| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

root / snf-django-lib / snf_django / lib / api / proxy @ 4691814d

# Date Author Comment
152e7bba 06/03/2013 11:50 am Georgios D. Tsoukalas

snf-django proxy: preserve the response's headers

e3ff6830 06/03/2013 11:49 am Georgios D. Tsoukalas

make synnefo URLs consistent and configurable

https://service.deployment.vendor.tld/service-base/api-prefix/hard/path |___________________________________| |__________| |________| |_______|

f870efe2 05/28/2013 07:56 pm Sofia Papagiannaki

snf-django-lib: Fix proxy issue

The ``X-Forwarded-Host`` header should not be forwared to the target
because django appends its value to the Host header and
results in validate_host() failure.

5ad8eca1 05/20/2013 04:16 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

django-lib: Preserve proxy target path

142133fb 05/20/2013 03:08 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

snf-django: Improve headers handling in common proxy util

- Avoid proxying Connection, Host and Cookie headers
- Cleanup non headers keys (e.g. wsgi.*)
- Set X-Forwarded-For header

fed0b230 05/15/2013 06:38 pm Christos Stavrakakis

Replace 'synnefo.lib.http' with 'objpool.http'

33c84784 05/15/2013 06:20 pm Sofia Papagiannaki

snf-django-lib: provide proxy functionality