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root / kamaki / clients / astakos @ 26413b0d

# Date Author Comment
36cb577e 12/12/2013 01:12 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Rename astakosclients to give astakosclient 2 divs

Refs: #4752

Renames in kamaki.clients.astakos:
AstakosClient --> CachedAstakosClient
SynefoAstakosClientOrig --> AstakosClient

5c5eb675 11/19/2013 05:33 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Apply naming scheme to image cmds

Refs: #4583

All image-property commands --> image modify --property-add/del
All image-compute commands --> imagecompute
imagecompute-property-* --> imagecompute modify --property-add/del

2d1f5058 10/31/2013 03:38 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Remove token from history

Refs: #4479

20211cbb 10/31/2013 02:53 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Astakosclient always ommits token and reveals data

85115c12 10/31/2013 02:29 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Log astakosclient in kamaki style

fa7d08b6 10/30/2013 05:36 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Implement user session commands for kamaki

Refs: #4340

172ee8f9 10/25/2013 01:48 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Implement "get_client" in clients.astakos

Returns the synnefo-astakosclient object

91478081 10/15/2013 03:53 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Fix unittests for kamaki.clients.astakos

Refs: #4337, #4312

f24819ad 10/14/2013 11:23 am Stavros Sachtouris

Fix authenticate to return endpoints (bw com.)

cabc72ae 10/14/2013 11:19 am Stavros Sachtouris

Cache user_catalogs requests, new methods for that

Refs: #4337

New methods: uuids2usernames, usernames2uuids
Keep post_user_catalogs for bw comp.

db93db3e 10/10/2013 06:53 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Dont call astakos form kamaki, use astakosclient


38db356b 09/09/2013 03:15 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Restore backwards compatibility for image register

Refs: Bug #4276

New format:

/image register Name container:path/to/image

Old format:

/image register Name pithos://user-uuid/container/path/to/image

Now, the old format is also recognized. It is planed to be depricated in a...

95641ecc 08/21/2013 05:53 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Augment user info in image list

Refs: #4228

9d3cd179 08/02/2013 01:52 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Show user names in /file sharers

Refs: #4203

b44a5a37 06/27/2013 04:39 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Cache by uuid instead of token in astakos client

Refs: #3660

9a8861d1 06/27/2013 02:52 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Implement a user_list to list cached shell users

Refs: #3632

e3f01d64 06/26/2013 12:28 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Update the copyright dates everywhere

508570ae 06/10/2013 01:07 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Adjust cached astakos client unit tests

Refs: #3964

819311d3 06/03/2013 05:19 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Handle url proccessing even if url is unicode

Also, fix typos and default values for service configurations

e7884f25 06/03/2013 04:49 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Fix typo in astakos client: version_id-->versionId

3950a864 06/03/2013 04:06 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Adjust cached auth info reading to recent changes

82e32e50 06/03/2013 03:14 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Fix typos in user command flow

8cec3671 06/03/2013 02:22 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Use explicitely set services urls if no auth_url

Refs: #3874

In current configuration, kamaki checks for auth_url. If that fails,
it raises an error. If it is not set, it prints a warning and attempts
to read the <service>.url option from the configuration file....

cb4a5d9c 06/03/2013 12:58 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Implement --cloud arg to switch between clouds

Refs: #3913

Config file can (optionaly) contain:

example =
old_version =

Now, user can explicitely request for a remote cloud authentication URI:...

f724cd35 05/31/2013 05:37 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Get endpoint urls for all CLI operations

Refs: #3874

Use kamaki.clients.astakos.AstakosClient as a cached astakos client to get
user information and, most importantly, endpoints. Allow users to authenticate
multiple tokens on the same session. In every session there must be at most...

528550d9 05/30/2013 04:35 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Enrich/rename astakos client calls with endpoints

Refs: #3874

Kamaki.clients.astakos.AstakosClient is now a high-level client lib that
offers access to token-authenticated astakos-aquired cached information.
Users who need an astakos client should use the snf-astakosclient instead....

b79ae40b 05/27/2013 03:35 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Adjust astakos authenticate to snf-0.14 url sheme

76e7661e 04/15/2013 06:14 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Update docs to use the term Synnefo where needed

In some cases, the term 'GRNET development team' was replaced with 'Synnefo' or
'Synnefo development team'

c2b5da2f 04/04/2013 04:37 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Redesign http connection module

Merge everything to kamaki.clients

Remove multiple hierarchies of connection classes (== abandon support for
alternative connection methods, e.g. for requests from pypi)

New connection classes are
- RequestManager
- ResponseManager...

3c50df2e 03/22/2013 03:42 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Apply a simple naming convention for unit tests

Naming convention:

Actual functionality:

In package kamaki.clients.pkg there is class C containing a method M
Test it in a package kamaki.clients.pkg.test, with a class C + a method test_M
Command line run:...

ae4585f5 03/15/2013 10:45 am Stavros Sachtouris

Rephrase astakos client and wip clients code

9d74de5d 03/13/2013 03:47 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Transform static AstakosClient._cache to member

85898ca4 03/12/2013 05:59 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Rearange client packages 4 uniformity in testing