Added missing comment tags. Handles temporarily disabled then action additions
[flowspy] / templates / apply.html
1 {% extends "base.html" %}
2 {% load i18n %}
4 {% block title %}
5         {% if edit %}
6                 {% trans "Edit Rule" %} {{}}
7         {% else %}
8                 {% trans "Create new Rule" %}
9         {% endif %}
10 {% endblock %}
12 {% block breadcrumbs %}:: 
13         {% if edit %}
14                 {% trans "Edit rule" %} {{}}
15         {% else %}
16         {% trans "Create rule" %}
17         {% endif %}
18                 {% endblock %}
19 {% block extrahead %}
20 <script>
21         $(document).ready( function(){
23                 $("#id_sourceport").css('width', '100px').attr('size', '5');
24                 $("#id_port").css('width', '100px').attr('size', '5');
25                 $("#id_destinationport").css('width', '100px').attr('size', '5');
26                 $('#id_then').attr("multiple", "");
27                 $( "#id_expires" ).datepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd' , maxDate: '+10d', minDate: '+1d', changeMonth: false, changeYear: false }).datepicker( $.datepicker.regional[ "el" ] );
28                 {% comment %}
29                 $('#then_diag').dialog({
30                         height: 220,
31             width: 340,
32                         modal: true,
33                         autoOpen: false,
34                         buttons: {
35                 'Add': function() {
36                         console.log($("#add_rl_form").serialize());
37                         $.ajax({
38                         url:"{% url add-rate-limit %}", 
39                         data:$("#add_rl_form").serialize(),
40                         type: "POST",
41                         cache: false,
42                         success:function(data){
43                                         try {
44                                                 value =;
45                                                 text = data.value;
46                                                 $('#id_then').append($("<option></option>").attr("value",value).text(text));
47                                                 $('#then_diag').dialog('close');
48                                         }
49                                         catch (exception) {
50                                                 $('#then_diag').html(data);
51                                         }                                       
52                                 }
53                                 });
54                 },
55                 Cancel: function() {
56                         $('#then_diag').dialog('close');
57                 }
58         }
59                 });
60                 {% comment %}
61                 $('#port_diag').dialog({
62                         height: 220,
63             width: 340,
64                         modal: true,
65                         autoOpen: false,
66                         buttons: {
67                 'Add': function() {
68                         console.log($("#add_port_form").serialize());
69                         $.ajax({
70                         url:"{% url add-port %}", 
71                         data:$("#add_port_form").serialize(),
72                         type: "POST",
73                         cache: false,
74                         success:function(data){
75                                         try {
76                                                 value = data.value;
77                                                 text = data.text;
78                                                 $('#id_port').append($("<option></option>").attr("value",value).text(text));
79                                                 $('#id_destinationport').append($("<option></option>").attr("value",value).text(text));
80                                                 $('#id_sourceport').append($("<option></option>").attr("value",value).text(text));
81                                                 $('#port_diag').dialog('close');
82                                         }
83                                         catch (exception) {
84                                                 $('#port_diag').html(data);
85                                         }                                       
86                                 }
87                                 });
88                 },
89                 Cancel: function() {
90                         $('#port_diag').dialog('close');
91                 }
92         }
93                 });
95                 {% comment %}
96                 $("#new_then_actions").button({
97             icons: {
98                 primary: "ui-icon-plusthick"
99             },
100                         })
101                         .click(function(){
102                                 $.ajax({
103                                         url: "{% url add-rate-limit %}",
104                                         cache: false,
105                                         success: function(data){
106                                                 $("#then_diag").html(data);
107                                         }
108                                 });
109                                 $('#then_diag').dialog('open');
110                                 return false;
111                         });
113                         {% endcomment %}
114                         $(".new_port").button({
115             icons: {
116                 primary: "ui-icon-plusthick"
117             },
118                         })
119                         .click(function(){
120                                 $.ajax({
121                                         url: "{% url add-port %}",
122                                         cache: false,
123                                         success: function(data){
124                                                 $("#port_diag").html(data);
125                                         }
126                                 });
127                                 $('#port_diag').dialog('open');
128                                 return false;
129                         });
131                 $("#portsacc").accordion({
132                         collapsible: true,
133                         active: false,
135                 });
137                 $("#applybutton").button();
139                 });
141 </script>
142 {% endblock %}
143 {% block content %}
144 <style type="text/css">
145 th {
146         text-align: right;
147         padding-right: 0.5em;
148         vertical-align: top;
149 }
151 .accord_wrapper{
152         height: 452px !important;
155 .help {
156         font-style: italic;
158 }
159 </style>
160 <div align="center">
161     {% if edit %}<h3>{% trans "Edit rule" %}: {{}}</h3>
162     {% else %}<h3>{% trans "Apply for a new rule" %}</h3>
163     {% endif %}
164     <form method="POST">
165         {% csrf_token %}
166         {% load unescape %}
167         {% if form.non_field_errors %}
168         <p class="error">
169             {{ form.non_field_errors|unescape}}
170         </p>
