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root / snf-cyclades-app / synnefo / ui / static / snf / js / models.js @ 628fa84b

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# Date Author Comment
0f79ce75 01/31/2014 02:52 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Filter out unavailable images in vm create wizard

797c59fb 01/31/2014 02:50 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Fallback to image date if no sort metadata exists

while sorting images collection

3e7aeb5a 01/31/2014 02:42 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Separate image/snapshot menu in vm wizard


a45b30a7 01/29/2014 03:53 pm Chrysostomos Nanakos

ui: Fixes for volumes and snapshots

b872a653 01/29/2014 03:53 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Implement snapshot create api call

caf6cb1f 01/29/2014 03:46 pm Christos Stavrakakis

Merge branch 'release-0.15' into develop


a2b39c54 01/14/2014 11:05 am Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Improve recurrent api calls throttling

do not trigger faster recurrent intervals when api endpoint does not support
incremental updates (changes-since parameter).

a3e25d12 01/10/2014 06:03 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Disable suspended vm actions

6368ca5d 01/10/2014 06:01 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Optionally group public networks by name

If setting ``UI_GROUP_PUBLIC_NETWORKS`` is set to True, public networks will
be grouped by their name in networks view.

680dd4b8 01/09/2014 01:18 pm Ilias Tsitsimpis

Merge branch 'release-0.15' into develop


48bac1b6 12/23/2013 02:59 pm Chrysostomos Nanakos

cyclades: Fix typo in vm state

b6ac9768 12/19/2013 05:09 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Do not enforce vm quota decrease on vm removal

59669f57 12/12/2013 01:13 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Exempt task_state logic when vm is in ERROR state

do not update machine status from task_state if machine in ERROR state,
excluding the case when task_state is set to DESTROY.

c2a55260 12/12/2013 12:38 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Improve handling of ssh key injection in machine wizard

- Remove setting ``UI_SUPPORT_SSH_OS_LIST``
- Always allow ssh key injection unless image os family is included in

681c9851 12/11/2013 04:22 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Floating ip fixes

- Fix progress indicator display
- Reset model state if attach api call fails

5acb8b8a 12/09/2013 02:37 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Introduce setting UI_SUPPORT_SSH_OS_FAMILY_LIST

os families list setting for which ui will allow ssh key injection

ce6fb98b 12/06/2013 05:09 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Remove debug statement

ac5a4134 12/06/2013 03:14 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Fix unavailable disk sizes handling

in vm create wizard

f27e976b 12/02/2013 03:17 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Fix hotplug enabled/disabled checks

417bd7d4 11/29/2013 06:14 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Fix infinite quota display in create wizard

09092536 11/29/2013 05:55 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Fix image ordering in create view

avoid parsing image id as int

80bb2140 11/29/2013 05:41 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Resize view improvements

- Display grayed out start button if no available quota to start the
corresponding vm
- Open resize overlay instead of start confirmation for the above cases
- Allow overlimit resizing of inactive machines
- Minor styling fixes

ef19e96e 11/29/2013 05:41 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Hotplug aware ip/network actions

disable port/network connect/disconnect on active vms when ganeti hotplug
is disabled

1fee361d 11/28/2013 05:24 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Prevent connecting of suspended vms to private networks

46987d1c 11/27/2013 06:12 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Suspended view regression fixes

3c446f85 11/27/2013 03:15 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Multiple actions support

- Private networks destroy
- IPs detach/destroy
- Public keys destroy

a1e272d0 11/27/2013 03:15 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Require VM reboot on firewall apply

ddb7229d 11/25/2013 05:20 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Shutdown functionality in vm resize overlay

b3aee2e0 11/25/2013 05:20 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Improve port view progress indicator

when port has an associated vm which is in transitional state

f8df95f9 11/22/2013 04:51 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Typo fix

d6316aad 11/22/2013 04:49 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Remove dependency on vm_hostname_format setting

de0693f8 11/21/2013 08:31 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Snapshot action indicator icon

74831b0d 11/21/2013 08:31 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Handle port_forward vm info when available

display corresponding connect info in vm connect overlay

43b53ee7 11/21/2013 08:28 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Remove debug statement

3cac4a52 11/21/2013 08:27 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Warn user when vm has no public ip v4

in vm connect overlay

bfb11987 11/21/2013 08:27 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Network/IPs/Public keys action indicators

b502f75d 11/21/2013 08:27 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Avoid double escaping of image name

6fe8c2ca 11/21/2013 08:27 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Remove UI_VM_HOSTNAME_FORMAT setting

no longer needed since compute api responses contain the fqdn vm attribute.

Setting ``UI_NO_FQDN_MESSAGE`` setting added. Setting value will be displayed
when fqdn vm attribute is empty.

