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root / jboss @ 46268014

# Date Author Comment
46268014 05/05/2010 04:39 pm Panagiotis Astithas

Use firstname & lastname instead of full name for more flexibility and escape commas in property file.

3f6fd106 05/05/2010 03:45 pm Panagiotis Astithas

Create user accounts in an LDAP-based IdP server after registration, so that Shibboleth login can work.

2f551abc 04/29/2010 05:54 pm Panagiotis Astithas

Add a user registration flow. Registration can be open for all, or limited to issued invitation codes, as configured in

139f2dd5 03/09/2010 05:43 pm Panagiotis Astithas

Replace JBossMessaging 1.x and its HSQLDB data store with HornetQ. Indexing should be faster and more reliable now.

6fd0673d 02/23/2010 04:22 pm Panagiotis Astithas

Upgrade to JBoss 5.1.0 from 5.0.0.

c917374b 07/02/2009 12:18 pm Panagiotis Astithas

Use a different strategy for login in development environments that does not require me to recompile the web client for production deployment. Now, if the testUsername property is found in the server treats the value as an authenticated username....

16baf609 06/04/2009 12:02 pm Panagiotis Astithas

Remove the redundant gss top-level directory.