171         {% endif %}
172         <fieldset {%  if edit %}  style="display:none;" {%  endif %}>
173             <legend>
174                 {% trans "Rule Basic Info" %}
175             </legend>
176             <table>
177                 <tr>
178                     <th>
179                         {{ }}
180                     </th>
181                     <td>
182                         {{ }}<span class="error">{{|join:", " }}</span>
183                     </td>
184                 </tr>
185                 <tr class="help">
186                     <td>
187                     </td>
188                     <td>
189                         A unique identifier will be added as a name_suffix
190                     </td>
191                 </tr>
192             </table>
193         </fieldset>
194         <fieldset>
195             <legend>
196                 {% trans "Rule Match Conditions" %}
197             </legend>
198             <table>
199                 <input type="hidden" id="id_applier" name="applier" value="{{applier}}"/>
200                 <tr>
201                     <th>
202                         {{ form.source.label_tag }}
203                     </th>
204                     <td>
205                         {{ form.source }}<span class="error">{{ form.source.errors|join:", " }}</span>
206                     </td>
207                 </tr>
208                 <tr class="help">
209                     <td>
210                     </td>
211                     <td>
212                         {{ form.source.help_text }}
213                     </td>
214                 </tr>
215                 <tr>
216                     <th>
217                         {{ form.destination.label_tag }}
218                     </th>
219                     <td>
220                         {{ form.destination }}<span class="error">{{ form.destination.errors|join:", " }}</span>
221                     </td>
222                 </tr>
223                 <tr class="help">
224                     <td>
225                     </td>
226                     <td>
227                         {{ form.destination.help_text }}
228                     </td>
229                 </tr>
230             </table>
231             <div id='portsacc' style="width: 500px;">
232             <h3 style="padding: 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 0.7em;">Advanced Settings (Ports)</h3>
233             <div class='accord_wrapper' style="height: 452px !important;">
234                 Select source/destination port(s), or select common port(s) for both source/destination
235                 <table>
236                 <tr>
237                     <th>
238                         {{ form.sourceport.label_tag }}
239                     </th>
240                     <td>
241                         {{ form.sourceport }}&nbsp;&nbsp;
242                         <button class="new_port">
243                             Port
244                         </button>
245                         <span class="error">{{ form.sourceport.errors|join:", " }}</span>
246                     </td>
247                 </tr>
248                 <tr class="help">
249                     <td>
250                     </td>
251                     <td>
252                         {{ form.sourceport.help_text }}
253                     </td>
254                 </tr>
255                 <tr>
256                     <th>
257                         {{ form.destinationport.label_tag }}
258                     </th>
259                     <td>
260                         {{ form.destinationport }}&nbsp;&nbsp;
261                         <button class="new_port">
262                             Port
263                         </button>
264                         <span class="error">{{ form.destinationport.errors|join:", " }}</span>
265                     </td>
266                 </tr>
267                 <tr class="help">
268                     <td>
269                     </td>
270                     <td>
271                         {{ form.destinationport.help_text }}
272                     </td>
273                 </tr>
274                 <tr>
275                     <th>
276                         {{ form.port.label_tag }}
277                     </th>
278                     <td>
279                         {{ form.port }}&nbsp;&nbsp;
280                         <button class="new_port">
281                             Port
282                         </button>
283                         <span class="error">{{ form.port.errors|join:", " }}</span>
284                     </td>
285                 </tr>
286                 <tr class="help">
287                     <td>
288                     </td>
289                     <td>
290                         {{ form.port.help_text }}
291                     </td>
292                 </tr>
293             </div>
294             </table>
295         </div>
296         </fieldset>
297         <fieldset>
298             <legend>
299                 {% trans "Rule Actions" %}
300             </legend>
301             <table>
302                 <tr>
303                     <th>
304                         {{ form.then.label_tag }}
305                     </th>
306                     <td>
307                         {{ form.then }}{% comment %}&nbsp;&nbsp;
308                         <button id="new_then_actions">
309                             Rate-limit
310                         </button>{% endcomment %}
311                         <span class="error">{{ form.then.errors|join:", " }}</span>
312                     </td>
313                 </tr>
314             </table>
315         </fieldset>
316         <fieldset>
317             <legend>
318                 {% trans "Expiration" %}
319             </legend>
320             <table>
321                 <tr>
322                     <th>
323                         {{ form.expires.label_tag }}
324                     </th>
325                     <td>
326                         {{ form.expires }}<span class="error">{{ form.expires.errors|join:", " }}</span>
327                     </td>
328                 </tr>
329             </table>
330         </fieldset>
331         <fieldset>
332             <legend>
333                 {% trans "Use/Comments" %}
334             </legend>
335             {% blocktrans %}
336             <p>
337                 Give a short description of the intended use of this rule, that justifies the parameter selection above. Feel free to include any additional comments.
338             </p>
339             {% endblocktrans %}
340             <p>
341                 {{ form.comments }}
342                 {% if form.errors %}
343                 <br/>
344                 <span class="error">{{ form.comments.errors|join:", " }}</span>{% endif %}
345             </p>
346         </fieldset>
347         <p>
348             <input type="submit" id="applybutton" value="{% trans "Apply" %}" />
349         </p>
350     </form>
351 </div>
352 <div id="then_diag" title="Add new rate-limit value">
353 </div>
354 <div id="port_diag" title="Add new port">
355 </div>
357 {% endblock %}