
536                         options = options || {};\r
537                         \r
538                         if (options.width) {\r
539                                 settings.w = setSize(options.width, 'x') - loadedWidth - interfaceWidth;\r
540                         }\r
541                         if (options.innerWidth) {\r
542                                 settings.w = setSize(options.innerWidth, 'x');\r
543                         }\r
544                         $loaded.css({width: settings.w});\r
545                         \r
546                         if (options.height) {\r
547                                 settings.h = setSize(options.height, 'y') - loadedHeight - interfaceHeight;\r
548                         }\r
549                         if (options.innerHeight) {\r
550                                 settings.h = setSize(options.innerHeight, 'y');\r
551                         }\r
552                         if (!options.innerHeight && !options.height) {\r
553                                 $loaded.css({height: "auto"});\r
554                                 settings.h = $loaded.height();\r
555                         }\r
556                         $loaded.css({height: settings.h});\r
557                         \r
558                         publicMethod.position(settings.transition === "none" ? 0 : settings.speed);\r
559                 }\r
560         };\r
561 \r
562         publicMethod.prep = function (object) {\r
563                 if (!open) {\r
564                         return;\r
565                 }\r
566                 \r
567                 var callback, speed = settings.transition === "none" ? 0 : settings.speed;\r
568                 \r
569                 $loaded.remove();\r
570                 $loaded = $tag(div, 'LoadedContent').append(object);\r
571                 \r
572                 function getWidth() {\r
573                         settings.w = settings.w || $loaded.width();\r
574                         settings.w = && < settings.w ? : settings.w;\r
575                         return settings.w;\r
576                 }\r
577                 function getHeight() {\r
578                         settings.h = settings.h || $loaded.height();\r
579                         settings.h = && < settings.h ? : settings.h;\r
580                         return settings.h;\r
581                 }\r
582                 \r
583                 $loaded.hide()\r
584                 .appendTo($ content has to be appended to the DOM for accurate size calculations.\r
585                 .css({width: getWidth(), overflow: settings.scrolling ? 'auto' : 'hidden'})\r
586                 .css({height: getHeight()})// sets the height independently from the width in case the new width influences the value of height.\r
587                 .prependTo($content);\r
588                 \r
589                 $loadingBay.hide();\r
590                 \r
591                 // floating the IMG removes the bottom line-height and fixed a problem where IE miscalculates the width of the parent element as 100% of the document width.\r
592                 //$(photo).css({'float': 'none', marginLeft: 'auto', marginRight: 'auto'});\r
593                 \r
594         $(photo).css({'float': 'none'});\r
595         \r
596                 // Hides SELECT elements in IE6 because they would otherwise sit on top of the overlay.\r
597                 if (isIE6) {\r
598                         $('select').not($box.find('select')).filter(function () {\r
599                                 return !== 'hidden';\r
600                         }).css({'visibility': 'hidden'}).one(event_cleanup, function () {\r
601                        = 'inherit';\r
602                         });\r
603                 }\r
604                 \r
605                 callback = function () {\r
606             var preload, i, total = $related.length, iframe, frameBorder = 'frameBorder', allowTransparency = 'allowTransparency', complete, src, img;\r
607             \r
608             if (!open) {\r
609                 return;\r
610             }\r
611             \r
612             function removeFilter() {\r
613                 if (isIE) {\r
614                     $box[0].style.removeAttribute('filter');\r
615                 }\r
616             }\r
617             \r
618             complete = function () {\r
619                 clearTimeout(loadingTimer);\r
620                 $loadingOverlay.hide();\r
621                 trigger(event_complete, settings.onComplete);\r
622             };\r
623             \r
624             if (isIE) {\r
625                 //This fadeIn helps the bicubic resampling to kick-in.\r
626                 if (photo) {\r
627                     $loaded.fadeIn(100);\r
628                 }\r
629             }\r
630             \r
631             $title.html(settings.title).add($loaded).show();\r
632             \r
633             if (total > 1) { // handle grouping\r
634                 if (typeof settings.current === "string") {\r
635                     $current.html(settings.current.replace('{current}', index + 1).replace('{total}', total)).show();\r
636                 }\r
637                 \r
638                 $next[(settings.loop || index < total - 1) ? "show" : "hide"]().html(;\r
639                 $prev[(settings.loop || index) ? "show" : "hide"]().html(settings.previous);\r
640                                 \r
641                 if (settings.slideshow) {\r
642                     $;\r
643                 }\r
644                                 \r
645                 // Preloads images within a rel group\r
646                 if (settings.preloading) {\r
647                                         preload = [\r
648                                                 getIndex(-1),\r
649                                                 getIndex(1)\r
650                                         ];\r
651                                         while (i = $related[preload.pop()]) {\r
