Code cleanup and refactoring
authorNikos Skalkotos <>
Tue, 4 Sep 2012 14:45:45 +0000 (17:45 +0300)
committerNikos Skalkotos <>
Tue, 4 Sep 2012 14:45:45 +0000 (17:45 +0300)
Create a new dialog_menu module to host all the "expert mode" code.
Check the code with a new version of pep8

image_creator/ [new file with mode: 0644]
image_creator/ [new file with mode: 0644]

index 2079269..d9cea55 100644 (file)
@@ -38,776 +38,20 @@ import sys
 import os
 import textwrap
 import signal
 import os
 import textwrap
 import signal
-import StringIO
 import optparse
 from image_creator import __version__ as version
 import optparse
 from image_creator import __version__ as version
-from image_creator.util import FatalError, MD5
+from image_creator.util import FatalError
 from image_creator.output import Output
 from image_creator.output.cli import SimpleOutput
 from image_creator.output import Output
 from image_creator.output.cli import SimpleOutput
-from image_creator.output.dialog import GaugeOutput, InfoBoxOutput
+from image_creator.output.dialog import GaugeOutput
 from image_creator.output.composite import CompositeOutput
 from image_creator.disk import Disk
 from image_creator.os_type import os_cls
 from image_creator.output.composite import CompositeOutput
 from image_creator.disk import Disk
 from image_creator.os_type import os_cls
-from image_creator.kamaki_wrapper import Kamaki, ClientError
-from import get_help_file
 from image_creator.dialog_wizard import wizard
 from image_creator.dialog_wizard import wizard
-    ("Partition table manipulation", ["FixPartitionTable"],
-        ["linux", "windows"]),
-    ("File system resize",
-        ["FilesystemResizeUnmounted", "FilesystemResizeMounted"],
-        ["linux", "windows"]),
-    ("Swap partition configuration", ["AddSwap"], ["linux"]),
-    ("SSH keys removal", ["DeleteSSHKeys"], ["linux"]),
-    ("Temporal RDP disabling", ["DisableRemoteDesktopConnections"],
-        ["windows"]),
-    ("SELinux relabeling at next boot", ["SELinuxAutorelabel"], ["linux"]),
-    ("Hostname/Computer Name assignment", ["AssignHostname"],
-        ["windows", "linux"]),
-    ("Password change", ["ChangePassword"], ["windows", "linux"]),
-    ("File injection", ["EnforcePersonality"], ["windows", "linux"])
-class Reset(Exception):
-    pass
-class metadata_monitor(object):
-    def __init__(self, session, meta):
-        self.session = session
-        self.meta = meta
-    def __enter__(self):
-        self.old = {}
-        for (k, v) in self.meta.items():
-            self.old[k] = v
-    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
-        d = self.session['dialog']
-        altered = {}
-        added = {}
-        for (k, v) in self.meta.items():
-            if k not in self.old:
-                added[k] = v
-            elif self.old[k] != v:
-                altered[k] = v
-        if not (len(added) or len(altered)):
-            return
-        msg = "The last action has changed some image properties:\n\n"
-        if len(added):
-            msg += "New image properties:\n"
-            for (k, v) in added.items():
-                msg += '    %s: "%s"\n' % (k, v)
-            msg += "\n"
-        if len(altered):
-            msg += "Updated image properties:\n"
-            for (k, v) in altered.items():
-                msg += '    %s: "%s" -> "%s"\n' % (k, self.old[k], v)
-            msg += "\n"
-        self.session['metadata'].update(added)
-        self.session['metadata'].update(altered)
-        d.msgbox(msg, title="Image Property Changes", width=MSGBOX_WIDTH)
-def extract_metadata_string(session):
-    metadata = ['%s=%s' % (k, v) for (k, v) in session['metadata'].items()]
-    if 'task_metadata' in session:
-        metadata.extend("%s=yes" % m for m in session['task_metadata'])
-    return '\n'.join(metadata) + '\n'
-def confirm_exit(d, msg=''):
-    return not d.yesno("%s Do you want to exit?" % msg, width=YESNO_WIDTH)
-def confirm_reset(d):
-    return not d.yesno("Are you sure you want to reset everything?",
-                       width=YESNO_WIDTH, defaultno=1)
-def update_background_title(session):
-    d = session['dialog']
-    dev = session['device']
-    MB = 2 ** 20
-    size = (dev.size + MB - 1) // MB
-    shrinked = 'shrinked' in session and session['shrinked']
-    postfix = " (shrinked)" if shrinked else ''
-    title = "OS: %s, Distro: %s, Size: %dMB%s" % \
-            (dev.ostype, dev.distro, size, postfix)
-    d.setBackgroundTitle(title)
-def extract_image(session):
-    d = session['dialog']
-    dir = os.getcwd()
-    while 1:
-        if dir and dir[-1] != os.sep:
-            dir = dir + os.sep
-        (code, path) = d.fselect(dir, 10, 50, title="Save image as...")
-        if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
-            return False
-        if os.path.isdir(path):
-            dir = path
-            continue
-        if os.path.isdir("%s.meta" % path):
-            d.msgbox("Can't overwrite directory `%s.meta'" % path,
-                     width=MSGBOX_WIDTH)
-            continue
-        if os.path.isdir("%s.md5sum" % path):
-            d.msgbox("Can't overwrite directory `%s.md5sum'" % path,
-                     width=MSGBOX_WIDTH)
-            continue
-        basedir = os.path.dirname(path)
-        name = os.path.basename(path)
-        if not os.path.exists(basedir):
-            d.msgbox("Directory `%s' does not exist" % basedir,
-                     width=MSGBOX_WIDTH)
-            continue
-        dir = basedir
-        if len(name) == 0:
-            continue
-        files = ["%s%s" % (path, ext) for ext in ('', '.meta', '.md5sum')]
-        overwrite = filter(os.path.exists, files)
-        if len(overwrite) > 0:
-            if d.yesno("The following file(s) exist:\n"
-                       "%s\nDo you want to overwrite them?" %
-                       "\n".join(overwrite), width=YESNO_WIDTH):
-                continue
-        gauge = GaugeOutput(d, "Image Extraction", "Extracting image...")
-        try:
-            dev = session['device']
-            out = dev.out
-            out.add(gauge)
-            try:
-                if "checksum" not in session:
-                    size = dev.size
-                    md5 = MD5(out)
-                    session['checksum'] = md5.compute(session['snapshot'],
-                                                      size)
-                # Extract image file
-                dev.dump(path)
-                # Extract metadata file
-                out.output("Extracting metadata file...")
-                with open('%s.meta' % path, 'w') as f:
-                    f.write(extract_metadata_string(session))
-                out.success('done')
-                # Extract md5sum file
-                out.output("Extracting md5sum file...")
-                md5str = "%s %s\n" % (session['checksum'], name)
-                with open('%s.md5sum' % path, 'w') as f:
-                    f.write(md5str)
-                out.success("done")
-            finally:
-                out.remove(gauge)
-        finally:
-            gauge.cleanup()
-        d.msgbox("Image file `%s' was successfully extracted!" % path,
-                 width=MSGBOX_WIDTH)
-        break
-    return True
-def upload_image(session):
-    d = session["dialog"]
-    dev = session['device']
-    size = dev.size
-    if "account" not in session:
-        d.msgbox("You need to provide your ~okeanos login username before you "
-                 "can upload images to pithos+", width=MSGBOX_WIDTH)
-        return False
-    if "token" not in session:
-        d.msgbox("You need to provide your ~okeanos account authentication "
-                 "token before you can upload images to pithos+",
-                 width=MSGBOX_WIDTH)
-        return False
-    while 1:
-        init = session["upload"] if "upload" in session else ''
-        (code, answer) = d.inputbox("Please provide a filename:", init=init,
-                                    width=INPUTBOX_WIDTH)
-        if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
-            return False
-        filename = answer.strip()
-        if len(filename) == 0:
-            d.msgbox("Filename cannot be empty", width=MSGBOX_WIDTH)
-            continue
-        session['upload'] = filename
-        break
-    gauge = GaugeOutput(d, "Image Upload", "Uploading...")