2b516a38 11/21/2013 08:27 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Improve inactive vm actions handling

e4330db2 11/20/2013 12:43 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Update firewall profile API calls

using port ids in action parameters

3e323ae8 11/20/2013 12:43 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Fix resolving of vm hostname

488209a5 11/20/2013 12:43 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Remove deprecated floating IPs API calls

69dac1ba 11/20/2013 12:41 am Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Networks/IPs updates and fixes

8e13afa9 11/18/2013 07:03 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Enable automatic quota handling in collection views

213a8396 11/15/2013 04:46 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Public networks fixes

- 'Internet' instead of 'Public'
- Common prefix 'Internet' for both IPv4 IPv6 network names in vm wizard
- Loading indicator when creating a new floating ip from vm wizard

89dc40ca 11/12/2013 04:31 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Floating IP connect vm overlay fix

pass collection instead of array in show_vms call

68cc89f6 11/12/2013 04:31 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Improve dynamic model attributes handling

a37c5497 11/12/2013 01:26 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Refactored network/ip vm connect overlay

9c8f31ad 11/11/2013 05:21 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Network select view improvements in vm wizard

13925182 11/07/2013 06:43 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Display resize in vm actions list

31bc4729 11/05/2013 04:52 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Additional storage_attrs funcionality

allow custom model id resolver

ba7421ce 11/05/2013 04:52 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: VM status typo

365af933 11/05/2013 04:52 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: IP addresses subview in icon vms view

02effd9c 11/05/2013 04:52 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Port connect/disconnect api calls

95ff92b4 11/04/2013 09:14 am Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Extra base model helpers

Define available model actions, attribute dependencies and a callback which
result is used to decide whether or not the action can be executed.

Allows us to define extra virtual model attributes which value depends on...

6be6f0b6 11/04/2013 09:14 am Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Additional base collection option

to handle model removals for collections for which we cannot identify if model
has been removed by checking some of its attributes (e.g. DELETED state).

d7d154c9 11/04/2013 09:14 am Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Remove NICS, Networks, PublicIPs models

models depricated. Models wil be provided in upcoming neutron module

45b964d3 11/04/2013 09:14 am Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Models module cleanup and models improvements

828f802d 10/07/2013 05:52 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

ui: Exclude rebooting machines from network connect overlay

bbae3e45 08/28/2013 01:55 pm Christos Stavrakakis

cyclades: Fix bug in handling of reboot type.

'type' attribute of reboot OS API call was directly mapped to the
'reboot_type' option of Ganeti reboot job. However these two are
semantically different. The 'SOFT' and 'HARD' reboot types of OS API are
mapped to 'shutdown_timeout' option of Ganeti jobs. However, setting...

b76769ef 08/06/2013 05:28 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

cyclades ui: Improve available quota handling

handle the case where available resource quota is less than the
corresponding active quota (for cpu, mem and disk resources).

eb17e27a 08/06/2013 10:22 am Kostas Papadimitriou

cyclades ui: Handle empty floating ip pools

prevent user from allocating new ip addresses if no available pools exist

890f3d4c 07/12/2013 01:22 pm Christos Stavrakakis

Merge branch 'hotfix-0.14.2' into develop


a6213c91 07/12/2013 11:51 am Kostas Papadimitriou

cyclades ui: Prefer os meta to identify connection user

How vm connection user gets resolved:

- Use the last user in `users` vm metadata if exists
- Use the last user in `users` vm image metadata if exists
- Use root if vm's image osfamily metadata is Linux...

d632e425 07/08/2013 03:44 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

cyclades ui: Allow destroy action on all vm states

1fc7640d 07/03/2013 01:20 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

cyclades: Public IP's overlay in UI

- Introduce a new overlay for IP addresses management (create, remove, connect,
- The overlay is accessible from the UI's options menu.

a3ac649e 07/03/2013 12:38 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

cyclades: Handle introduced ``SNF:task_state`` field

- Use it to identify if machine is in a transitioning state (a previously
executed task is pending to be completed).
- Disable all actions when field.
- Backwards compatible. If no field is set the UI falls back into predicting...

ab3df8df 07/03/2013 12:29 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

cyclades: Integrate machine resize action in UI

- Action gets triggered from edit links which appear next to the cpu/memory
details icon/single machine views.
- Handle inability to perform resize action based on vm state by displaying a
warning when machine is in running state....

60ba7fc6 06/14/2013 04:06 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

cyclades ui: In sync with latest API changes

Handle updated servers/detail response format.

cb561c2f 06/03/2013 11:50 am Kostas Papadimitriou

cyclades ui: Remove debug statement

0c2166b9 06/03/2013 11:50 am Kostas Papadimitriou

cyclades ui: Move connect/console urls under ui

0dee4086 05/28/2013 01:22 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

cyclades ui: In sync with the updated compute api

Update javascript libraries to keep up with the latest changes in compute api.

