Revision 4cea11c6 docs/source/devguide.rst

493 493
x_object_meta_*             Optional user defined metadata
494 494
==========================  ======================================
495 495

Sharing metadata will only be returned if there is no ``until`` parameter defined.

496 498
Extended replies may also include virtual directory markers in separate sections of the ``json`` or ``xml`` results.
497 499
Virtual directory markers are only included when ``delimiter`` is explicitly set. They correspond to the substrings up to and including the first occurrence of the delimiter.
498 500
In JSON results they appear as dictionaries with only a ``subdir`` key. In XML results they appear interleaved with ``<object>`` tags as ``<subdir name="..." />``.
795 797
X-Object-Meta-*             Optional user defined metadata
796 798
==========================  ===============================
797 799

Sharing headers (``X-Object-Sharing``, ``X-Object-Shared-By`` and ``X-Object-Allowed-To``) are only included if the request is for the object's latest version (no specific ``version`` parameter is set).
799 801

800 802
===========================  ==============================
801 803
Return Code                  Description

Also available in: Unified diff