Renamed PauseEvent to ProceedEvent
[pithos-ms-client] / trunk / Pithos.Core / Agents / PollAgent.cs
1 #region\r
2 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------\r
3  * <copyright file="PollAgent.cs" company="GRNet">\r
4  * \r
5  * Copyright 2011-2012 GRNET S.A. All rights reserved.\r
6  *\r
7  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or\r
8  * without modification, are permitted provided that the following\r
9  * conditions are met:\r
10  *\r
11  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above\r
12  *      copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following\r
13  *      disclaimer.\r
14  *\r
15  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above\r
16  *      copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following\r
17  *      disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials\r
18  *      provided with the distribution.\r
19  *\r
20  *\r
33  *\r
34  * The views and conclusions contained in the software and\r
35  * documentation are those of the authors and should not be\r
36  * interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed\r
37  * or implied, of GRNET S.A.\r
38  * </copyright>\r
39  * -----------------------------------------------------------------------\r
40  */\r
41 #endregion\r
42 \r
43 using System.Collections.Concurrent;\r
44 using System.ComponentModel.Composition;\r
45 using System.Diagnostics;\r
46 using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;\r
47 using System.IO;\r
48 using System.Threading;\r
49 using System.Threading.Tasks;\r
50 using System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow;\r
51 using Castle.ActiveRecord;\r
52 using Pithos.Interfaces;\r
53 using Pithos.Network;\r
54 using log4net;\r
55 \r
56 namespace Pithos.Core.Agents\r
57 {\r
58     using System;\r
59     using System.Collections.Generic;\r
60     using System.Linq;\r
61     using System.Text;\r
62 \r
63     /// <summary>\r
64     /// PollAgent periodically polls the server to detect object changes. The agent retrieves a listing of all\r
65     /// objects and compares it with a previously cached version to detect differences. \r
66     /// New files are downloaded, missing files are deleted from the local file system and common files are compared\r
67     /// to determine the appropriate action\r
68     /// </summary>\r
69     [Export]\r
70     public class PollAgent\r
71     {\r
72         private static readonly ILog Log = LogManager.GetLogger("PollAgent");\r
73 \r
74         [System.ComponentModel.Composition.Import]\r
75         public IStatusKeeper StatusKeeper { get; set; }\r
76 \r
77         [System.ComponentModel.Composition.Import]\r
78         public IPithosSettings Settings { get; set; }\r
79 \r
80         [System.ComponentModel.Composition.Import]\r
81         public NetworkAgent NetworkAgent { get; set; }\r
82 \r
83         public IStatusNotification StatusNotification { get; set; }\r
84 \r
85         private bool _firstPoll = true;\r
86 \r
87         //The Sync Event signals a manual synchronisation\r
88         private readonly AsyncManualResetEvent _syncEvent = new AsyncManualResetEvent();\r
89 \r
90         private ConcurrentDictionary<string, DateTime> _lastSeen = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, DateTime>();\r
91         private readonly ConcurrentBag<AccountInfo> _accounts = new ConcurrentBag<AccountInfo>();\r
92 \r
93 \r
94         /// <summary>\r
95         /// Start a manual synchronization\r
96         /// </summary>\r
97         public void SynchNow()\r
98         {            \r
99             _syncEvent.Set();\r
100         }\r
101 \r
102         //Remote files are polled periodically. Any changes are processed\r
103         public async Task PollRemoteFiles(DateTime? since = null)\r
104         {\r
105             Debug.Assert(Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground, "Polling Ended up in the main thread!");\r
106 \r
107             UpdateStatus(PithosStatus.Syncing);\r
108             StatusNotification.Notify(new PollNotification());\r
109 \r
110             using (log4net.ThreadContext.Stacks["Retrieve Remote"].Push("All accounts"))\r
111             {\r
112                 //If this poll fails, we will retry with the same since value\r
113                 var nextSince = since;\r
114                 try\r
115                 {\r
116                     //Next time we will check for all changes since the current check minus 1 second\r
117                     //This is done to ensure there are no discrepancies due to clock differences\r
118                     var current = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-1);\r
119 \r
120                     var tasks = from accountInfo in _accounts\r
