Using MD5 to quickly check for local modifications before calculating the expensive...
[pithos-ms-client] / trunk / Pithos.Core / Agents / Downloader.cs
1 using System;\r
2 using System.Collections.Generic;\r
3 using System.ComponentModel.Composition;\r
4 using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;\r
5 using System.IO;\r
6 using System.Linq;\r
7 using System.Reflection;\r
8 using System.Threading;\r
9 using System.Threading.Tasks;\r
10 using Pithos.Interfaces;\r
11 using Pithos.Network;\r
12 using log4net;\r
13 \r
14 namespace Pithos.Core.Agents\r
15 {\r
16     [Export(typeof(Downloader))]\r
17     public class Downloader\r
18     {\r
19         private static readonly ILog Log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);\r
20 \r
21         [Import]\r
22         private IStatusKeeper StatusKeeper { get; set; }\r
23 \r
24         \r
25         public IStatusNotification StatusNotification { get; set; }\r
26 \r
27 /*\r
28         private CancellationTokenSource _cts=new CancellationTokenSource();\r
29 \r
30         public void SignalStop()\r
31         {\r
32             _cts.Cancel();\r
33         }\r
34 */\r
35 \r
36 \r
37         //Download a file.\r
38         public async Task DownloadCloudFile(AccountInfo accountInfo, ObjectInfo cloudFile, string filePath,CancellationToken cancellationToken)\r
39         {\r
40             if (accountInfo == null)\r
41                 throw new ArgumentNullException("accountInfo");\r
42             if (cloudFile == null)\r
43                 throw new ArgumentNullException("cloudFile");\r
44             if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cloudFile.Account))\r
45                 throw new ArgumentNullException("cloudFile");\r
46             if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cloudFile.Container))\r
47                 throw new ArgumentNullException("cloudFile");\r
48             if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filePath))\r
49                 throw new ArgumentNullException("filePath");\r
50             if (!Path.IsPathRooted(filePath))\r
51                 throw new ArgumentException("The filePath must be rooted", "filePath");\r
52             Contract.EndContractBlock();\r
53                 using (ThreadContext.Stacks["Operation"].Push("DownloadCloudFile"))\r
54                 {\r
55                    // var cancellationToken=_cts.Token;//  .ThrowIfCancellationRequested();\r
56 \r
57                     if (await WaitOrAbort(accountInfo,cloudFile, cancellationToken))\r
58                         return;\r
59 \r
60 \r
61                     var localPath = FileInfoExtensions.GetProperFilePathCapitalization(filePath);\r
62                     var relativeUrl = new Uri(cloudFile.Name, UriKind.Relative);\r
63 \r
64                     var url = relativeUrl.ToString();\r
65                     if (cloudFile.Name.EndsWith(".ignore", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))\r
66                         return;\r
67 \r
68                     if (!Selectives.IsSelected(accountInfo,cloudFile))\r
69                         return;\r
70 \r
71 \r
72                     //Are we already downloading or uploading the file? \r
73                     using (var gate = NetworkGate.Acquire(localPath, NetworkOperation.Downloading))\r
74                     {\r
75                         if (gate.Failed)\r
76                             return;\r
77 \r
78                         var client = new CloudFilesClient(accountInfo);\r
79                         var account = cloudFile.Account;\r
80                         var container = cloudFile.Container;\r
81 \r
82                         if (cloudFile.IsDirectory)\r
83                         {\r
84                             if (!Directory.Exists(localPath))\r
85                                 try\r
86                                 {\r
87                                     Directory.CreateDirectory(localPath);\r
88                                     if (Log.IsDebugEnabled)\r
89                                         Log.DebugFormat("Created Directory [{0}]", localPath);\r
90                                 }\r
91                                 catch (IOException)\r
92                                 {\r
93                                     var localInfo = new FileInfo(localPath);\r
94                                     if (localInfo.Exists && localInfo.Length == 0)\r
95                                     {\r
96                                         Log.WarnFormat("Malformed directory object detected for [{0}]", localPath);\r
97                                         localInfo.Delete();\r
