Automatic import of rst documentation
authorKostas Papadimitriou <>
Thu, 12 Jul 2012 14:46:03 +0000 (17:46 +0300)
committerKostas Papadimitriou <>
Thu, 12 Jul 2012 14:47:21 +0000 (17:47 +0300)
Form class and admin view to automatically parse zip file with specific
rst content and generate faq/userguide entries.

cloudcms/ [new file with mode: 0644]
cloudcms/ [new file with mode: 0644]
cloudcms/templates/cms/admin_import_guide_faq.html [new file with mode: 0644]

index a45317c..4d42eaf 100644 (file)
 from django.contrib import admin
+from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns
+from django.views.generic.simple import direct_to_template
+from django.http import HttpResponse
+from django.shortcuts import redirect
+from django.contrib import messages
 from feincms.translations import admin_translationinline, short_language_code
 from cloudcms import models
@@ -63,3 +70,32 @@, ApplicationAdmin), ClientAdmin), ServiceAdmin)
+from cloudcms.forms import RstZipImportForm
+def import_from_sphinx(request):
+    if not request.user.is_superuser:
+        return HttpResponse(status=401)
+    context = {}
+    form = RstZipImportForm()
+    if request.method == 'POST':
+        form = RstZipImportForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
+        if form.is_valid():
+            try:
+                ret =
+                messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, 'Form saved')
+                return redirect('/cmsmanage/sphinximport/')
+            except Exception, e:
+                context['exception'] = e
+        else:
+            context['error'] = True
+    context['form'] = form
+    return direct_to_template(request, 'cms/admin_import_guide_faq.html', context)
+sphinx_import =
diff --git a/cloudcms/ b/cloudcms/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0d127fd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import zipfile
+import tempfile
+import os
+import glob
+import logging
+from django import forms
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.db import transaction
+from django.core.files import File
+from feincms.module.medialibrary.models import Category as MediaCategory, \
+        MediaFile
+from cloudcmsguide.models import UserGuideEntry
+from cloudcmsfaq.models import Category as FaqCategory, Question
+from cloudcms.rstutils import generate_rst_contents_from_dir
+from cloudcms.models import Service, ServiceTranslation, Application
+from feincms.content.raw.models import RawContent
+logger = logging.getLogger('cloudcms.rstimport')
+# base filename to service slug map
+        'cyclades':'cyclades',
+        'okeanos':'okeanos',
+        'pithos':'pithos'
+        'faq':'main',
+        'userguide':'main',
+def service_from_filename(rst):
+    fname = os.path.basename(rst).replace(".rst","")
+    service_slug = DEFAULT_SERVICE_MAP.get(fname, None)
+    if not service_slug:
+        return None
+    try:
+        return Service.objects.filter(translations__slug=service_slug)[0]
+    except IndexError:
+        return None
+    except Service.DoesNotExist:
+        return None
+    return None
+def get_media_category(slug):
+    return MediaCategory.objects.get(slug=slug)
+CATEGORIES_CHOICES = (('faqs', 'FAQs'), ('guide', 'User guide'))
+class RstZipImportForm(forms.Form):
+    FAQ_MEDIA_CATEGORY = 'faq-images'
+    GUIDE_MEDIA_CATEGORY = 'user-guide-images'
+    clean_data = forms.BooleanField(initial=False, required=False)
+    dry_run = forms.BooleanField(initial=True, required=False,
+            widget=forms.HiddenInput)
+    import_file = forms.FileField(required=True)
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(RstZipImportForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.log_data = ""
+    def log(self, msg):
+        self.log_data += "\n" + msg
+    def get_tmp_file(self, f):
+        tmp = tempfile.mktemp('cloudcms-sphinx-import')
+        f.file.reset()
+        fd = file(tmp, 'w')
+        fd.write(
+        fd.close()
+        return tmp
+    def clean_import_file(self):
+        f = self.cleaned_data['import_file']
+        tmpfile = self.get_tmp_file(f)
+        if not zipfile.is_zipfile(tmpfile):
+            raise forms.ValidationError("Invalid zip file")
+        return f
+    def clean(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        data = super(RstZipImportForm, self).clean(*args, **kwargs)
+        return data
+    def clean_existing_data(self):
+        Question.objects.all().delete()
+        UserGuideEntry.objects.all().delete()
+        MediaFile.objects.filter(categories__slug__in=[self.FAQ_MEDIA_CATEGORY, \
+            self.GUIDE_MEDIA_CATEGORY]).delete()
+    def save(self, user, use_dir=None):
+        dry_run = self.cleaned_data.get('dry_run')
+        clean_data = self.cleaned_data.get('clean_data')
+        import_file = self.cleaned_data.get('import_file')
+        if not use_dir:
+            zipdir = tempfile.mkdtemp('cloudcms-sphinx-exports')
+            zipdatafile = self.get_tmp_file(import_file)
+            zipf = zipfile.ZipFile(file(zipdatafile))
+            zipf.extractall(zipdir)
+        else:
+            zipdir = use_dir
+        subdirs = os.listdir(zipdir)
+        if len(subdirs) == 1 and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(zipdir, \
+                subdirs[0])) and subdirs[0] != 'source':
+            zipdir = os.path.join(zipdir, subdirs[0])
+        #sid = transaction.savepoint()
+        if clean_data:
+            try:
+                self.clean_existing_data()
+            except Exception, e:
+                return False
+        ret = ""
+        try:
+            for data_type, rst, category, slug, title, html_content, \
+                    images, stderr in generate_rst_contents_from_dir(zipdir):
+                ret += stderr
+      "Parsed %s" % (rst, ))
+                if stderr:
+                    pass
+          "Error output: %s" % (stderr, ))
+                service = service_from_filename(rst)
+                if not service:
+          "Skipping entry for file '%s'. No category found" % rst)
+                    continue
+                # first save media files
+                newimages = []
+                if data_type == 'userguide':
+                    cat = get_media_category(self.GUIDE_MEDIA_CATEGORY)
+                if data_type == 'faq':
+                    cat = get_media_category(self.FAQ_MEDIA_CATEGORY)
+                if not cat:
+                    continue
+                for imgname, imgpath, imgabspath in images:
+                    newalt, newpath = create_or_update_media_file(cat, \
+                            imgname, imgabspath)
+                    html_content = html_content.replace(imgpath, newpath)
+                # now html contains correct image links, we are ready to save
+                # the faq/guide content
+                if data_type == 'faq':
+                    cat = add_or_update_faq_category(category[0], category[1])
+                    question = add_or_update_faq_question(user, service, cat, slug, \
+                            title, html_content)
+                if data_type == 'userguide':
+                    guide_entry = add_or_update_guide_entry(user, service, slug, \
+                            title, html_content)
+        except Exception, e:
+            logger.exception("RST import failed")
+            #transaction.savepoint_rollback(sid)
+            return False
+        if dry_run:
+            pass
+            #transaction.savepoint_rollback(sid)
+        else:
+            pass
+            #transaction.savepoint_commit(sid)
+def create_or_update_media_file(category, name, path):
+    name = category.title + " " + name
+    try:
+        # TODO: Check language ?????
+        mf = MediaFile.objects.get(categories=category, translations__caption=name)
+    except MediaFile.DoesNotExist:
+        mf = MediaFile()
+        mf.category = category
+        mf.file = File(open(path))
+        mf.translations.create(caption=name)
+    # TODO: Check language ?????
+    return mf.translations.all()[0].caption, mf.get_absolute_url()
+def add_or_update_faq_category(slug, name):
+    try:
+        category = FaqCategory.objects.get(translations__slug=slug)
+    except FaqCategory.DoesNotExist:
+        category = FaqCategory()
+        category.translations.create(slug=slug, title=name)
+    return category
+def add_or_update_faq_question(author, service, category, slug,\
+        title, html_content):
+    try:
+        q = Question.objects.get(slug=slug)
+    except:
+        q = Question()
+ = author
+    q.is_active = True
+    q.category = category
+    q.service = service
+    q.slug = slug
+    q.title = title
+    q.application = [Application.current()]
+    RawContentModel = Question.content_type_for(RawContent)
+    try:
+        content = q.rawcontent_set.filter()[0]
+    except:
+        content = q.rawcontent_set.create(region=REGIONS_MAP['faq'])
+    content.text = html_content
+    return q
+def add_or_update_guide_entry(author, service, slug, title, html_content):
+    try:
+        guide = UserGuideEntry.objects.get(slug=slug)
+    except:
+        guide = UserGuideEntry()
+ = author
+    guide.is_active = True
+    guide.service = service
+    guide.slug = slug
+    guide.title = title
+    RawContentModel = UserGuideEntry.content_type_for(RawContent)
+    try:
+        content = guide.rawcontent_set.filter()[0]
+    except:
+        content = guide.rawcontent_set.create(region=REGIONS_MAP['userguide'])
+    content.text = html_content
+    return guide
diff --git a/cloudcms/ b/cloudcms/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..642a269
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Helper methods to parse rst documents and extract data appropriate for faq/guide
+entries creation.