-    try:
-        out = dev.out
-        out.add(gauge)
-        try:
-            if 'checksum' not in session:
-                md5 = MD5(out)
-                session['checksum'] = md5.compute(session['snapshot'], size)
-            kamaki = Kamaki(session['account'], session['token'], out)
-            try:
-                # Upload image file
-                with open(session['snapshot'], 'rb') as f:
-                    session["pithos_uri"] = kamaki.upload(f, size, filename,
-                                                    "Calculating block hashes",
-                                                    "Uploading missing blocks")
-                # Upload metadata file
-                out.output("Uploading metadata file...")
-                metastring = extract_metadata_string(session)
-                kamaki.upload(StringIO.StringIO(metastring),
-                              size=len(metastring),
-                              remote_path="%s.meta" % filename)
-                out.success("done")
-                # Upload md5sum file
-                out.output("Uploading md5sum file...")
-                md5str = "%s %s\n" % (session['checksum'], filename)
-                kamaki.upload(StringIO.StringIO(md5str), size=len(md5str),
-                              remote_path="%s.md5sum" % filename)
-                out.success("done")
-            except ClientError as e:
-                d.msgbox("Error in pithos+ client: %s" % e.message,
-                         title="Pithos+ Client Error", width=MSGBOX_WIDTH)
-                if 'pithos_uri' in session:
-                    del session['pithos_uri']
-                return False
-        finally:
-            out.remove(gauge)
-    finally:
-        gauge.cleanup()
-    d.msgbox("Image file `%s' was successfully uploaded to pithos+" % filename,
-             width=MSGBOX_WIDTH)
-    return True
-def register_image(session):
-    d = session["dialog"]
-    dev = session['device']
-    if "account" not in session:
-        d.msgbox("You need to provide your ~okeanos login username before you "
-                 "can register an images to cyclades",
-                 width=MSGBOX_WIDTH)
-        return False
-    if "token" not in session:
-        d.msgbox("You need to provide your ~okeanos account authentication "
-                 "token before you can register an images to cyclades",
-                 width=MSGBOX_WIDTH)
-        return False
-    if "pithos_uri" not in session:
-        d.msgbox("You need to upload the image to pithos+ before you can "
-                 "register it to cyclades", width=MSGBOX_WIDTH)
-        return False
-    while 1:
-        (code, answer) = d.inputbox("Please provide a registration name:",
-                                    width=INPUTBOX_WIDTH)
-        if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
-            return False
-        name = answer.strip()
-        if len(name) == 0:
-            d.msgbox("Registration name cannot be empty", width=MSGBOX_WIDTH)
-            continue
-        break
-    metadata = {}
-    metadata.update(session['metadata'])
-    if 'task_metadata' in session:
-        for key in session['task_metadata']:
-            metadata[key] = 'yes'
-    gauge = GaugeOutput(d, "Image Registration", "Registering image...")
-    try:
-        out = dev.out
-        out.add(gauge)
-        try:
-            out.output("Registering image with Cyclades...")
-            try:
-                kamaki = Kamaki(session['account'], session['token'], out)
-                kamaki.register(name, session['pithos_uri'], metadata)
-                out.success('done')
-            except ClientError as e:
-                d.msgbox("Error in pithos+ client: %s" % e.message)
-                return False
-        finally:
-            out.remove(gauge)
-    finally:
-        gauge.cleanup()
-    d.msgbox("Image `%s' was successfully registered with Cyclades as `%s'" %
-             (session['upload'], name), width=MSGBOX_WIDTH)
-    return True
-def kamaki_menu(session):
-    d = session['dialog']
-    default_item = "Account"
-    account = Kamaki.get_account()
-    if account:
-        session['account'] = account
-    token = Kamaki.get_token()
-    if token:
-        session['token'] = token
-    while 1:
-        account = session["account"] if "account" in session else "<none>"
-        token = session["token"] if "token" in session else "<none>"
-        upload = session["upload"] if "upload" in session else "<none>"
-        choices = [("Account", "Change your ~okeanos username: %s" % account),
-                   ("Token", "Change your ~okeanos token: %s" % token),
-                   ("Upload", "Upload image to pithos+"),
-                   ("Register", "Register the image to cyclades: %s" % upload)]
-        (code, choice) =
-            text="Choose one of the following or press <Back> to go back.",
-            width=MENU_WIDTH, choices=choices, cancel="Back", height=13,
-            menu_height=5, default_item=default_item,
-            title="Image Registration Menu")
-        if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
-            return False
-        if choice == "Account":
-            default_item = "Account"
-            (code, answer) = d.inputbox(
-                "Please provide your ~okeanos account e-mail address:",
-                init=session["account"] if "account" in session else '',
-                width=70)
-            if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
-                continue
-            if len(answer) == 0 and "account" in session:
-                    del session["account"]
-            else:
-                session["account"] = answer.strip()
-                Kamaki.save_account(session['account'])
-                default_item = "Token"
-        elif choice == "Token":
-            default_item = "Token"
-            (code, answer) = d.inputbox(
-                "Please provide your ~okeanos account authetication token:",
-                init=session["token"] if "token" in session else '',
-                width=70)
-            if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
-                continue
-            if len(answer) == 0 and "token" in session:
-                del session["token"]
-            else:
-                session["token"] = answer.strip()
-                Kamaki.save_token(session['token'])
-                default_item = "Upload"
-        elif choice == "Upload":
-            if upload_image(session):
-                default_item = "Register"
-            else:
-                default_item = "Upload"
-        elif choice == "Register":
-            if register_image(session):
-                return True
-            else:
-                default_item = "Register"
-def add_property(session):
-    d = session['dialog']
-    while 1:
-        (code, answer) = d.inputbox("Please provide a name for a new image"
-                                    " property:", width=INPUTBOX_WIDTH)
-        if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
-            return False
-        name = answer.strip()
-        if len(name) == 0:
-            d.msgbox("A property name cannot be empty", width=MSGBOX_WIDTH)
-            continue
-        break
-    while 1:
-        (code, answer) = d.inputbox("Please provide a value for image "
-                                    "property %s" % name, width=INPUTBOX_WIDTH)
-        if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
-            return False
-        value = answer.strip()
-        if len(value) == 0:
-            d.msgbox("Value cannot be empty", width=MSGBOX_WIDTH)
-            continue
-        break
-    session['metadata'][name] = value
-    return True
-def modify_properties(session):
-    d = session['dialog']
-    while 1:
-        choices = []
-        for (key, val) in session['metadata'].items():
-            choices.append((str(key), str(val)))
-        (code, choice) =
-            "In this menu you can edit existing image properties or add new "
-            "ones. Be careful! Most properties have special meaning and "
-            "alter the image deployment behaviour. Press <HELP> to see more "
-            "information about image properties. Press <BACK> when done.",
-            height=18, width=MENU_WIDTH, choices=choices, menu_height=10,
-            ok_label="Edit", extra_button=1, extra_label="Add", cancel="Back",
-            help_button=1, title="Image Properties")
-        if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
-            return True
-        # Edit button
-        elif code == d.DIALOG_OK:
-            (code, answer) = d.inputbox("Please provide a new value for the "
-                                        "image property with name `%s':" %
-                                        choice,
-                                        init=session['metadata'][choice],
-                                        width=INPUTBOX_WIDTH)
-            if code not in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
-                value = answer.strip()
-                if len(value) == 0:
-                    d.msgbox("Value cannot be empty!")
