Revision a0dde818 src/gr/ebs/gss/server/ejb/

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	 * @param userId
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	 * @param parentId
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	 * @param name
	 * @return the new folder
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	 * @throws DuplicateNameException if the specified name already exists in
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	 *             the parent folder, as either a folder or file
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	 * @throws ObjectNotFoundException if the user or parent folder was not
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	 *             problem
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	 * @throws InsufficientPermissionsException
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	public void createFolder(Long userId, Long parentId, String name) throws DuplicateNameException,
	public FolderDTO createFolder(Long userId, Long parentId, String name) throws DuplicateNameException,
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			ObjectNotFoundException, InsufficientPermissionsException;
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