29fef7b9 05/28/2013 01:22 pm Christos Stavrakakis

ui: Rename flavor 'cpu' to 'vcpus'

d5fd0d3c 05/28/2013 01:22 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

cyclades ui: Update metadata post/delete url

the updated api uses /metadata/ instead of /meta/

Refs: #3768

1489e9b1 05/28/2013 01:22 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

cyclades ui: Revert server create params names

the new api changed image/flavor keys only in servers response.
imageRef and flavorRef are still required in server create requests
(makes sense)

Refs: #3768

7055982e 05/28/2013 08:14 am Kostas Papadimitriou

cyclades ui: Always send network type in create request

type parameter is mandatory in private network creation requests.

73f9a3d5 05/21/2013 12:41 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

cyclades ui: Handle no missing image ids case

614fb66b 05/20/2013 07:59 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

cyclades ui: Fix resolving of missing image ids

- Start resloving once the images have been loaded.
- Continue loading view progress only once all missing ids have been resolved.

7f16b9b1 05/20/2013 03:08 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

cyclades ui: Configurable userdata api url

PublicKey collections used hardcoded urls to access the ssh public keys
api. A new dummy view added (to serve '/ui/userdata/') to be able to use
django reverse mechanism for the base url of userdata api.

8b14f29d 05/20/2013 08:55 am Kostas Papadimitriou

cyclades ui: Avoid setting group in personality metadata

8b9e871d 05/14/2013 03:14 pm Olga Brani

Merge branch 'develop' into feature-branding


426e1fb9 05/02/2013 04:36 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

cyclades ui: Expose and use the new astakos quota api

- Removed /userdata/quota view in respect of astakos quotas api delegate
views served in the same urls used by astakos api (/astakos/api/quotas,
/astakos/api/resources). Base url is configurable using the...

c2337e25 04/02/2013 01:15 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

Merge branch 'develop' into feature-branding


ee5d26fc 03/28/2013 03:11 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

UI create vm errors fix

never forget to pass vm create callback arguments

8fa1cbc9 03/27/2013 04:03 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

Configurable unknown os identifier

d42817ee 03/27/2013 03:45 pm Olga Brani

Branding: change default icon for vms

Changing "os" to "unknown" for all VMs that don't have a prefefined os.
Applies to Compute interface.

b14e3b9e 03/26/2013 03:27 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

Trigger user quota updates on sepcific ui api calls

- We force user quota information to be updated after the completion of
vm/network create/destroy actions.

2d35cfcd 03/21/2013 03:54 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

Fix available ram options in vm create view

typo fix that caused unavailable ram options due to user quota limits to
still be shown as selectable values.

336ddd59 03/20/2013 10:45 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

UI loading view improvements

Refs #3396
Refs #3397

- Use separate loading messages for each action to avoid confusion
caused due to aynchronous progress
- Enforce resolving of unknown machine image ids before the main view
gets rendered.

afe9ca75 03/20/2013 09:47 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

UI. Always extract user info from current cookie contents

Refs #3460

Token value set in api action/request is always retrieved from the
current cookie contents. When cookie contents change is detected ui
redirects user to log in.

Cookie changes are detected each time the app tries to use the user...

7ac49c2e 03/12/2013 03:31 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

Disable flavor options that exceed user quota

respect current user quota in flavor options display

8f53cfa3 02/14/2013 04:27 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

Translate image owner uuid -> display name in UI

UI uses the introduced /user_catalog api to translate uuids to display
names when necessary.

77baab80 01/11/2013 04:35 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

Fix public image handling

f5e97e7f 11/16/2012 07:41 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

Handle unavailable hostname information in ui

fallback to ip address

5d9ac244 11/16/2012 07:32 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

SSH personality keys ownership fix

also send mode/owner/group for each user's authorized_keys

bdfb089f 11/15/2012 06:16 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

Support multiple image users in js models

methods that used to return user specific information modified to return
arrays of objects based on identified image users. Image space delimited
`users` metadata key is now the primary point to identify existing image...

fc6f43c3 11/15/2012 05:13 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

VM creation view improvement, Refs #3012

warn user against untrustworthy image owners

a429705e 11/08/2012 06:35 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

Network view actions fixes

- Reset network status after a failed destroy action
- Fix multiple network actions (Refs #2298)
- Reset button visibility after nic disconnect

01461689 11/08/2012 01:25 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

JS networks collection fix

filter out unexisting deleted networks

cbf7b384 11/07/2012 07:50 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

UI quota limit handling

ui inititalization process now includes a call to the introduced
`ui.views.userquota` view which returns a json representation of available user
quota limits. Quota information is used across ui to prevent user from the
effort of trying to allocate additional resources.