Revision 46268014 src/gr/ebs/gss/server/ejb/

829 829
	 * Create a new user with the specified name, username and e-mail address.
830 830
831 831
	 * @param username the username of the new user
	 * @param name the full name of the new user
	 * @param name the name of the new user
833 833
	 * @param mail the e-mail of the new user
834 834
	 * @param idp the IdP of the new user
835 835
	 * @param idpid the IdP identifier of the new user
1222 1222
	 * Create a new user in the connected IdP.
1223 1223
1224 1224
	 * @param username the username of the new user
	 * @param name the name of the new user
	 * @param firstname the first name of the new user
	 * @param lastname the last name of the new user
1226 1227
	 * @param email the e-mail of the new user
1227 1228
	 * @param password the password of the new user
1228 1229
	public void createLdapUser(String username, String name, String email, String password);
	public void createLdapUser(String username, String firstname, String lastname, String email, String password);
1230 1231

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