121                                 select ProcessAccountFiles(accountInfo, since);\r
122 \r
123                     await TaskEx.WhenAll(tasks.ToList());\r
124 \r
125                     _firstPoll = false;\r
126                     //Reschedule the poll with the current timestamp as a "since" value\r
127                     nextSince = current;\r
128                 }\r
129                 catch (Exception ex)\r
130                 {\r
131                     Log.ErrorFormat("Error while processing accounts\r\n{0}", ex);\r
132                     //In case of failure retry with the same "since" value\r
133                 }\r
134 \r
135                 UpdateStatus(PithosStatus.InSynch);\r
136                 //Wait for the polling interval to pass or the Sync event to be signalled\r
137                 nextSince = await WaitForScheduledOrManualPoll(nextSince);\r
138 \r
139                 TaskEx.Run(()=>PollRemoteFiles(nextSince));\r
140 \r
141             }\r
142         }\r
143 \r
144         /// <summary>\r
145         /// Wait for the polling period to expire or a manual sync request\r
146         /// </summary>\r
147         /// <param name="since"></param>\r
148         /// <returns></returns>\r
149         private async Task<DateTime?> WaitForScheduledOrManualPoll(DateTime? since)\r
150         {\r
151             var sync = _syncEvent.WaitAsync();\r
152             var wait = TaskEx.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Settings.PollingInterval), NetworkAgent.CancellationToken);\r
153             var signaledTask = await TaskEx.WhenAny(sync, wait);\r
154 \r
155             //Wait for network processing to finish before polling\r
156             var pauseTask=NetworkAgent.ProceedEvent.WaitAsync();\r
157             await TaskEx.WhenAll(signaledTask, pauseTask);\r
158 \r
159             //If polling is signalled by SynchNow, ignore the since tag\r
160             if (sync.IsCompleted)\r
161             {\r
162                 //TODO: Must convert to AutoReset\r
163                 _syncEvent.Reset();\r
164                 return null;\r
165             }\r
166             return since;\r
167         }\r
168 \r
169         public async Task ProcessAccountFiles(AccountInfo accountInfo, DateTime? since = null)\r
170         {\r
171             if (accountInfo == null)\r
172                 throw new ArgumentNullException("accountInfo");\r
173             if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(accountInfo.AccountPath))\r
174                 throw new ArgumentException("The AccountInfo.AccountPath is empty", "accountInfo");\r
175             Contract.EndContractBlock();\r
176 \r
177 \r
178             using (log4net.ThreadContext.Stacks["Retrieve Remote"].Push(accountInfo.UserName))\r
179             {\r
180                 await NetworkAgent.GetDeleteAwaiter();\r
181 \r
182                 Log.Info("Scheduled");\r
183                 var client = new CloudFilesClient(accountInfo);\r
184 \r
185                 var containers = client.ListContainers(accountInfo.UserName);\r
186 \r
187 \r
188                 CreateContainerFolders(accountInfo, containers);\r
189 \r
190                 try\r
191                 {\r
192                     await NetworkAgent.GetDeleteAwaiter();\r
193                     //Get the poll time now. We may miss some deletions but it's better to keep a file that was deleted\r
194                     //than delete a file that was created while we were executing the poll                    \r
195                     var pollTime = DateTime.Now;\r
196 \r
197                     //Get the list of server objects changed since the last check\r
198                     //The name of the container is passed as state in order to create a dictionary of tasks in a subsequent step\r
199                     var listObjects = (from container in containers\r
200                                        select Task<IList<ObjectInfo>>.Factory.StartNew(_ =>\r
201                                              client.ListObjects(accountInfo.UserName, container.Name, since), container.Name)).ToList();\r
202 \r
203                     var listShared = Task<IList<ObjectInfo>>.Factory.StartNew(_ => client.ListSharedObjects(since), "shared");\r
204                     listObjects.Add(listShared);\r
205                     var listTasks = await Task.Factory.WhenAll(listObjects.ToArray());\r
206 \r
207                     using (log4net.ThreadContext.Stacks["SCHEDULE"].Push("Process Results"))\r
208                     {\r
209                         var dict = listTasks.ToDictionary(t => t.AsyncState);\r
210 \r
211                         //Get all non-trash objects. Remember, the container name is stored in AsyncState\r