-                    continue
-                else:
-                    session['metadata'][choice] = value
-        # ADD button
-        elif code == d.DIALOG_EXTRA:
-            add_property(session)
-        elif code == 'help':
-            help_file = get_help_file("image_properties")
-            assert os.path.exists(help_file)
-            d.textbox(help_file, title="Image Properties", width=70, height=40)
-def delete_properties(session):
-    d = session['dialog']
-    choices = []
-    for (key, val) in session['metadata'].items():
-        choices.append((key, "%s" % val, 0))
-    (code, to_delete) = d.checklist("Choose which properties to delete:",
-                                    choices=choices, width=CHECKBOX_WIDTH)
-    # If the user exits with ESC or CANCEL, the returned tag list is empty.
-    for i in to_delete:
-        del session['metadata'][i]
-    cnt = len(to_delete)
-    if cnt > 0:
-        d.msgbox("%d image properties were deleted." % cnt, width=MSGBOX_WIDTH)
-        return True
-    else:
-        return False
-def exclude_tasks(session):
-    d = session['dialog']
-    index = 0
-    displayed_index = 1
-    choices = []
-    mapping = {}
-    if 'excluded_tasks' not in session:
-        session['excluded_tasks'] = []
-    if -1 in session['excluded_tasks']:
-        if not d.yesno("Image deployment configuration is disabled. "
-                       "Do you wish to enable it?", width=YESNO_WIDTH):
-            session['excluded_tasks'].remove(-1)
-        else:
-            return False
-    for (msg, task, osfamily) in CONFIGURATION_TASKS:
-        if session['metadata']['OSFAMILY'] in osfamily:
-            checked = 1 if index in session['excluded_tasks'] else 0
-            choices.append((str(displayed_index), msg, checked))
-            mapping[displayed_index] = index
-            displayed_index += 1
-        index += 1
-    while 1:
-        (code, tags) = d.checklist(
-            text="Please choose which configuration tasks you would like to "
-                 "prevent from running during image deployment. "
-                 "Press <No Config> to supress any configuration. "
-                 "Press <Help> for more help on the image deployment "
-                 "configuration tasks.",
-            choices=choices, height=19, list_height=8, width=CHECKBOX_WIDTH,
-            help_button=1, extra_button=1, extra_label="No Config",
-            title="Exclude Configuration Tasks")
-        if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
-            return False
-        elif code == d.DIALOG_HELP:
-            help_file = get_help_file("configuration_tasks")
-            assert os.path.exists(help_file)
-            d.textbox(help_file, title="Configuration Tasks",
-                      width=70, height=40)
-        # No Config button
-        elif code == d.DIALOG_EXTRA:
-            session['excluded_tasks'] = [-1]
-            session['task_metadata'] = ["EXCLUDE_ALL_TASKS"]
-            break
-        elif code == d.DIALOG_OK:
-            session['excluded_tasks'] = []
-            for tag in tags:
-                session['excluded_tasks'].append(mapping[int(tag)])
-            exclude_metadata = []
-            for task in session['excluded_tasks']:
-                exclude_metadata.extend(CONFIGURATION_TASKS[task][1])
-            session['task_metadata'] = map(lambda x: "EXCLUDE_TASK_%s" % x,
-                                           exclude_metadata)
-            break
-    return True
-def sysprep(session):
-    d = session['dialog']
-    image_os = session['image_os']
-    # Is the image already shrinked?
-    if 'shrinked' in session and session['shrinked']:
-        msg = "It seems you have shrinked the image. Running system " \
-              "preparation tasks on a shrinked image is dangerous."
-        if d.yesno("%s\n\nDo you really want to continue?" % msg,
-                   width=YESNO_WIDTH, defaultno=1):
-            return
-    wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=65)
-    help_title = "System Preperation Tasks"
-    sysprep_help = "%s\n%s\n\n" % (help_title, '=' * len(help_title))
-    if 'exec_syspreps' not in session:
-        session['exec_syspreps'] = []
-    all_syspreps = image_os.list_syspreps()
-    # Only give the user the choice between syspreps that have not ran yet
-    syspreps = [s for s in all_syspreps if s not in session['exec_syspreps']]
-    if len(syspreps) == 0:
-        d.msgbox("No system preparation task available to run!",
-                 title="System Preperation", width=MSGBOX_WIDTH)
-        return
-    while 1:
-        choices = []
-        index = 0
-        for sysprep in syspreps:
-            name, descr = image_os.sysprep_info(sysprep)
-            display_name = name.replace('-', ' ').capitalize()
-            sysprep_help += "%s\n" % display_name
-            sysprep_help += "%s\n" % ('-' * len(display_name))
-            sysprep_help += "%s\n\n" % wrapper.fill(" ".join(descr.split()))
-            enabled = 1 if sysprep.enabled else 0
-            choices.append((str(index + 1), display_name, enabled))
-            index += 1
-        (code, tags) = d.checklist(
-            "Please choose which system preparation tasks you would like to "
-            "run on the image. Press <Help> to see details about the system "
-            "preparation tasks.", title="Run system preparation tasks",
-            choices=choices, width=70, ok_label="Run", help_button=1)
-        if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
-            return False
-        elif code == d.DIALOG_HELP:
-            d.scrollbox(sysprep_help, width=HELP_WIDTH)
-        elif code == d.DIALOG_OK:
-            # Enable selected syspreps and disable the rest
-            for i in range(len(syspreps)):
-                if str(i + 1) in tags:
-                    image_os.enable_sysprep(syspreps[i])
-                    session['exec_syspreps'].append(syspreps[i])
-                else:
-                    image_os.disable_sysprep(syspreps[i])
-            infobox = InfoBoxOutput(d, "Image Configuration")
-            try:
-                dev = session['device']
-                dev.out.add(infobox)
-                try:
-                    dev.mount(readonly=False)
-                    try:
-                        # The checksum is invalid. We have mounted the image rw
-                        if 'checksum' in session:
-                            del session['checksum']
-                        # Monitor the metadata changes during syspreps
-                        with metadata_monitor(session, image_os.meta):
-                            image_os.do_sysprep()
-                            infobox.finalize()
-                        # Disable syspreps that have ran
-                        for sysprep in session['exec_syspreps']:
-                            image_os.disable_sysprep(sysprep)
-                    finally:
-                        dev.umount()
-                finally:
-                    dev.out.remove(infobox)
-            finally:
-                infobox.cleanup()
-            break
-    return True
-def shrink(session):
-    d = session['dialog']
-    dev = session['device']
-    shrinked = 'shrinked' in session and session['shrinked']
-    if shrinked:
-        d.msgbox("The image is already shrinked!", title="Image Shrinking",
-                 width=MSGBOX_WIDTH)
-        return True
-    msg = "This operation will shrink the last partition of the image to " \
-          "reduce the total image size. If the last partition is a swap " \
-          "partition, then this partition is removed and the partition " \
-          "before that is shrinked. The removed swap partition will be " \
-          "recreated during image deployment."