98                                         Directory.CreateDirectory(localPath);\r
99                                         if (Log.IsDebugEnabled)\r
100                                             Log.DebugFormat("Created Directory [{0}]", localPath);\r
101                                     }\r
102                                 }\r
103                         }\r
104                         else\r
105                         {\r
106                             var isChanged = IsObjectChanged(cloudFile, localPath);\r
107                             if (isChanged)\r
108                             {\r
109                                 //Retrieve the hashmap from the server\r
110                                 var serverHash = await client.GetHashMap(account, container, url);\r
111                                 //If it's a small file\r
112                                 if (serverHash.Hashes.Count == 1)\r
113                                     //Download it in one go\r
114                                     await\r
115                                         DownloadEntireFileAsync(accountInfo, client, cloudFile, relativeUrl, localPath,cancellationToken);\r
116                                     //Otherwise download it block by block\r
117                                 else\r
118                                     await\r
119                                         DownloadWithBlocks(accountInfo, client, cloudFile, relativeUrl, localPath,\r
120                                                            serverHash,cancellationToken);\r
121 \r
122                                 if (!cloudFile.IsWritable(accountInfo.UserName))\r
123                                 {\r
124                                     var attributes = File.GetAttributes(localPath);\r
125                                     File.SetAttributes(localPath, attributes | FileAttributes.ReadOnly);\r
126                                 }\r
127                             }\r
128                         }\r
129 \r
130                         //Now we can store the object's metadata without worrying about ghost status entries\r
131                         StatusKeeper.StoreInfo(localPath, cloudFile);\r
132 \r
133                     }\r
134                 }\r
135            \r
136         }\r
137 \r
138         //Download a file asynchronously using blocks\r
139         public async Task DownloadWithBlocks(AccountInfo accountInfo, CloudFilesClient client, ObjectInfo cloudFile, Uri relativeUrl, string filePath, TreeHash serverHash, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\r
140         {\r
141             if (client == null)\r
142                 throw new ArgumentNullException("client");\r
143             if (cloudFile == null)\r
144                 throw new ArgumentNullException("cloudFile");\r
145             if (relativeUrl == null)\r
146                 throw new ArgumentNullException("relativeUrl");\r
147             if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filePath))\r
148                 throw new ArgumentNullException("filePath");\r
149             if (!Path.IsPathRooted(filePath))\r
150                 throw new ArgumentException("The filePath must be rooted", "filePath");\r
151             if (serverHash == null)\r
152                 throw new ArgumentNullException("serverHash");\r
153             if (cloudFile.IsDirectory)\r
154                 throw new ArgumentException("cloudFile is a directory, not a file", "cloudFile");\r
155             Contract.EndContractBlock();\r
156 \r
157             if (await WaitOrAbort(accountInfo,cloudFile, cancellationToken))\r
158                 return;\r
159 \r
160             var fileAgent = GetFileAgent(accountInfo);\r
161             var localPath = FileInfoExtensions.GetProperFilePathCapitalization(filePath);\r
162 \r
163             //Calculate the relative file path for the new file\r
164             var relativePath = relativeUrl.RelativeUriToFilePath();\r
165             var blockUpdater = new BlockUpdater(fileAgent.CachePath, localPath, relativePath, serverHash);\r
166 \r
167             StatusNotification.SetPithosStatus(PithosStatus.LocalSyncing, String.Format("Calculating hashmap for {0} before download", Path.GetFileName(localPath)));\r
168             //Calculate the file's treehash\r
169 \r
170             //TODO: Should pass cancellation token here\r
171             var treeHash = await Signature.CalculateTreeHashAsync(localPath, (int)serverHash.BlockSize, serverHash.BlockHash, 2);\r
172 \r
173             //And compare it with the server's hash\r
174             var upHashes = serverHash.GetHashesAsStrings();\r
