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root / kamaki / clients / connection @ 6ad245d5

# Date Author Comment
6ad245d5 09/07/2012 12:51 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Use connection pool after redesigning http connect

HTTPRequestsXxx objects now use connection pooling
Atually, connections are not pooled, but responses are.

Implementation of connection pooling with httplib not ready yet

Pooling tested in uploads

2576d8b1 09/05/2012 02:56 pm Stavros Sachtouris

HTTPConnection can support pooling implementations

118d9271 09/04/2012 07:25 pm Stavros Sachtouris

HTTP Response args are now properties

1bb4d14d 08/30/2012 06:30 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Improced testing, started tests for cyclades

58821ef5 08/30/2012 03:51 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Handle requests exceptions

25914947 08/29/2012 06:44 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Minor arangements for error handling

ab9cdbc3 08/29/2012 06:08 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Minor bigfixes in error handling

99ae27ea 08/29/2012 05:40 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Avoid veification (workarround for image list bug)

2f749e6e 08/29/2012 05:26 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Major changes in client, fixed setup

Seperate Client to Client and HTTPConnection
The later is put in a separate package kamaki.client.connection
It manages headers, params, method, url and data of a connection
but the actuall http connection is not implemented at this...

e4e8b667 08/28/2012 06:49 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Implement perform_request for HTTPRequest

5cffe0b4 08/28/2012 06:48 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Create HTTPRequest class

Implements HTTPConnection using the requests pypi package

620edeb1 08/28/2012 05:37 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Connection interface

a2e8e549 08/28/2012 05:22 pm Stavros Sachtouris

Seperate commands specs and connection packages