+import os
+import sys
+import glob
+import StringIO
+from os.path import join
+from collections import defaultdict
+from docutils.core import publish_parts
+from lxml import html
+class SphinxImportException(Exception):
+    pass
+class SphinxImportValidationError(SphinxImportException):
+    pass
+def rst2html(data):
+    """
+    Use docutils publis_parts to convert rst to html. Return parts body and error
+    output tuple.
+    """
+    origstderr = sys.stderr
+    sys.stderr = StringIO.StringIO()
+    parts = publish_parts(data, writer_name='html')['body']
+    output =
+    sys.stderr = origstderr
+    return parts, output
+def parse_rst_data(data, data_type='faq'):
+    """
+    Parse given data from rst to html. Filter html and generate approriate
+    entries based on data_type provided.
+    Generated content:
+        - **category** (used for `faq` data type since each question belongs to a
+          specific category)
+        - **slug** the slug of the entry
+        - **title** the title of the entry
+        - **html_data** the html content of the entry
+        - **images** (img-alt, img-path) tuples list
+    """
+    html_data, output = rst2html(data)
+    doc = html.document_fromstring("<html><body>" + html_data + "</body></html>")
+    category_selectors = {
+        'faq': ".//div[h2][@class='section']",
+        'userguide': ".//div[h1][@class='section']",
+    }
+    # find first level sections
+    sections = doc.findall(category_selectors[data_type])
+    for section in sections:
+        entry_category = (None, None)
+        attrs = dict(section.items())
+        if not attrs.get('id', None):
+            continue
+        slug = attrs.get('id')
+        if data_type == 'userguide':
+            title = section.find('h1').text_content()
+            section.remove(section.find('h1'))
+        else:
+            title = section.find('h2').text_content()
+            section.remove(section.find('h2'))
+        image_els = section.findall('.//img')
+        if data_type == 'faq':
+            h1 = list(section.iterancestors())[0].find(".//h1")
+            el_with_id = dict(h1.getparent().items())
+            entry_category = (el_with_id.get('id', None), h1.text_content())
+        def get_img_el_data(img):
+            attrs = dict(img.items())
+            alt = attrs.get('alt', None)
+            if not alt:
+                alt = "okeanos iaas " + data_type + " image"
+            else:
+                if len(alt.split("/")) > 0:
+                    alt = data_type + " " + alt.split("/")[-1]
+                if len(alt.split(".")) > 0:
+                    alt = alt.split(".")[0]
+            img.set('alt', alt)
+            src = attrs.get('src')
+            if src.startswith("/images"):
+                src = src[1:]
+                img.set('src', src)
+            return attrs.get('alt', None), src
+        images = map(get_img_el_data, image_els)
+        html_data = ""
+        for child in section.getchildren():
+            html_data += html.tostring(child, pretty_print=True)
+        yield entry_category, slug, title, html_data, images, output
+def get_dir_rst_files(dirname):
+    """
+    Given a dir return the glob of *.rst files
+    """
+    for f in glob.glob(join(dirname, '*.rst')):
+        if f.startswith('index'):
+            continue
+        yield f
+def generate_rst_contents_from_dir(rstdir):
+    """
+    Handle directory contents and run ``parse_rst_data`` for each file we want
+    to parse.