652                                                 src = $.data(i, colorbox).href || i.href;\r
653                                                 if ($.isFunction(src)) {\r
654                                                         src =;\r
655                                                 }\r
656                                                 if (isImage(src)) {\r
657                                                         img = new Image();\r
658                                                         img.src = src;\r
659                                                 }\r
660                                         }\r
661                 }\r
662             } else {\r
663                 $groupControls.hide();\r
664             }\r
665             \r
666             if (settings.iframe) {\r
667                 iframe = $tag('iframe')[0];\r
668                 \r
669                 if (frameBorder in iframe) {\r
670                     iframe[frameBorder] = 0;\r
671                 }\r
672                 if (allowTransparency in iframe) {\r
673                     iframe[allowTransparency] = "true";\r
674                 }\r
675                 // give the iframe a unique name to prevent caching\r
676        = prefix + (+new Date());\r
677                 if (settings.fastIframe) {\r
678                     complete();\r
679                 } else {\r
680                     $(iframe).one('load', complete);\r
681                 }\r
682                 iframe.src = settings.href;\r
683                 if (!settings.scrolling) {\r
684                     iframe.scrolling = "no";\r
685                 }\r
686                 $(iframe).addClass(prefix + 'Iframe').appendTo($loaded).one(event_purge, function () {\r
687                     iframe.src = "//about:blank";\r
688                 });\r
689             } else {\r
690                 complete();\r
691             }\r
692             \r
693             if (settings.transition === 'fade') {\r
694                 $box.fadeTo(speed, 1, removeFilter);\r
695             } else {\r
696                 removeFilter();\r
697             }\r
698                 };\r
699                 \r
700                 if (settings.transition === 'fade') {\r
701                         $box.fadeTo(speed, 0, function () {\r
702                                 publicMethod.position(0, callback);\r
703                         });\r
704                 } else {\r
705                         publicMethod.position(speed, callback);\r
706                 }\r
707         };\r
708 \r
709         publicMethod.load = function (launched) {\r
710                 var href, setResize, prep = publicMethod.prep;\r
711                 \r
712                 active = true;\r
713                 \r
714                 photo = false;\r
715                 \r
716                 element = $related[index];\r
717                 \r
718                 if (!launched) {\r
719                         makeSettings();\r
720                 }\r
721                 \r
722                 trigger(event_purge);\r
723                 \r
724                 trigger(event_load, settings.onLoad);\r
725                 \r
726                 settings.h = settings.height ?\r
727                                 setSize(settings.height, 'y') - loadedHeight - interfaceHeight :\r
728                                 settings.innerHeight && setSize(settings.innerHeight, 'y');\r
729                 \r
730                 settings.w = settings.width ?\r
731                                 setSize(settings.width, 'x') - loadedWidth - interfaceWidth :\r
732                                 settings.innerWidth && setSize(settings.innerWidth, 'x');\r
733                 \r
734                 // Sets the minimum dimensions for use in image scaling\r
735        = settings.w;\r
736        = settings.h;\r
737                 \r
738                 // Re-evaluate the minimum width and height based on maxWidth and maxHeight values.\r
739                 // If the width or height exceed the maxWidth or maxHeight, use the maximum values instead.\r
740                 if (settings.maxWidth) {\r
741                = setSize(settings.maxWidth, 'x') - loadedWidth - interfaceWidth;\r
742                = settings.w && settings.w < ? settings.w :;\r
743                 }\r
744                 if (settings.maxHeight) {\r
745                = setSize(settings.maxHeight, 'y') - loadedHeight - interfaceHeight;\r
746                = settings.h && settings.h < ? settings.h :;\r
747                 }\r
748                 \r
749                 href = settings.href;\r
750                 \r
751         loadingTimer = setTimeout(function () {\r
752             $;\r
753         }, 100);\r
754         \r
755                 if (settings.inline) {\r
756                         // Inserts an empty placeholder where inline content is being pulled from.\r
757                         // An event is bound to put inline content back when ColorBox closes or loads new content.\r
758                         $tag(div).hide().insertBefore($(href)[0]).one(event_purge, function () {\r
759                                 $(this).replaceWith($loaded.children());\r
760                         });\r
761                         prep($(href));\r
762                 } else if (settings.iframe) {\r
763                         // IFrame element won't be added to the DOM until it is ready to be displayed,\r
764                         // to avoid problems with DOM-ready JS that might be trying to run in that iframe.\r
765                         prep(" ");\r
766                 } else if (settings.html) {\r
767                         prep(settings.html);\r
768                 } else if (isImage(href)) {\r
769                         $(photo = new Image())\r
770                         .addClass(prefix + 'Photo')\r
771                         .error(function () {\r
772                                 settings.title = false;\r
