Revision 1993fea9 docs/source/devguide.rst

596 596
Return Code                  Description
597 597
===========================  ==============================
598 598
201 (Created)                The object has been created
409 (Conflict)               The object can not be created from the provided hashmap, or there are conflicting permissions (a list of missing hashes, or a conflicting sharing path will be included in the reply - in JSON format)
599 600
411 (Length Required)        Missing ``Content-Length`` or ``Content-Type`` in the request
600 601
422 (Unprocessable Entity)   The MD5 checksum of the data written to the storage system does not match the (optionally) supplied ETag value
601 602
===========================  ==============================
626 627
Return Code                  Description
627 628
===========================  ==============================
628 629
201 (Created)                The object has been created
409 (Conflict)               There are conflicting permissions (a conflicting sharing path will be included in the reply - in JSON format)
629 631
===========================  ==============================
630 632

631 633

692 694
===========================  ==============================
693 695
202 (Accepted)               The request has been accepted (not a data update)
694 696
204 (No Content)             The request succeeded (data updated)
409 (Conflict)               There are conflicting permissions (a conflicting sharing path will be included in the reply - in JSON format)
695 698
411 (Length Required)        Missing ``Content-Length`` in the request
696 699
416 (Range Not Satisfiable)  The supplied range is invalid
697 700
===========================  ==============================

Also available in: Unified diff