212                         var remoteObjects = from objectList in listTasks\r
213                                             where (string)objectList.AsyncState != "trash"\r
214                                             from obj in objectList.Result\r
215                                             select obj;\r
216 \r
217                         var trashObjects = dict["trash"].Result;\r
218                         var sharedObjects = dict["shared"].Result;\r
219 \r
220                         //DON'T process trashed files\r
221                         //If some files are deleted and added again to a folder, they will be deleted\r
222                         //even though they are new.\r
223                         //We would have to check file dates and hashes to ensure that a trashed file\r
224                         //can be deleted safely from the local hard drive.\r
225                         /*\r
226                         //Items with the same name, hash may be both in the container and the trash\r
227                         //Don't delete items that exist in the container\r
228                         var realTrash = from trash in trashObjects\r
229                                         where\r
230                                             !remoteObjects.Any(\r
231                                                 info => info.Name == trash.Name && info.Hash == trash.Hash)\r
232                                         select trash;\r
233                         ProcessTrashedFiles(accountInfo, realTrash);\r
234 */\r
235 \r
236                         var cleanRemotes = (from info in remoteObjects.Union(sharedObjects)\r
237                                             let name = info.Name\r
238                                             where !name.EndsWith(".ignore", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&\r
239                                                   !name.StartsWith(FolderConstants.CacheFolder + "/",\r
240                                                                    StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)\r
241                                             select info).ToList();\r
242 \r
243                         var differencer = _differencer.PostSnapshot(accountInfo, cleanRemotes);\r
244 \r
245                         ProcessDeletedFiles(accountInfo, differencer.Deleted, pollTime);\r
246 \r
247                         //Create a list of actions from the remote files\r
248                         var allActions = ChangesToActions(accountInfo, differencer.Changed)\r
249                                         .Union(\r
250                                         CreatesToActions(accountInfo, differencer.Created));\r
251 \r
252                         //And remove those that are already being processed by the agent\r
253                         var distinctActions = allActions\r
254                             .Except(NetworkAgent.GetEnumerable(), new PithosMonitor.LocalFileComparer())\r
255                             .ToList();\r
256 \r
257                         //Queue all the actions\r
258                         foreach (var message in distinctActions)\r
259                         {\r
260                             NetworkAgent.Post(message);\r
261                         }\r
262 \r
263                         Log.Info("[LISTENER] End Processing");\r
264                     }\r
265                 }\r
266                 catch (Exception ex)\r
267                 {\r
268                     Log.ErrorFormat("[FAIL] ListObjects for{0} in ProcessRemoteFiles with {1}", accountInfo.UserName, ex);\r
269                     return;\r
270                 }\r
271 \r
272                 Log.Info("[LISTENER] Finished");\r
273 \r
274             }\r
275         }\r
276 \r
277         AccountsDifferencer _differencer = new AccountsDifferencer();\r
278 \r
279         /// <summary>\r
280         /// Deletes local files that are not found in the list of cloud files\r
281         /// </summary>\r
282         /// <param name="accountInfo"></param>\r
283         /// <param name="cloudFiles"></param>\r
284         /// <param name="pollTime"></param>\r
285         private void ProcessDeletedFiles(AccountInfo accountInfo, IEnumerable<ObjectInfo> cloudFiles, DateTime pollTime)\r
286         {\r
287             if (accountInfo == null)\r
288                 throw new ArgumentNullException("accountInfo");\r
289             if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(accountInfo.AccountPath))\r
290                 throw new ArgumentException("The AccountInfo.AccountPath is empty", "accountInfo");\r
291             if (cloudFiles == null)\r
