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root / snf-cyclades-app / synnefo / ui / templates / partials / machines_empty.html @ 78e2d3dd

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1 8d08f18a Kostas Papadimitriou
{% load i18n %}
2 8d08f18a Kostas Papadimitriou
<div id="emptymachineslist">
3 9d889386 Olga Brani
    <h1 id="welcomeheader">
4 9d889386 Olga Brani
            {% blocktrans %}
5 9d889386 Olga Brani
                    Welcome to {{ BRANDING_SERVICE_NAME }}!
6 9d889386 Olga Brani
            {% endblocktrans %}
7 9d889386 Olga Brani
8 9d889386 Olga Brani
9 8d08f18a Kostas Papadimitriou
    <br />
10 cf2c902d Kostas Papadimitriou
    <span class="welcomebody">{% trans "From this panel you will be able to manage your Virtual Machines (VMs)." %} <!-- If you don't know what a VM is: " %}<br /><a href="#">{% trans "take the tour" %}.</a> --></span>
11 8d08f18a Kostas Papadimitriou
    <br />
12 8d08f18a Kostas Papadimitriou
    <br />
13 8d08f18a Kostas Papadimitriou
    <span class="welcomebody">{% trans "The panel is currently empty, because you don't have any VMs yet. Start by clicking the orange button on the top left. The wizard will guide you through the whole process." %}</span>
14 8d08f18a Kostas Papadimitriou
    <br />
15 a7091289 Olga Brani
    <br /> 
16 8d08f18a Kostas Papadimitriou