-    if not d.yesno("%s\n\nDo you want to continue?" % msg, width=70,
-                   height=12, title="Image Shrinking"):
-        with metadata_monitor(session, dev.meta):
-            infobox = InfoBoxOutput(d, "Image Shrinking", height=4)
-            dev.out.add(infobox)
-            try:
-                dev.shrink()
-                infobox.finalize()
-            finally:
-                dev.out.remove(infobox)
-        session['shrinked'] = True
-        update_background_title(session)
-    else:
-        return False
-    return True
-def customization_menu(session):
-    d = session['dialog']
-    choices = [("Sysprep", "Run various image preparation tasks"),
-               ("Shrink", "Shrink image"),
-               ("View/Modify", "View/Modify image properties"),
-               ("Delete", "Delete image properties"),
-               ("Exclude", "Exclude various deployment tasks from running")]
-    default_item = 0
-    actions = {"Sysprep": sysprep,
-               "Shrink": shrink,
-               "View/Modify": modify_properties,
-               "Delete": delete_properties,
-               "Exclude": exclude_tasks}
-    while 1:
-        (code, choice) =
-            text="Choose one of the following or press <Back> to exit.",
-            width=MENU_WIDTH, choices=choices, cancel="Back", height=13,
-            menu_height=len(choices), default_item=choices[default_item][0],
-            title="Image Customization Menu")
-        if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
-            break
-        elif choice in actions:
-            default_item = [entry[0] for entry in choices].index(choice)
-            if actions[choice](session):
-                default_item = (default_item + 1) % len(choices)
-def main_menu(session):
-    d = session['dialog']
-    dev = session['device']
-    update_background_title(session)
-    choices = [("Customize", "Customize image & ~okeanos deployment options"),
-               ("Register", "Register image to ~okeanos"),
-               ("Extract", "Dump image to local file system"),
-               ("Reset", "Reset everything and start over again"),
-               ("Help", "Get help for using snf-image-creator")]
-    default_item = "Customize"
-    actions = {"Customize": customization_menu, "Register": kamaki_menu,
-               "Extract": extract_image}
-    while 1:
-        (code, choice) =
-            text="Choose one of the following or press <Exit> to exit.",
-            width=MENU_WIDTH, choices=choices, cancel="Exit", height=13,
-            default_item=default_item, menu_height=len(choices),
-            title="Image Creator for ~okeanos (snf-image-creator version %s)" %
-                  version)
-        if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
-            if confirm_exit(d):
-                break
-        elif choice == "Reset":
-            if confirm_reset(d):
-                d.infobox("Resetting snf-image-creator. Please wait...",
-                          width=INFOBOX_WIDTH)
-                raise Reset
-        elif choice in actions:
-            actions[choice](session)
+from image_creator.dialog_menu import main_menu
+from image_creator.dialog_util import SMALL_WIDTH, WIDTH, confirm_exit, \
+    Reset, update_background_title
 def image_creator(d, media, out):
 def image_creator(d, media, out):
@@ -859,16 +103,16 @@ def image_creator(d, media, out):
         msg = "snf-image-creator detected a %s system on the input media. " \
               "Would you like to run a wizard to assist you through the " \
               "image creation process?\n\nChoose <Wizard> to run the wizard," \
         msg = "snf-image-creator detected a %s system on the input media. " \
               "Would you like to run a wizard to assist you through the " \
               "image creation process?\n\nChoose <Wizard> to run the wizard," \
-              " <Expert> to run the snf-image-creator in expert mode or press " \
-              "ESC to quit the program." \
+              " <Expert> to run the snf-image-creator in expert mode or " \
+              "press ESC to quit the program." \
               % (dev.ostype if dev.ostype == dev.distro else "%s (%s)" %
                  (dev.ostype, dev.distro))
         while True:
               % (dev.ostype if dev.ostype == dev.distro else "%s (%s)" %
                  (dev.ostype, dev.distro))
         while True:
-            code = d.yesno(msg, width=YESNO_WIDTH, height=12,
-                           yes_label="Wizard", no_label="Expert")
+            code = d.yesno(msg, width=WIDTH, height=12, yes_label="Wizard",
+                           no_label="Expert")
             if code == d.DIALOG_OK:
                 if wizard(session):
             if code == d.DIALOG_OK:
                 if wizard(session):
@@ -892,7 +136,7 @@ def select_file(d, media):
         if media is not None:
             if not os.path.exists(media):
                 d.msgbox("The file `%s' you choose does not exist." % media,
         if media is not None:
             if not os.path.exists(media):
                 d.msgbox("The file `%s' you choose does not exist." % media,
-                         width=MSGBOX_WIDTH)
+                         width=SMALL_WIDTH)
@@ -941,7 +185,7 @@ def main():
         if os.geteuid() != 0:
         if os.geteuid() != 0:
-            raise FatalError("You must run %s as root" % \
+            raise FatalError("You must run %s as root" %
         media = select_file(d, args[0] if len(args) == 1 else None)
         media = select_file(d, args[0] if len(args) == 1 else None)
@@ -952,15 +196,15 @@ def main():
                 logfile = open(options.logfile, 'w')
             except IOError as e:
                 raise FatalError(
                 logfile = open(options.logfile, 'w')
             except IOError as e:
                 raise FatalError(
-                    "Unable to open logfile `%s' for writing. Reason: %s" % \
+                    "Unable to open logfile `%s' for writing. Reason: %s" %
                     (options.logfile, e.strerror))
             log = SimpleOutput(False, logfile) if logfile is not None \
                     (options.logfile, e.strerror))
             log = SimpleOutput(False, logfile) if logfile is not None \
-                                               else Output()
+                else Output()
             while 1:
                     out = CompositeOutput([log])
             while 1:
                     out = CompositeOutput([log])
-                    out.output("Starting %s v%s..." % \
+                    out.output("Starting %s v%s..." %
                                (parser.get_prog_name(), version))
                     ret = image_creator(d, media, out)
                                (parser.get_prog_name(), version))
                     ret = image_creator(d, media, out)
@@ -971,8 +215,8 @@ def main():
             if logfile is not None:
     except FatalError as e:
             if logfile is not None:
     except FatalError as e:
-        msg = textwrap.fill(str(e), width=70)
-        d.infobox(msg, width=INFOBOX_WIDTH, title="Fatal Error")
+        msg = textwrap.fill(str(e), width=WIDTH)
+        d.infobox(msg, width=WIDTH, title="Fatal Error")
 # vim: set sta sts=4 shiftwidth=4 sw=4 et ai :
 # vim: set sta sts=4 shiftwidth=4 sw=4 et ai :
diff --git a/image_creator/ b/image_creator/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..741ae92
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2012 GRNET S.A. All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
+# without modification, are permitted provided that the following
+# conditions are met:
+#   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above
+#      copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+#      disclaimer.
+#   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+#      copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+#      disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+#      provided with the distribution.
+# The views and conclusions contained in the software and
+# documentation are those of the authors and should not be
+# interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed
+# or implied, of GRNET S.A.