292                 throw new ArgumentNullException("cloudFiles");\r
293             Contract.EndContractBlock();\r
294 \r
295             //On the first run\r
296             if (_firstPoll)\r
297             {\r
298                 //Only consider files that are not being modified, ie they are in the Unchanged state            \r
299                 var deleteCandidates = FileState.Queryable.Where(state =>\r
300                     state.FilePath.StartsWith(accountInfo.AccountPath)\r
301                     && state.FileStatus == FileStatus.Unchanged).ToList();\r
302 \r
303 \r
304                 //TODO: filesToDelete must take into account the Others container            \r
305                 var filesToDelete = (from deleteCandidate in deleteCandidates\r
306                                      let localFile = FileInfoExtensions.FromPath(deleteCandidate.FilePath)\r
307                                      let relativeFilePath = localFile.AsRelativeTo(accountInfo.AccountPath)\r
308                                      where\r
309                                          !cloudFiles.Any(r => r.RelativeUrlToFilePath(accountInfo.UserName) == relativeFilePath)\r
310                                      select localFile).ToList();\r
311 \r
312 \r
313 \r
314                 //Set the status of missing files to Conflict\r
315                 foreach (var item in filesToDelete)\r
316                 {\r
317                     //Try to acquire a gate on the file, to take into account files that have been dequeued\r
318                     //and are being processed\r
319                     using (var gate = NetworkGate.Acquire(item.FullName, NetworkOperation.Deleting))\r
320                     {\r
321                         if (gate.Failed)\r
322                             continue;\r
323                         StatusKeeper.SetFileState(item.FullName, FileStatus.Conflict, FileOverlayStatus.Deleted);\r
324                     }\r
325                 }\r
326                 UpdateStatus(PithosStatus.HasConflicts);\r
327                 StatusNotification.NotifyConflicts(filesToDelete, String.Format("{0} local files are missing from Pithos, possibly because they were deleted", filesToDelete.Count));\r
328                 StatusNotification.NotifyForFiles(filesToDelete, String.Format("{0} files were deleted", filesToDelete.Count), TraceLevel.Info);\r
329             }\r
330             else\r
331             {\r
332                 var deletedFiles = new List<FileSystemInfo>();\r
333                 foreach (var objectInfo in cloudFiles)\r
334                 {\r
335                     var relativePath = objectInfo.RelativeUrlToFilePath(accountInfo.UserName);\r
336                     var item = GetFileAgent(accountInfo).GetFileSystemInfo(relativePath);\r
337                     if (item.Exists)\r
338                     {\r
339                         if ((item.Attributes & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) == FileAttributes.ReadOnly)\r
340                         {\r
341                             item.Attributes = item.Attributes & ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly;\r
342 \r
343                         }\r
344                         item.Delete();\r
345                         DateTime lastDate;\r
346                         _lastSeen.TryRemove(item.FullName, out lastDate);\r
347                         deletedFiles.Add(item);\r
348                     }\r
349                     StatusKeeper.SetFileState(item.FullName, FileStatus.Deleted, FileOverlayStatus.Deleted);\r
350                 }\r
351                 StatusNotification.NotifyForFiles(deletedFiles, String.Format("{0} files were deleted", deletedFiles.Count), TraceLevel.Info);\r
352             }\r
353 \r
354         }\r
355 \r
356         //Creates an appropriate action for each server file\r
357         private IEnumerable<CloudAction> ChangesToActions(AccountInfo accountInfo, IEnumerable<ObjectInfo> changes)\r
358         {\r
359             if (changes == null)\r
360                 throw new ArgumentNullException();\r
361             Contract.EndContractBlock();\r
362             var fileAgent = GetFileAgent(accountInfo);\r
363 \r
364             //In order to avoid multiple iterations over the files, we iterate only once\r
365             //over the remote files\r
366             foreach (var objectInfo in changes)\r
367             {\r
368                 var relativePath = objectInfo.RelativeUrlToFilePath(accountInfo.UserName);\r
369                 //and remove any matching objects from the list, adding them to the commonObjects list\r
370                 if (fileAgent.Exists(relativePath))\r
371                 {\r
