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root / ci / new_config @ 83330429

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1 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
2 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
# Timeouts in seconds
3 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
build_timeout = 240
4 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
# Apt repository to use
5 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
apt_repo = squeeze/
6 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
# Synnefo git repo
7 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
synnefo_repo =
8 b2a87b5b Christos Stavrakakis
# Git branch to test (specify sha1 or branch name). If not set, the
9 b2a87b5b Christos Stavrakakis
# branch/sha will result from the current repository.
10 b2a87b5b Christos Stavrakakis
synnefo_branch =
11 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
# snf-deploy git repo
12 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
deploy_repo =
13 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
# Defines the schema that snf-deploy will use
14 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
schema = one_node
15 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
# Local dir to save builded packages
16 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
pkgs_dir = /tmp/synnefo_pkgs
17 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
# If True patch the module (see Debian bug #657665)
18 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
patch_pydist = True
19 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
# Configuration of git (on remote server)
20 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
git_config_name = Buildbot
21 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
git_config_mail =
22 e4f379f1 Christos Stavrakakis
# Network address from which we allow access to server. If not set, access
23 e4f379f1 Christos Stavrakakis
# to server is not restricted.
24 e4f379f1 Christos Stavrakakis
filter_access_network =
25 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
# Config file to save temporary options (eg IPs, passwords etc)
26 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
temporary_config = /tmp/ci_temp_conf
27 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
28 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
29 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
30 c6dfe213 Christos Stavrakakis
# Choose the 'cloud' to use from .kamakirc
31 c6dfe213 Christos Stavrakakis
kamaki_cloud =
32 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
# Server name to use for our machine
33 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
server_name = Synnefo Deployment
34 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
# Flavor ID to use
35 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
# (149 for production, 639 for
36 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
flavor_id = 639
37 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
# Image to use (name must contain this)
38 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
image_name = OldStable
39 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
40 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
41 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
42 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
# Maybe add some burnin options
43 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
# (e.g. tests to run/ignore, timeouts etc)
44 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
cmd_options = --nofailfast --no-ipv6 --action-timeout=240
45 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
46 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
47 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
[Unit Tests]
48 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
component = astakos cyclades pithos
49 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
50 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
51 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
52 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
# Projects reside on this repo
53 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
projects =
54 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
55 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
56 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
57 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
58 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
59 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
60 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
61 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
62 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
63 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis
64 3c6275cf Ilias Tsitsimpis