+import sys
+import os
+import textwrap
+import StringIO
+from image_creator import __version__ as version
+from image_creator.util import MD5
+from image_creator.output.dialog import GaugeOutput, InfoBoxOutput
+from image_creator.kamaki_wrapper import Kamaki, ClientError
+from import get_help_file
+from image_creator.dialog_util import SMALL_WIDTH, WIDTH, \
+    update_background_title, confirm_reset, confirm_exit, Reset, extract_image
+    ("Partition table manipulation", ["FixPartitionTable"],
+        ["linux", "windows"]),
+    ("File system resize",
+        ["FilesystemResizeUnmounted", "FilesystemResizeMounted"],
+        ["linux", "windows"]),
+    ("Swap partition configuration", ["AddSwap"], ["linux"]),
+    ("SSH keys removal", ["DeleteSSHKeys"], ["linux"]),
+    ("Temporal RDP disabling", ["DisableRemoteDesktopConnections"],
+        ["windows"]),
+    ("SELinux relabeling at next boot", ["SELinuxAutorelabel"], ["linux"]),
+    ("Hostname/Computer Name assignment", ["AssignHostname"],
+        ["windows", "linux"]),
+    ("Password change", ["ChangePassword"], ["windows", "linux"]),
+    ("File injection", ["EnforcePersonality"], ["windows", "linux"])
+class metadata_monitor(object):
+    def __init__(self, session, meta):
+        self.session = session
+        self.meta = meta
+    def __enter__(self):
+        self.old = {}
+        for (k, v) in self.meta.items():
+            self.old[k] = v
+    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
+        d = self.session['dialog']
+        altered = {}
+        added = {}
+        for (k, v) in self.meta.items():
+            if k not in self.old:
+                added[k] = v
+            elif self.old[k] != v:
+                altered[k] = v
+        if not (len(added) or len(altered)):
+            return
+        msg = "The last action has changed some image properties:\n\n"
+        if len(added):
+            msg += "New image properties:\n"
+            for (k, v) in added.items():
+                msg += '    %s: "%s"\n' % (k, v)
+            msg += "\n"
+        if len(altered):
+            msg += "Updated image properties:\n"
+            for (k, v) in altered.items():
+                msg += '    %s: "%s" -> "%s"\n' % (k, self.old[k], v)
+            msg += "\n"
+        self.session['metadata'].update(added)
+        self.session['metadata'].update(altered)
+        d.msgbox(msg, title="Image Property Changes", width=SMALL_WIDTH)
+def extract_metadata_string(session):
+    metadata = ['%s=%s' % (k, v) for (k, v) in session['metadata'].items()]
+    if 'task_metadata' in session:
+        metadata.extend("%s=yes" % m for m in session['task_metadata'])
+    return '\n'.join(metadata) + '\n'
+def upload_image(session):
+    d = session["dialog"]
+    dev = session['device']
+    size = dev.size
+    if "account" not in session:
+        d.msgbox("You need to provide your ~okeanos login username before you "
+                 "can upload images to pithos+", width=SMALL_WIDTH)
+        return False
+    if "token" not in session:
+        d.msgbox("You need to provide your ~okeanos account authentication "
+                 "token before you can upload images to pithos+",
+                 width=SMALL_WIDTH)
+        return False
+    while 1:
+        init = session["upload"] if "upload" in session else ''
+        (code, answer) = d.inputbox("Please provide a filename:", init=init,
+                                    width=WIDTH)
+        if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
+            return False
+        filename = answer.strip()
+        if len(filename) == 0:
+            d.msgbox("Filename cannot be empty", width=SMALL_WIDTH)
+            continue
+        session['upload'] = filename
+        break
+    gauge = GaugeOutput(d, "Image Upload", "Uploading...")
+    try:
+        out = dev.out
+        out.add(gauge)
+        try:
+            if 'checksum' not in session:
+                md5 = MD5(out)
+                session['checksum'] = md5.compute(session['snapshot'], size)
+            kamaki = Kamaki(session['account'], session['token'], out)
+            try:
+                # Upload image file
+                with open(session['snapshot'], 'rb') as f:
+                    session["pithos_uri"] = \
+                        kamaki.upload(f, size, filename,
+                                      "Calculating block hashes",
+                                      "Uploading missing blocks")
+                # Upload metadata file
+                out.output("Uploading metadata file...")
+                metastring = extract_metadata_string(session)
+                kamaki.upload(StringIO.StringIO(metastring),
+                              size=len(metastring),
+                              remote_path="%s.meta" % filename)
+                out.success("done")
+                # Upload md5sum file
+                out.output("Uploading md5sum file...")
+                md5str = "%s %s\n" % (session['checksum'], filename)
+                kamaki.upload(StringIO.StringIO(md5str), size=len(md5str),
+                              remote_path="%s.md5sum" % filename)
+                out.success("done")
+            except ClientError as e:
+                d.msgbox("Error in pithos+ client: %s" % e.message,
+                         title="Pithos+ Client Error", width=SMALL_WIDTH)
+                if 'pithos_uri' in session:
+                    del session['pithos_uri']
+                return False
+        finally:
+            out.remove(gauge)
+    finally:
+        gauge.cleanup()
+    d.msgbox("Image file `%s' was successfully uploaded to pithos+" % filename,
+             width=SMALL_WIDTH)
+    return True
+def register_image(session):
+    d = session["dialog"]
+    dev = session['device']
+    if "account" not in session:
+        d.msgbox("You need to provide your ~okeanos login username before you "
+                 "can register an images to cyclades",
+                 width=SMALL_WIDTH)
+        return False
+    if "token" not in session:
+        d.msgbox("You need to provide your ~okeanos account authentication "
+                 "token before you can register an images to cyclades",
+                 width=SMALL_WIDTH)
+        return False
+    if "pithos_uri" not in session:
+        d.msgbox("You need to upload the image to pithos+ before you can "
+                 "register it to cyclades", width=SMALL_WIDTH)
+        return False
+    while 1:
+        (code, answer) = d.inputbox("Please provide a registration name:",
+                                    width=WIDTH)
+        if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
+            return False
+        name = answer.strip()
+        if len(name) == 0:
+            d.msgbox("Registration name cannot be empty", width=SMALL_WIDTH)
+            continue
+        break
+    metadata = {}
+    metadata.update(session['metadata'])
+    if 'task_metadata' in session:
+        for key in session['task_metadata']:
+            metadata[key] = 'yes'
+    gauge = GaugeOutput(d, "Image Registration", "Registering image...")
+    try:
+        out = dev.out
+        out.add(gauge)
+        try:
+            out.output("Registering image with Cyclades...")