372                     //If a directory object already exists, we don't need to perform any other action                    \r
373                     var localFile = fileAgent.GetFileSystemInfo(relativePath);\r
374                     if (objectInfo.Content_Type == @"application/directory" && localFile is DirectoryInfo)\r
375                         continue;\r
376                     using (new SessionScope(FlushAction.Never))\r
377                     {\r
378                         var state = StatusKeeper.GetStateByFilePath(localFile.FullName);\r
379                         _lastSeen[localFile.FullName] = DateTime.Now;\r
380                         //Common files should be checked on a per-case basis to detect differences, which is newer\r
381 \r
382                         yield return new CloudAction(accountInfo, CloudActionType.MustSynch,\r
383                                                      localFile, objectInfo, state, accountInfo.BlockSize,\r
384                                                      accountInfo.BlockHash);\r
385                     }\r
386                 }\r
387                 else\r
388                 {\r
389                     //Remote files should be downloaded\r
390                     yield return new CloudDownloadAction(accountInfo, objectInfo);\r
391                 }\r
392             }\r
393         }\r
394 \r
395         private IEnumerable<CloudAction> CreatesToActions(AccountInfo accountInfo, IEnumerable<ObjectInfo> creates)\r
396         {\r
397             if (creates == null)\r
398                 throw new ArgumentNullException();\r
399             Contract.EndContractBlock();\r
400             var fileAgent = GetFileAgent(accountInfo);\r
401 \r
402             //In order to avoid multiple iterations over the files, we iterate only once\r
403             //over the remote files\r
404             foreach (var objectInfo in creates)\r
405             {\r
406                 var relativePath = objectInfo.RelativeUrlToFilePath(accountInfo.UserName);\r
407                 //and remove any matching objects from the list, adding them to the commonObjects list\r
408                 if (fileAgent.Exists(relativePath))\r
409                 {\r
410                     //If the object already exists, we probably have a conflict\r
411                     //If a directory object already exists, we don't need to perform any other action                    \r
412                     var localFile = fileAgent.GetFileSystemInfo(relativePath);\r
413                     StatusKeeper.SetFileState(localFile.FullName, FileStatus.Conflict, FileOverlayStatus.Conflict);\r
414                 }\r
415                 else\r
416                 {\r
417                     //Remote files should be downloaded\r
418                     yield return new CloudDownloadAction(accountInfo, objectInfo);\r
419                 }\r
420             }\r
421         }\r
422 \r
423         private static FileAgent GetFileAgent(AccountInfo accountInfo)\r
424         {\r
425             return AgentLocator<FileAgent>.Get(accountInfo.AccountPath);\r
426         }\r
427 \r
428         private void ProcessTrashedFiles(AccountInfo accountInfo, IEnumerable<ObjectInfo> trashObjects)\r
429         {\r
430             var fileAgent = GetFileAgent(accountInfo);\r
431             foreach (var trashObject in trashObjects)\r
432             {\r
433                 var barePath = trashObject.RelativeUrlToFilePath(accountInfo.UserName);\r
434                 //HACK: Assume only the "pithos" container is used. Must find out what happens when\r
435                 //deleting a file from a different container\r
436                 var relativePath = Path.Combine("pithos", barePath);\r
437                 fileAgent.Delete(relativePath);\r
438             }\r
439         }\r
440 \r
441         private void UpdateStatus(PithosStatus status)\r
442         {\r
443             StatusKeeper.SetPithosStatus(status);\r
444             StatusNotification.Notify(new Notification());\r
445         }\r
446 \r
447         private static void CreateContainerFolders(AccountInfo accountInfo, IEnumerable<ContainerInfo> containers)\r
448         {\r
449             var containerPaths = from container in containers\r
450                                  let containerPath = Path.Combine(accountInfo.AccountPath, container.Name)\r
451                                  where container.Name != FolderConstants.TrashContainer && !Directory.Exists(containerPath)\r
452                                  select containerPath;\r
453 \r
454             foreach (var path in containerPaths)\r
455             {\r
456                 Directory.CreateDirectory(path);\r
457             }\r
458         }\r
459 \r
460     }\r
461 }\r