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root / flowspec / @ 25d08a62

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# Date Author Comment
25d08a62 11/28/2011 01:52 am Leonidas Poulopoulos

Added user seperation into long-polling

3e99e2d1 11/24/2011 04:34 pm Leonidas Poulopoulos

Massive changes. Added long-polling support

971645d6 11/23/2011 12:20 pm Leonidas Poulopoulos

Added a whois utility. Incorporated user profile

9cad4715 11/21/2011 07:34 pm Leonidas Poulopoulos

Added celery and beanstalk

b10e01d6 11/20/2011 10:36 pm Leonidas Poulopoulos

Changed logic to all parts. Dev db is incorporated

7a8a4da4 11/20/2011 10:43 am Leonidas Poulopoulos

Changed models logic. Decreased FKs

357d48dc 11/20/2011 09:47 am Leonidas Poulopoulos

Added templates. Moved functionality out of models

478173ac 11/17/2011 11:16 am Leonidas Poulopoulos

Added clean method to netwrork address. 'then' statement is obligatory

a24fbf37 11/16/2011 05:06 pm Leonidas Poulopoulos

Added an admin interface. Incorporated nxpy with gbp flowspec feature

a3af8464 11/15/2011 06:52 pm Leonidas Poulopoulos

Initial commit of flowspy