+            try:
+                kamaki = Kamaki(session['account'], session['token'], out)
+                kamaki.register(name, session['pithos_uri'], metadata)
+                out.success('done')
+            except ClientError as e:
+                d.msgbox("Error in pithos+ client: %s" % e.message)
+                return False
+        finally:
+            out.remove(gauge)
+    finally:
+        gauge.cleanup()
+    d.msgbox("Image `%s' was successfully registered with Cyclades as `%s'" %
+             (session['upload'], name), width=SMALL_WIDTH)
+    return True
+def kamaki_menu(session):
+    d = session['dialog']
+    default_item = "Account"
+    account = Kamaki.get_account()
+    if account:
+        session['account'] = account
+    token = Kamaki.get_token()
+    if token:
+        session['token'] = token
+    while 1:
+        account = session["account"] if "account" in session else "<none>"
+        token = session["token"] if "token" in session else "<none>"
+        upload = session["upload"] if "upload" in session else "<none>"
+        choices = [("Account", "Change your ~okeanos username: %s" % account),
+                   ("Token", "Change your ~okeanos token: %s" % token),
+                   ("Upload", "Upload image to pithos+"),
+                   ("Register", "Register the image to cyclades: %s" % upload)]
+        (code, choice) =
+            text="Choose one of the following or press <Back> to go back.",
+            width=WIDTH, choices=choices, cancel="Back", height=13,
+            menu_height=5, default_item=default_item,
+            title="Image Registration Menu")
+        if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
+            return False
+        if choice == "Account":
+            default_item = "Account"
+            (code, answer) = d.inputbox(
+                "Please provide your ~okeanos account e-mail address:",
+                init=session["account"] if "account" in session else '',
+                width=WIDTH)
+            if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
+                continue
+            if len(answer) == 0 and "account" in session:
+                    del session["account"]
+            else:
+                session["account"] = answer.strip()
+                Kamaki.save_account(session['account'])
+                default_item = "Token"
+        elif choice == "Token":
+            default_item = "Token"
+            (code, answer) = d.inputbox(
+                "Please provide your ~okeanos account authetication token:",
+                init=session["token"] if "token" in session else '',
+                width=WIDTH)
+            if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
+                continue
+            if len(answer) == 0 and "token" in session:
+                del session["token"]
+            else:
+                session["token"] = answer.strip()
+                Kamaki.save_token(session['token'])
+                default_item = "Upload"
+        elif choice == "Upload":
+            if upload_image(session):
+                default_item = "Register"
+            else:
+                default_item = "Upload"
+        elif choice == "Register":
+            if register_image(session):
+                return True
+            else:
+                default_item = "Register"
+def add_property(session):
+    d = session['dialog']
+    while 1:
+        (code, answer) = d.inputbox("Please provide a name for a new image"
+                                    " property:", width=WIDTH)
+        if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
+            return False
+        name = answer.strip()
+        if len(name) == 0:
+            d.msgbox("A property name cannot be empty", width=SMALL_WIDTH)
+            continue
+        break
+    while 1:
+        (code, answer) = d.inputbox("Please provide a value for image "
+                                    "property %s" % name, width=WIDTH)
+        if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
+            return False
+        value = answer.strip()
+        if len(value) == 0:
+            d.msgbox("Value cannot be empty", width=SMALL_WIDTH)
+            continue
+        break
+    session['metadata'][name] = value
+    return True
+def modify_properties(session):
+    d = session['dialog']
+    while 1:
+        choices = []
+        for (key, val) in session['metadata'].items():
+            choices.append((str(key), str(val)))
+        (code, choice) =
+            "In this menu you can edit existing image properties or add new "
+            "ones. Be careful! Most properties have special meaning and "
+            "alter the image deployment behaviour. Press <HELP> to see more "
+            "information about image properties. Press <BACK> when done.",
+            height=18, width=WIDTH, choices=choices, menu_height=10,
+            ok_label="Edit", extra_button=1, extra_label="Add", cancel="Back",
+            help_button=1, title="Image Properties")
+        if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
+            return True
+        # Edit button
+        elif code == d.DIALOG_OK:
+            (code, answer) = d.inputbox("Please provide a new value for the "
+                                        "image property with name `%s':" %
+                                        choice,
+                                        init=session['metadata'][choice],
+                                        width=WIDTH)
+            if code not in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
+                value = answer.strip()
+                if len(value) == 0:
+                    d.msgbox("Value cannot be empty!")
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    session['metadata'][choice] = value
+        # ADD button
+        elif code == d.DIALOG_EXTRA:
+            add_property(session)
+        elif code == 'help':
+            help_file = get_help_file("image_properties")
+            assert os.path.exists(help_file)
+            d.textbox(help_file, title="Image Properties", width=70, height=40)
+def delete_properties(session):
+    d = session['dialog']
+    choices = []
+    for (key, val) in session['metadata'].items():
+        choices.append((key, "%s" % val, 0))
+    (code, to_delete) = d.checklist("Choose which properties to delete:",
+                                    choices=choices, width=WIDTH)
+    # If the user exits with ESC or CANCEL, the returned tag list is empty.
+    for i in to_delete:
+        del session['metadata'][i]
+    cnt = len(to_delete)
+    if cnt > 0:
+        d.msgbox("%d image properties were deleted." % cnt, width=SMALL_WIDTH)
+        return True
+    else:
+        return False
+def exclude_tasks(session):
+    d = session['dialog']
+    index = 0
+    displayed_index = 1
+    choices = []
+    mapping = {}
+    if 'excluded_tasks' not in session:
+        session['excluded_tasks'] = []
+    if -1 in session['excluded_tasks']:
+        if not d.yesno("Image deployment configuration is disabled. "
+                       "Do you wish to enable it?", width=SMALL_WIDTH):
+            session['excluded_tasks'].remove(-1)
+        else:
+            return False
+    for (msg, task, osfamily) in CONFIGURATION_TASKS:
+        if session['metadata']['OSFAMILY'] in osfamily:
+            checked = 1 if index in session['excluded_tasks'] else 0
+            choices.append((str(displayed_index), msg, checked))
+            mapping[displayed_index] = index
+            displayed_index += 1
+        index += 1
+    while 1:
+        (code, tags) = d.checklist(
+            text="Please choose which configuration tasks you would like to "
+                 "prevent from running during image deployment. "
+                 "Press <No Config> to supress any configuration. "
+                 "Press <Help> for more help on the image deployment "
+                 "configuration tasks.",
+            choices=choices, height=19, list_height=8, width=WIDTH,
+            help_button=1, extra_button=1, extra_label="No Config",
+            title="Exclude Configuration Tasks")
+        if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
+            return False
+        elif code == d.DIALOG_HELP:
+            help_file = get_help_file("configuration_tasks")
+            assert os.path.exists(help_file)
+            d.textbox(help_file, title="Configuration Tasks",
+                      width=70, height=40)
+        # No Config button
+        elif code == d.DIALOG_EXTRA:
+            session['excluded_tasks'] = [-1]
+            session['task_metadata'] = ["EXCLUDE_ALL_TASKS"]
+            break
+        elif code == d.DIALOG_OK:
+            session['excluded_tasks'] = []
+            for tag in tags:
+                session['excluded_tasks'].append(mapping[int(tag)])
+            exclude_metadata = []
+            for task in session['excluded_tasks']:
+                exclude_metadata.extend(CONFIGURATION_TASKS[task][1])
+            session['task_metadata'] = map(lambda x: "EXCLUDE_TASK_%s" % x,
+                                           exclude_metadata)
+            break
+    return True
+def sysprep(session):
+    d = session['dialog']
+    image_os = session['image_os']
+    # Is the image already shrinked?
+    if 'shrinked' in session and session['shrinked']:
+        msg = "It seems you have shrinked the image. Running system " \
+              "preparation tasks on a shrinked image is dangerous."
+        if d.yesno("%s\n\nDo you really want to continue?" % msg,
+                   width=SMALL_WIDTH, defaultno=1):
+            return
+    wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=WIDTH - 5)
+    help_title = "System Preperation Tasks"
+    sysprep_help = "%s\n%s\n\n" % (help_title, '=' * len(help_title))
+    if 'exec_syspreps' not in session:
+        session['exec_syspreps'] = []
+    all_syspreps = image_os.list_syspreps()
+    # Only give the user the choice between syspreps that have not ran yet
+    syspreps = [s for s in all_syspreps if s not in session['exec_syspreps']]
+    if len(syspreps) == 0:
+        d.msgbox("No system preparation task available to run!",
+                 title="System Preperation", width=SMALL_WIDTH)
+        return
+    while 1:
+        choices = []
+        index = 0
+        for sysprep in syspreps:
+            name, descr = image_os.sysprep_info(sysprep)
+            display_name = name.replace('-', ' ').capitalize()
+            sysprep_help += "%s\n" % display_name
+            sysprep_help += "%s\n" % ('-' * len(display_name))
+            sysprep_help += "%s\n\n" % wrapper.fill(" ".join(descr.split()))
+            enabled = 1 if sysprep.enabled else 0
+            choices.append((str(index + 1), display_name, enabled))
+            index += 1
+        (code, tags) = d.checklist(
+            "Please choose which system preparation tasks you would like to "
+            "run on the image. Press <Help> to see details about the system "
+            "preparation tasks.", title="Run system preparation tasks",
+            choices=choices, width=70, ok_label="Run", help_button=1)
+        if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
+            return False
+        elif code == d.DIALOG_HELP:
+            d.scrollbox(sysprep_help, width=WIDTH)
+        elif code == d.DIALOG_OK:
+            # Enable selected syspreps and disable the rest
+            for i in range(len(syspreps)):
+                if str(i + 1) in tags:
+                    image_os.enable_sysprep(syspreps[i])
+                    session['exec_syspreps'].append(syspreps[i])
+                else:
+                    image_os.disable_sysprep(syspreps[i])
+            infobox = InfoBoxOutput(d, "Image Configuration")
+            try:
+                dev = session['device']
+                dev.out.add(infobox)
+                try:
+                    dev.mount(readonly=False)
+                    try:
+                        # The checksum is invalid. We have mounted the image rw
+                        if 'checksum' in session:
+                            del session['checksum']
+                        # Monitor the metadata changes during syspreps
+                        with metadata_monitor(session, image_os.meta):
+                            image_os.do_sysprep()
+                            infobox.finalize()
+                        # Disable syspreps that have ran
+                        for sysprep in session['exec_syspreps']:
+                            image_os.disable_sysprep(sysprep)
+                    finally:
+                        dev.umount()
+                finally:
+                    dev.out.remove(infobox)
+            finally:
+                infobox.cleanup()
+            break
+    return True
+def shrink(session):
+    d = session['dialog']
+    dev = session['device']
+    shrinked = 'shrinked' in session and session['shrinked']
+    if shrinked:
+        d.msgbox("The image is already shrinked!", title="Image Shrinking",
+                 width=SMALL_WIDTH)
+        return True
+    msg = "This operation will shrink the last partition of the image to " \
+          "reduce the total image size. If the last partition is a swap " \
+          "partition, then this partition is removed and the partition " \
+          "before that is shrinked. The removed swap partition will be " \
+          "recreated during image deployment."