175             var localHashes = treeHash.HashDictionary;\r
176             ReportDownloadProgress(Path.GetFileName(localPath), 0, upHashes.Length, cloudFile.Bytes);\r
177             for (var i = 0; i < upHashes.Length; i++)\r
178             {\r
179                 if (await WaitOrAbort(accountInfo,cloudFile, cancellationToken))\r
180                     return;\r
181 \r
182                 //For every non-matching hash\r
183                 var upHash = upHashes[i];\r
184                 if (!localHashes.ContainsKey(upHash))\r
185                 {\r
186                     StatusNotification.Notify(new CloudNotification { Data = cloudFile });\r
187                     ReportDownloadProgress(Path.GetFileName(localPath), i, upHashes.Length, cloudFile.Bytes);\r
188 \r
189                     if (blockUpdater.UseOrphan(i, upHash))\r
190                     {\r
191                         Log.InfoFormat("[BLOCK GET] ORPHAN FOUND for {0} of {1} for {2}", i, upHashes.Length, localPath);\r
192                         continue;\r
193                     }\r
194                     Log.InfoFormat("[BLOCK GET] START {0} of {1} for {2}", i, upHashes.Length, localPath);\r
195                     var start = i * serverHash.BlockSize;\r
196                     //To download the last block just pass a null for the end of the range\r
197                     long? end = null;\r
198                     if (i < upHashes.Length - 1)\r
199                         end = ((i + 1) * serverHash.BlockSize);\r
200 \r
201                     //TODO: Pass token here\r
202                     //Download the missing block\r
203                     var block = await client.GetBlock(cloudFile.Account, cloudFile.Container, relativeUrl, start, end,cancellationToken);\r
204 \r
205                     //and store it\r
206                     blockUpdater.StoreBlock(i, block);\r
207 \r
208 \r
209                     Log.InfoFormat("[BLOCK GET] FINISH {0} of {1} for {2}", i, upHashes.Length, localPath);\r
210                 }\r
211                 ReportDownloadProgress(Path.GetFileName(localPath), i, upHashes.Length, cloudFile.Bytes);\r
212             }\r
213 \r
214             //Want to avoid notifications if no changes were made\r
215             var hasChanges = blockUpdater.HasBlocks;\r
216             blockUpdater.Commit();\r
217 \r
218             if (hasChanges)\r
219                 //Notify listeners that a local file has changed\r
220                 StatusNotification.NotifyChangedFile(localPath);\r
221 \r
222             Log.InfoFormat("[BLOCK GET] COMPLETE {0}", localPath);\r
223         }\r
224 \r
225         //Download a small file with a single GET operation\r
226         private async Task DownloadEntireFileAsync(AccountInfo accountInfo, CloudFilesClient client, ObjectInfo cloudFile, Uri relativeUrl, string filePath, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\r
227         {\r
228             if (client == null)\r
229                 throw new ArgumentNullException("client");\r
230             if (cloudFile == null)\r
231                 throw new ArgumentNullException("cloudFile");\r
232             if (relativeUrl == null)\r
233                 throw new ArgumentNullException("relativeUrl");\r
234             if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filePath))\r
235                 throw new ArgumentNullException("filePath");\r
236             if (!Path.IsPathRooted(filePath))\r
237                 throw new ArgumentException("The localPath must be rooted", "filePath");\r
238             if (cloudFile.IsDirectory)\r
239                 throw new ArgumentException("cloudFile is a directory, not a file", "cloudFile");\r
240             Contract.EndContractBlock();\r
241 \r
242             if (await WaitOrAbort(accountInfo,cloudFile, cancellationToken))\r
243                 return;\r
244 \r
245             var localPath = FileInfoExtensions.GetProperFilePathCapitalization(filePath);\r
246             StatusNotification.SetPithosStatus(PithosStatus.LocalSyncing, String.Format("Downloading {0}", Path.GetFileName(localPath)));\r
247             StatusNotification.Notify(new CloudNotification { Data = cloudFile });\r
248             ReportDownloadProgress(Path.GetFileName(localPath), 1, 1, cloudFile.Bytes);\r
249 \r
250             var fileAgent = GetFileAgent(accountInfo);\r
251             //Calculate the relative file path for the new file\r
252             var relativePath = relativeUrl.RelativeUriToFilePath();\r
253             //The file will be stored in a temporary location while downloading with an extension .download\r
254             var tempPath = Path.Combine(fileAgent.CachePath, relativePath + ".download");\r
