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1 bbd4f788 Georgios Gousios
2 bbd4f788 Georgios Gousios
3 bbd4f788 Georgios Gousios
4 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
This document describes the services that comprise the Synnefo software
5 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
infrastructure and the dependencies among them. This document applies
6 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
to Synnefo v0.3.
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9 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
- Node types
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11 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
  Nodes in a Synnefo deployment belong in one of the following types:
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    * DB:
14 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
      A node [or more than one nodes, if using an HA configuration],
15 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
      running a DB engine supported by the Django ORM layer. The DB
16 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
      is the single source of truth for the servicing of API requests by
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      Services: PostgreSQL / MySQL
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      A node running the implementation of the OpenStack API, in Django.
22 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
      Any number of WEBSERVERs can be used, in a load-balancing configuration,
23 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
      without any special consideration. Access to a common DB ensures
24 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
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      Services: Web server, vncauthproxy
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    * QUEUE:
28 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
      A node running the RabbitMQ software, which provides AMQP functionality.
29 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
      More than one QUEUE nodes may be deployed, in an HA configuration. Such
30 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
      deployments require shared storage, provided e.g., by DRBD.
31 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
      Services: RabbitMQ [rabbitmq-server]
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33 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
    * LOGIC:
34 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
      A node running the business logic of Synnefo, in Django. It dequeues
35 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
      messages from QUEUE nodes, and provides the context in which business
36 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
      logic functions run. It uses Django ORM to connect to the common DB and
37 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
      update the state of the system, based on notifications received from the
38 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
      rest of the infrastructure, over AMQP.
39 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
      Services: the Synnefo logic dispatcher [/logic/]
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41 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
42 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
      A single GANETI-MASTER and a large number of GANETI-NODEs constitute the
43 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
      Ganeti backend for Synnefo, which undertakes all VM management functions.
44 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
      Any WEBSERVER can issue commands to the GANETI-MASTER, over RAPI, to effect
45 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
      changes in the state of the VMs. The GANETI-MASTER runs the Ganeti request
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      Services: only on GANETI-MASTER:
48 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
        the Synnefo Ganeti monitoring daemon [/ganeti/ganeti-eventd],
49 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
        and the Synnefo Ganeti hook [/ganeti/].
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51 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
    As of v0.3, the Synnefo Django project needs to be installed on nodes
52 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
    of type WEBSERVER, LOGIC and on the GANETI-MASTER, with a properly configured
53 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis In later revisions, the specific parts of the Django project
54 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
    which need to run on each node type will be identified.
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56 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
    The file for Django is derived by concatenating the
57 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis file contained in the Synnefo distribution with a file
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    containing custom modifications. This is recommended to minimize the load
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    of reconstructing from scratch, since each release currently
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    brings heavy changes to
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- Service dependencies
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    This section describes each of the required service dependencies.
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    * RabbitMQ
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      RabbitMQ is used as a generic message broker for the system. It should
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      be installed on two seperate machines (VMs should be enough for the
71 24435a56 Georgios Gousios
      moment) in a high availability configuration as described here:
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73 6f339260 Georgios Gousios
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      After installation, create a user and set its permissions
76 6f339260 Georgios Gousios
77 6f339260 Georgios Gousios
        rabbitmqctl add_user okeanos 0k3@n0s
78 6f339260 Georgios Gousios
        rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / okeanos  "^.*" ".*" ".*"
79 6f339260 Georgios Gousios
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      The values set for the user and password must be mirrored in the
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      RABBIT_* variables in
82 6f339260 Georgios Gousios
83 6ec8927b Vangelis Koukis
    * /ganeti/ganeti-eventd: the Ganeti monitoring daemon
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      The Ganeti monitoring daemon must run on GANETI-MASTER.
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87 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
      Override all relevant settings in, GANETI_* variables.
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      Then start the server on the Ganeti master as root
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      # cd synnefo && python ./ganeti/ganeti-eventd
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      FIXME: The server must be started from the project root directory.
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      TBD: how to handle master migration.
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    * /logic/ the dispatcher
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97 24435a56 Georgios Gousios
      The dispatcher retrieves messages from the queue and calls the
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      appropriate handler function as defined in the queue configuration in
99 24435a56 Georgios Gousios The default configuration should work directly without
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      any modifications.
101 6f339260 Georgios Gousios
102 24435a56 Georgios Gousios
      The dispatcher must be run by hand:
103 24435a56 Georgios Gousios
      $ ./bin/python ./logic/
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      The dispatcher should run in at least 2 instances to ensure high
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      (actually, increased) availability.
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108 6ec8927b Vangelis Koukis
    * /ganeti/ Ganeti hook for synnefo
109 6ec8927b Vangelis Koukis
110 6ec8927b Vangelis Koukis
      The script ganeti/ is the generic launcher for Synnefo
111 6ec8927b Vangelis Koukis
      hooks in Ganeti.  It resides in the ganeti/ directory of the Synnefo
112 6ec8927b Vangelis Koukis
      project root.
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114 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
      The hook needs to be enabled for the post-start phase, by *symlinking*
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      in  /etc/ganeti/hooks/instance-start-post.d on GANETI-MASTER:
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117 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
      root@ganeti-master:/etc/ganeti/hooks/instance-start-post.d# ls -l
118 ff55193e Vangelis Koukis
      lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 45 May   3 13:45 00-snf-ganeti-hook -> /home/devel/synnefo/ganeti/*
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120 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
      IMPORTANT: The link name may only contain "upper and lower case, digits,
121 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
      underscores and hyphens. In other words, the regexp ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$."
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123 6ec8927b Vangelis Koukis
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      The script uses the location of the link target to determine the Synnefo
125 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
      Project root, before passing control to the relevant Python code.
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127 6ec8927b Vangelis Koukis
      FIXME: Perhaps require a SYNNEFO_PROJECT_ROOT environment variable?
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    * vncauthproxy
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      To support OOB console access to the VMs over VNC, the vncauthproxy
132 a06deab3 Vangelis Koukis
      daemon must be running on every node of type WEBSERVER.
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134 7e8b41e7 Vangelis Koukis
      Download and install vncauthproxy from its own repository,
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      (known good commit [FIXME for v0.3]: 48b1400e).
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      Edit default settings on top of
139 b6382dc5 Vangelis Koukis
      Set CTRL_SOCKET in util/ to point to its control socket.
140 b6382dc5 Vangelis Koukis
141 b6382dc5 Vangelis Koukis
      FIXME: The CTRL_SOCKET setting will be moved to as
142 b6382dc5 Vangelis Koukis
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- OS Specific instructions
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    * Debian Squeeze
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