+    Valid structure of the dir contents so that appropriate files can be parsed::
+        ├── README.rst
+        └── source
+            ├──
+            ├── faq
+            │   ├── cyclades.rst
+            │   ├── index.rst
+            │   ├── okeanos.rst
+            │   └── pithos.rst
+            ├── images
+            │   ├── cyclades
+            │   │   ├── image10.png
+            │   │   └── image9.png
+            │   ├── faq
+            │   │   └── faq_image1.png
+            │   ├── intro_img_cyclades.png
+            │   └── pithos_guide
+            │       └── image2.png
+            ├── index.rst
+            └── userguide
+                ├── cyclades.rst
+                ├── index.rst
+                ├── pithos.rst
+                └── quick-intro.rst
+    Will generate a tuple of,
+        ['faq', 'userguide'], </abs/path/filename.rst> + *<generated tuple members of ``parse_rst_data``>
+    """
+    #rstdir = "/tmp/tmphsl6bicloudcms-sphinx-exports"
+    fpath = lambda x: join(rstdir, 'source', x)
+    images_dir = fpath('images')
+    guide_dir = fpath('userguide')
+    faq_dir = fpath('faq')
+    # validation
+    if not os.path.exists(images_dir) or not os.path.isdir(images_dir):
+        raise SphinxImportException('Cannot find images dir')
+    if not os.path.exists(guide_dir) or not os.path.isdir(guide_dir):
+        raise SphinxImportException('Cannot find guide dir')
+    if not os.path.exists(faq_dir) or not os.path.isdir(faq_dir):
+        raise SphinxImportException('Cannot find FAQs dir')
+    def fix_image_path(img):
+        # make image path absolute
+        img = list(img)
+        if img[1].startswith("/"):
+            img.append(fpath(img[1][1:]))
+        else:
+            img.append(fpath(img[1]))
+        return img
+    for d in ['userguide', 'faq']:
+        for f in get_dir_rst_files(fpath(d)):
+            for category, slug, title, html_data, \
+                    images, stderr in parse_rst_data(file(f).read(), d):
+                # absolute image paths
+                images = map(fix_image_path, images)
+                yield d, f, category, slug, title, html_data, images, stderr
diff --git a/cloudcms/templates/cms/admin_import_guide_faq.html b/cloudcms/templates/cms/admin_import_guide_faq.html
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3d1d2b0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+{% extends "admin/base_site.html" %}
+{% load i18n admin_modify adminmedia %}
+{% block extrahead %}{{ block.super }}
+{% url admin:jsi18n as jsi18nurl %}
+<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ jsi18nurl|default:"../../../jsi18n/" }}"></script>
+{{ media }}
+{% endblock %}
+{% block extrastyle %}
+{{ block.super }}
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% admin_media_prefix %}css/forms.css" />
+{% endblock %}
+{% block coltype %}{% endblock %}
+{% block bodyclass %}change-form{% endblock %}
+{% block breadcrumbs %}{% if not is_popup %}
+<div class="breadcrumbs">
+     <a href="../">{% trans "Home" %}</a> &rsaquo;
+     <a href=".">{% trans "Import faq/guide from sphinx zip" %}</a> &rsaquo; 
+{% endif %}{% endblock %}
+{% block content %}
+<div id="content-main">
+{% block object-tools %}
+{% if change %}{% if not is_popup %}
+  <ul class="object-tools"><li><a href="history/" class="historylink">{% trans "History" %}</a></li>
+  {% if has_absolute_url %}<li><a href="../../../r/{{ content_type_id }}/{{ object_id }}/" class="viewsitelink">{% trans "View on site" %}</a></li>{% endif%}
+  </ul>
+{% endif %}{% endif %}
+{% endblock %}
+<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="." method="post" id="import_form">{% csrf_token %}{% block form_top %}{% endblock %}
+    <div>
+        {{ form.non_field_errors }}
+        {{ form.as_p }}
+        <input type="submit" />
+    </div>
+{% endblock %}
index c0cdfdd..8c449d5 100644 (file)
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ sitemaps = {'pages': PageSitemap, 'blog_posts': BlogSitemap }
 urlpatterns = patterns('',
     url(r'^feed/', BlogFeed(), name="blogfeed"),
+    url(r'^cmsmanage/sphinximport/$', 'cloudcms.admin.sphinx_import'),
     url(r'^cmsmanage/', include(,
     url(r'', include('feincms.urls')),
     url(r'^sitemap\.xml$', 'django.contrib.sitemaps.views.sitemap', {'sitemaps': sitemaps }),