+    if not d.yesno("%s\n\nDo you want to continue?" % msg, width=WIDTH,
+                   height=12, title="Image Shrinking"):
+        with metadata_monitor(session, dev.meta):
+            infobox = InfoBoxOutput(d, "Image Shrinking", height=4)
+            dev.out.add(infobox)
+            try:
+                dev.shrink()
+                infobox.finalize()
+            finally:
+                dev.out.remove(infobox)
+        session['shrinked'] = True
+        update_background_title(session)
+    else:
+        return False
+    return True
+def customization_menu(session):
+    d = session['dialog']
+    choices = [("Sysprep", "Run various image preparation tasks"),
+               ("Shrink", "Shrink image"),
+               ("View/Modify", "View/Modify image properties"),
+               ("Delete", "Delete image properties"),
+               ("Exclude", "Exclude various deployment tasks from running")]
+    default_item = 0
+    actions = {"Sysprep": sysprep,
+               "Shrink": shrink,
+               "View/Modify": modify_properties,
+               "Delete": delete_properties,
+               "Exclude": exclude_tasks}
+    while 1:
+        (code, choice) =
+            text="Choose one of the following or press <Back> to exit.",
+            width=WIDTH, choices=choices, cancel="Back", height=13,
+            menu_height=len(choices), default_item=choices[default_item][0],
+            title="Image Customization Menu")
+        if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
+            break
+        elif choice in actions:
+            default_item = [entry[0] for entry in choices].index(choice)
+            if actions[choice](session):
+                default_item = (default_item + 1) % len(choices)
+def main_menu(session):
+    d = session['dialog']
+    dev = session['device']
+    update_background_title(session)
+    choices = [("Customize", "Customize image & ~okeanos deployment options"),
+               ("Register", "Register image to ~okeanos"),
+               ("Extract", "Dump image to local file system"),
+               ("Reset", "Reset everything and start over again"),
+               ("Help", "Get help for using snf-image-creator")]
+    default_item = "Customize"
+    actions = {"Customize": customization_menu, "Register": kamaki_menu,
+               "Extract": extract_image}
+    while 1:
+        (code, choice) =
+            text="Choose one of the following or press <Exit> to exit.",
+            width=WIDTH, choices=choices, cancel="Exit", height=13,
+            default_item=default_item, menu_height=len(choices),
+            title="Image Creator for ~okeanos (snf-image-creator version %s)" %
+                  version)
+        if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
+            if confirm_exit(d):
+                break
+        elif choice == "Reset":
+            if confirm_reset(d):
+                d.infobox("Resetting snf-image-creator. Please wait...",
+                          width=SMALL_WIDTH)
+                raise Reset
+        elif choice in actions:
+            actions[choice](session)
+# vim: set sta sts=4 shiftwidth=4 sw=4 et ai :
diff --git a/image_creator/ b/image_creator/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3039473
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2012 GRNET S.A. All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
+# without modification, are permitted provided that the following
+# conditions are met:
+#   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above
+#      copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+#      disclaimer.
+#   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+#      copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+#      disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+#      provided with the distribution.
+# The views and conclusions contained in the software and
+# documentation are those of the authors and should not be
+# interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed
+# or implied, of GRNET S.A.
+import os
+WIDTH = 70
+def update_background_title(session):
+    d = session['dialog']
+    dev = session['device']
+    MB = 2 ** 20
+    size = (dev.size + MB - 1) // MB
+    shrinked = 'shrinked' in session and session['shrinked']
+    postfix = " (shrinked)" if shrinked else ''
+    title = "OS: %s, Distro: %s, Size: %dMB%s" % \
+            (dev.ostype, dev.distro, size, postfix)
+    d.setBackgroundTitle(title)
+def confirm_exit(d, msg=''):
+    return not d.yesno("%s Do you want to exit?" % msg, width=SMALL_WIDTH)
+def confirm_reset(d):
+    return not d.yesno("Are you sure you want to reset everything?",
+                       width=SMALL_WIDTH, defaultno=1)
+class Reset(Exception):
+    pass
+def extract_image(session):
+    d = session['dialog']
+    dir = os.getcwd()
+    while 1:
+        if dir and dir[-1] != os.sep:
+            dir = dir + os.sep
+        (code, path) = d.fselect(dir, 10, 50, title="Save image as...")
+        if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
+            return False
+        if os.path.isdir(path):
+            dir = path
+            continue
+        if os.path.isdir("%s.meta" % path):
+            d.msgbox("Can't overwrite directory `%s.meta'" % path,
+                     width=SMALL_WIDTH)
+            continue
+        if os.path.isdir("%s.md5sum" % path):
+            d.msgbox("Can't overwrite directory `%s.md5sum'" % path,
+                     width=SMALL_WIDTH)
+            continue
+        basedir = os.path.dirname(path)
+        name = os.path.basename(path)
+        if not os.path.exists(basedir):
+            d.msgbox("Directory `%s' does not exist" % basedir,
+                     width=SMALL_WIDTH)
+            continue
+        dir = basedir
+        if len(name) == 0:
+            continue
+        files = ["%s%s" % (path, ext) for ext in ('', '.meta', '.md5sum')]
+        overwrite = filter(os.path.exists, files)
+        if len(overwrite) > 0:
+            if d.yesno("The following file(s) exist:\n"
+                       "%s\nDo you want to overwrite them?" %
+                       "\n".join(overwrite), width=SMALL_WIDTH):
+                continue
+        gauge = GaugeOutput(d, "Image Extraction", "Extracting image...")
+        try:
+            dev = session['device']
+            out = dev.out
+            out.add(gauge)
+            try:
+                if "checksum" not in session:
+                    size = dev.size
+                    md5 = MD5(out)
+                    session['checksum'] = md5.compute(session['snapshot'],
+                                                      size)
+                # Extract image file
+                dev.dump(path)
+                # Extract metadata file
+                out.output("Extracting metadata file...")
+                with open('%s.meta' % path, 'w') as f:
+                    f.write(extract_metadata_string(session))
+                out.success('done')
+                # Extract md5sum file
+                out.output("Extracting md5sum file...")
