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root / test / data / htools / @ 07809f7d

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# Date Author Comment
a0be8f1a 05/29/2013 10:52 am Thomas Thrainer

Support group networks in Text backend

The Text backend now parses network UUID (comma separated) and
serializes them in the same form.
The test data is adapted to the new format.

Signed-off-by: Thomas Thrainer <>
Reviewed-by: Guido Trotter <>

41044e04 04/29/2013 06:53 pm Bernardo Dal Seno

Add multiple min/max specs in instance policy

Now instance policies can contain more than one min/max specs. This is the
main element of the "Constrained instance sizes" section in the
"Partitioned Ganeti" design doc.

This is a big patch, but changing the type of a configuration item requires...

83846468 12/27/2012 03:34 pm Iustin Pop

Move htest/ files under the test/ tree

htest/data becomes test/data/htools (basically reverting commit
8feabc89), and htest/* becomes test/hs/*.

Most changes beside the rename are trivial s/…/…, with the exception
of autotools/run-in-tempdir, which needed some more changes now that...