
./kamaki is a simple, yet intuitive, command-line tool for managing clouds.

It is an initial implementation of OpenStack Compute API v1.1, with
custom extensions specific to the Synnefo IaaS cloud management software.

./kamaki is open source and released under a
2-clause BSD Licence.


Synnefo is an IaaS cloud software, originaly developed by the
Greek Research and Technology Network.
Kamaki is a client that utilizes the Synnefo access and management APIs for the various synnefo
services (Pithos+ storage, Cyclades compute and networking, Astakos identity managemenr).
Kamaki supports Synnefo APIs as extentions of the OpenStack Compute API v1.1.

./kamaki is a simple command-line tool to test the OpenStack API, which proved to be powerful and
intuitive enough, to be used not only for testing purposes but also as a complete
Synnefo and Openstack Compute API v1.1 client, able to manage our cloud from the command line.

Who uses ./kamaki ?

./kamaki is currently used internally in GRNET by the development team to test the synnefo
software, by the deployment team who operates the ~okeanos service and by all the alpha
testers using the ~okeanos service and want to access the service from the command line.

We would be glad to see more people included in this section, so if you are running
./kamaki, please send us an e-mail at xxx@xxx and your name/company will appear on our
./kamaki users list.

Contributing and helping out

For the ./kamaki to improve and be useful to others too, your help is very important.
Any contributions and bug reports will be highly appreciated. Using ./kamaki and sending
us feedback is also a good start.

Community & Support

For any problems you may bump into while using ./kamaki or for help from the development
team please refer to the following links:

Please be sure to have read the Documentation and check the known issues before
contacting the team.

kamaki-logo.png (7.9 kB) Constantinos Venetsanopoulos, 09/08/2011 01:46 pm