773                                 prep($tag(div, 'Error').text('This image could not be loaded'));\r
774                         })\r
775                         .load(function () {\r
776                                 var percent;\r
777                                 photo.onload = null; //stops animated gifs from firing the onload repeatedly.\r
778                                 \r
779                                 if (settings.scalePhotos) {\r
780                                         setResize = function () {\r
781                                                 photo.height -= photo.height * percent;\r
782                                                 photo.width -= photo.width * percent;   \r
783                                         };\r
784                                         if ( && photo.width > {\r
785                                                 percent = (photo.width - / photo.width;\r
786                                                 setResize();\r
787                                         }\r
788                                         if ( && photo.height > {\r
789                                                 percent = (photo.height - / photo.height;\r
790                                                 setResize();\r
791                                         }\r
792                                 }\r
793                                 \r
794                                 if (settings.h) {\r
795                                = Math.max(settings.h - photo.height, 0) / 2 + 'px';\r
796                                 }\r
797                                 \r
798                                 if ($related[1] && (settings.loop || $related[index + 1])) {\r
799                                = 'pointer';\r
800                                         photo.onclick = function () {\r
801               ;\r
802                     };\r
803                                 }\r
804                                 \r
805                                 if (isIE) {\r
806                                = 'bicubic';\r
807                                 }\r
808                                 \r
809                                 setTimeout(function () { // A pause because Chrome will sometimes report a 0 by 0 size otherwise.\r
810                                         prep(photo);\r
811                                 }, 1);\r
812                         });\r
813                         \r
814                         setTimeout(function () { // A pause because Opera 10.6+ will sometimes not run the onload function otherwise.\r
815                                 photo.src = href;\r
816                         }, 1);\r
817                 } else if (href) {\r
818                         $loadingBay.load(href,, function (data, status, xhr) {\r
819                                 prep(status === 'error' ? $tag(div, 'Error').text('Request unsuccessful: ' + xhr.statusText) : $(this).contents());\r
820                         });\r
821                 }\r
822         };\r
823         \r
824         // Navigates to the next page/image in a set.\r
825 = function () {\r
826                 if (!active && $related[1] && (settings.loop || $related[index + 1])) {\r
827                         index = getIndex(1);\r
828                         publicMethod.load();\r
829                 }\r
830         };\r
831         \r
832         publicMethod.prev = function () {\r
833                 if (!active && $related[1] && (settings.loop || index)) {\r
834                         index = getIndex(-1);\r
835                         publicMethod.load();\r
836                 }\r
837         };\r
838 \r
839         // Note: to use this within an iframe use the following format: parent.$.fn.colorbox.close();\r
840         publicMethod.close = function () {\r
841                 if (open && !closing) {\r
842                         \r
843                         closing = true;\r
844                         \r
845                         open = false;\r
846                         \r
847                         trigger(event_cleanup, settings.onCleanup);\r
848                         \r
849                         $window.unbind('.' + prefix + ' .' + event_ie6);\r
850                         \r
851                         $overlay.fadeTo(200, 0);\r
852                         \r
853                         $box.stop().fadeTo(300, 0, function () {\r
854                  \r
855                                 $box.add($overlay).css({'opacity': 1, cursor: 'auto'}).hide();\r
856                                 \r
857                                 trigger(event_purge);\r
858                                 \r
859                                 $loaded.remove();\r
860                                 \r
861                                 setTimeout(function () {\r
862                                         closing = false;\r
863                                         trigger(event_closed, settings.onClosed);\r
864                                 }, 1);\r
865                         });\r
866                 }\r
867         };\r
868 \r
869         // Removes changes ColorBox made to the document, but does not remove the plugin\r
870         // from jQuery.\r
871         publicMethod.remove = function () {\r
872                 $([]).add($box).add($overlay).remove();\r
873                 $box = null;\r
874                 $('.' + boxElement)\r
875                         .removeData(colorbox)\r
876                         .removeClass(boxElement)\r
877                         .die();\r
878         };\r
879 \r
880         // A method for fetching the current element ColorBox is referencing.\r
881         // returns a jQuery object.\r
882         publicMethod.element = function () {\r
883                 return $(element);\r
884         };\r
885 \r
886         publicMethod.settings = defaults;\r
887 \r
888 }(jQuery, document, this));