+                md5str = "%s %s\n" % (session['checksum'], name)
+                with open('%s.md5sum' % path, 'w') as f:
+                    f.write(md5str)
+                out.success("done")
+            finally:
+                out.remove(gauge)
+        finally:
+            gauge.cleanup()
+        d.msgbox("Image file `%s' was successfully extracted!" % path,
+                 width=SMALL_WIDTH)
+        break
+    return True
+# vim: set sta sts=4 shiftwidth=4 sw=4 et ai :
index 4e2247d..f0a01f4 100644 (file)
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import StringIO
 from image_creator.kamaki_wrapper import Kamaki, ClientError
 from image_creator.util import MD5, FatalError
 from image_creator.output.cli import OutputWthProgress
 from image_creator.kamaki_wrapper import Kamaki, ClientError
 from image_creator.util import MD5, FatalError
 from image_creator.output.cli import OutputWthProgress
+from image_creator.dialog_util import extract_image, update_background_title
@@ -100,9 +101,11 @@ class WizardRadioListPage(WizardPage):
             choices.append((self.choices[i][0], self.choices[i][1], default))
         while True:
             choices.append((self.choices[i][0], self.choices[i][1], default))
         while True:
-            (code, answer) = d.radiolist(self.message, width=PAGE_WIDTH,
-                ok_label="Next", cancel="Back", choices=choices,
-                title="(%d/%d) %s" % (index + 1, total, self.title))
+            (code, answer) = \
+                d.radiolist(self.message, width=PAGE_WIDTH,
+                            ok_label="Next", cancel="Back", choices=choices,
+                            title="(%d/%d) %s" % (index + 1, total, self.title)
+                            )
             if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
                 return self.PREV
             if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
                 return self.PREV
@@ -131,9 +134,10 @@ class WizardInputPage(WizardPage):
         init = w[] if in w else self.init_value
         while True:
         init = w[] if in w else self.init_value
         while True:
-            (code, answer) = d.inputbox(self.message, init=init,
-                width=PAGE_WIDTH, ok_label="Next", cancel="Back",
-                title="(%d/%d) %s" % (index + 1, total, self.title))
+            (code, answer) = \
+                d.inputbox(self.message, init=init,
+                           width=PAGE_WIDTH, ok_label="Next", cancel="Back",
+                           title="(%d/%d) %s" % (index + 1, total, self.title))
             if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
                 return self.PREV
             if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC):
                 return self.PREV
@@ -159,8 +163,8 @@ class WizardYesNoPage(WizardPage):
         while True:
             ret = d.yesno(self.message, width=PAGE_WIDTH, ok_label="Yes",
         while True:
             ret = d.yesno(self.message, width=PAGE_WIDTH, ok_label="Yes",
-                    cancel="Back", extra_button=1, extra_label="Quit",
-                    title="(%d/%d) %s" % (index + 1, total, self.title))
+                          cancel="Back", extra_button=1, extra_label="Quit",
+                          title="(%d/%d) %s" % (index + 1, total, self.title))
             if ret == d.DIALOG_CANCEL:
                 return self.PREV
             if ret == d.DIALOG_CANCEL:
                 return self.PREV
@@ -173,18 +177,20 @@ class WizardYesNoPage(WizardPage):
 def wizard(session):
     name = WizardInputPage("ImageName", "Please provide a name for the image:",
 def wizard(session):
     name = WizardInputPage("ImageName", "Please provide a name for the image:",
-                      title="Image Name", init=session['device'].distro)
+                           title="Image Name", init=session['device'].distro)
     descr = WizardInputPage("ImageDescription",
     descr = WizardInputPage("ImageDescription",
-        "Please provide a description for the image:",
-        title="Image Description", empty=True,
-        init=session['metadata']['DESCRIPTION'] if 'DESCRIPTION' in
-        session['metadata'] else '')
+                            "Please provide a description for the image:",
+                            title="Image Description", empty=True,
+                            init=session['metadata']['DESCRIPTION'] if
+                            'DESCRIPTION' in session['metadata'] else '')
     account = WizardInputPage("account",
     account = WizardInputPage("account",
-        "Please provide your ~okeanos account e-mail:",
-        title="~okeanos account information", init=Kamaki.get_account())
+                              "Please provide your ~okeanos account e-mail:",
+                              title="~okeanos account information",
+                              init=Kamaki.get_account())
     token = WizardInputPage("token",
     token = WizardInputPage("token",
-        "Please provide your ~okeanos account token:",
-        title="~okeanos account token", init=Kamaki.get_token())
+                            "Please provide your ~okeanos account token:",
+                            title="~okeanos account token",
+                            init=Kamaki.get_token())
     msg = "All necessary information has been gathered. Confirm and Proceed."
     proceed = WizardYesNoPage(msg, title="Confirmation")
     msg = "All necessary information has been gathered. Confirm and Proceed."
     proceed = WizardYesNoPage(msg, title="Confirmation")
@@ -198,14 +204,14 @@ def wizard(session):
-        extract_image(session)
+        create_image(session)
         return False
     return True
         return False
     return True
-def extract_image(session):
+def create_image(session):
     d = session['dialog']
     disk = session['disk']
     device = session['device']
     d = session['dialog']
     disk = session['disk']
     device = session['device']
@@ -228,9 +234,7 @@ def extract_image(session):
         size = device.shrink()
         session['shrinked'] = True
         size = device.shrink()
         session['shrinked'] = True
-        getattr(__import__("image_creator.dialog_main",
-                fromlist=['image_creator']),
-                "update_background_title")(session)
+        update_background_title(session)
         metadata['DESCRIPTION'] = wizard['ImageDescription']
         metadata['DESCRIPTION'] = wizard['ImageDescription']
@@ -254,8 +258,8 @@ def extract_image(session):
             pithos_file = ""
             with open(snapshot, 'rb') as f:
                 pithos_file = kamaki.upload(f, size, name,
             pithos_file = ""
             with open(snapshot, 'rb') as f:
                 pithos_file = kamaki.upload(f, size, name,
-                                             "(1/4)  Calculating block hashes",
-                                             "(2/4)  Uploading missing blocks")
+                                            "(1/4)  Calculating block hashes",
+                                            "(2/4)  Uploading missing blocks")
             out.output("(3/4)  Uploading metadata file...", False)
             kamaki.upload(StringIO.StringIO(metastring), size=len(metastring),
             out.output("(3/4)  Uploading metadata file...", False)
             kamaki.upload(StringIO.StringIO(metastring), size=len(metastring),
@@ -281,8 +285,6 @@ def extract_image(session):
     msg = "The image was successfully uploaded and registered with " \
           "~okeanos. Would you like to keep a local copy of the image?"
     if not d.yesno(msg, width=PAGE_WIDTH):
     msg = "The image was successfully uploaded and registered with " \
           "~okeanos. Would you like to keep a local copy of the image?"
     if not d.yesno(msg, width=PAGE_WIDTH):
-        getattr(__import__("image_creator.dialog_main",
-                fromlist=['image_creator']), "extract_image")(session)
+        extract_image(session)
 # vim: set sta sts=4 shiftwidth=4 sw=4 et ai :
 # vim: set sta sts=4 shiftwidth=4 sw=4 et ai :
index acb075b..0b39220 100755 (executable)
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ setup(
     description='Command line tool for creating images',
     description='Command line tool for creating images',
-#    long_description=open('README.rst').read(),
+    # long_description=open('README.rst').read(),
-    packages = find_packages(),
+    packages=find_packages(),
     install_requires=['pbs', 'ansicolors', 'progress', 'pysendfile'],
     install_requires=['pbs', 'ansicolors', 'progress', 'pysendfile'],