Revision 647a5f48 docs/source/devguide.rst

25 25
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26 26
Revision                   Description
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0.7 (Oct 4, 2011)          Suggest upload/download methods using hashmaps.
0.7 (Oct 13, 2011)         Suggest upload/download methods using hashmaps.
29 29
\                          Propose syncing algorithm.
30 30
\                          Support cross-account object copy and move.
31 31
\                          Pass token as a request parameter when using ``POST`` via an HTML form.
32 32
\                          Optionally use source account to update object from another object.
33 33
\                          Use container ``POST`` to upload missing blocks of data.
\                          Report policy in account headers.
34 35
0.6 (Sept 13, 2011)        Reply with Merkle hash as the ETag when updating objects.
35 36
\                          Include version id in object replace/change replies.
36 37
\                          Change conflict (409) replies format to text.
219 220
Reply Header Name           Value
220 221
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221 222
X-Account-Container-Count   The total number of containers
X-Account-Object-Count      The total number of objects (**TBD**)
223 223
X-Account-Bytes-Used        The total number of bytes stored
X-Account-Bytes-Remaining   The total number of bytes remaining
X-Account-Last-Login        The last login (**TBD**)
226 224
X-Account-Until-Timestamp   The last account modification date until the timestamp provided
227 225
X-Account-Group-*           Optional user defined groups
X-Account-Policy-*          Account behavior and limits
228 227
X-Account-Meta-*            Optional user defined metadata
229 228
Last-Modified               The last account modification date (regardless of ``until``)
230 229
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964 963
* Support for ``X-Account-Meta-*`` style headers at the account level. Use ``POST`` to update.
965 964
* Support for ``X-Container-Meta-*`` style headers at the container level. Can be set when creating via ``PUT``. Use ``POST`` to update.
966 965
* Header ``X-Container-Object-Meta`` at the container level and parameter ``meta`` in container listings. (**TBD**)
* Container policies to manage behavior and limits.
* Account and container policies to manage behavior and limits. Container behavior overrides account settings. Account quota sets the maximum bytes limit, regardless of container values.
968 967
* Headers ``X-Container-Block-*`` at the container level, exposing the underlying storage characteristics.
969 968
* All metadata replies, at all levels, include latest modification information.
970 969
* At all levels, a ``HEAD`` or ``GET`` request may use ``If-Modified-Since`` and ``If-Unmodified-Since`` headers.

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