255             //Make sure the target folder exists. DownloadFileTask will not create the folder\r
256             var tempFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(tempPath);\r
257             if (!Directory.Exists(tempFolder))\r
258                 Directory.CreateDirectory(tempFolder);\r
259 \r
260             //TODO: Should pass the token here\r
261 \r
262             //Download the object to the temporary location\r
263             await client.GetObject(cloudFile.Account, cloudFile.Container, relativeUrl.ToString(), tempPath,cancellationToken);\r
264 \r
265             //Create the local folder if it doesn't exist (necessary for shared objects)\r
266             var localFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(localPath);\r
267             if (!Directory.Exists(localFolder))\r
268                 try\r
269                 {\r
270                     Directory.CreateDirectory(localFolder);\r
271                 }\r
272                 catch (IOException)\r
273                 {\r
274                     //A file may already exist that has the same name as the new folder.\r
275                     //This may be an artifact of the way Pithos handles directories\r
276                     var fileInfo = new FileInfo(localFolder);\r
277                     if (fileInfo.Exists && fileInfo.Length == 0)\r
278                     {\r
279                         Log.WarnFormat("Malformed directory object detected for [{0}]", localFolder);\r
280                         fileInfo.Delete();\r
281                         Directory.CreateDirectory(localFolder);\r
282                     }\r
283                     else\r
284                         throw;\r
285                 }\r
286             //And move it to its actual location once downloading is finished\r
287             if (File.Exists(localPath))\r
288                 File.Replace(tempPath, localPath, null, true);\r
289             else\r
290                 File.Move(tempPath, localPath);\r
291             //Notify listeners that a local file has changed\r
292             StatusNotification.NotifyChangedFile(localPath);\r
293 \r
294 \r
295         }\r
296 \r
297 \r
298         private void ReportDownloadProgress(string fileName, int block, int totalBlocks, long fileSize)\r
299         {\r
300             StatusNotification.Notify(totalBlocks == 0\r
301                                           ? new ProgressNotification(fileName, "Downloading", 1, 1, fileSize)\r
302                                           : new ProgressNotification(fileName, "Downloading", block, totalBlocks, fileSize));\r
303         }\r
304 \r
305         private bool IsObjectChanged(ObjectInfo cloudFile, string localPath)\r
306         {\r
307             //If the target is a directory, there are no changes to download\r
308             if (Directory.Exists(localPath))\r
309                 return false;\r
310             //If the file doesn't exist, we have a chagne\r
311             if (!File.Exists(localPath))\r
312                 return true;\r
313             //If there is no stored state, we have a change\r
314             var localState = StatusKeeper.GetStateByFilePath(localPath);\r
315             if (localState == null)\r
316                 return true;\r
317 \r
318             var info = new FileInfo(localPath);\r
319             var shortHash = info.ComputeShortHash();\r
320             //If the file is different from the stored state, we have a change\r
321             if (localState.ShortHash != shortHash)\r
322                 return true;\r
323             //If the top hashes differ, we have a change\r
324             return (localState.Checksum != cloudFile.X_Object_Hash);\r
325         }\r
326 \r
327         private static FileAgent GetFileAgent(AccountInfo accountInfo)\r
328         {\r
329             return AgentLocator<FileAgent>.Get(accountInfo.AccountPath);\r
330         }\r
331 \r
332         private async Task<bool> WaitOrAbort(AccountInfo account,ObjectInfo cloudFile, CancellationToken token)\r
333         {\r
334             token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested();\r
335             await UnpauseEvent.WaitAsync();\r
336             var shouldAbort = !Selectives.IsSelected(account,cloudFile);\r
337             if (shouldAbort)\r
338                 Log.InfoFormat("Aborting [{0}]", cloudFile.Uri);\r
339             return shouldAbort;\r
340         }\r
341 \r
342         [Import]\r
343         public Selectives Selectives { get; set; }\r
344 \r
345         public AsyncManualResetEvent UnpauseEvent { get; set; }\r
346     }\r
347 }\r