| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

root / snf-pithos-backend / pithos / backends / lib / sqlalchemy / alembic / versions @ e31e4274

# Date Author Comment
e31e4274 01/28/2013 03:43 pm Sofia Papagiannaki

Change error handling in uuid to displayname pithos path migration.

Stop migraton if it fails to retrieve a uuid/displayname.

2a7276e7 01/24/2013 02:47 pm Sofia Papagiannaki

Expose /user_catalogs service api call

Change migration scripts to use this instead of the user api call

890c2065 01/23/2013 06:51 pm Sofia Papagiannaki

Change feedback & user_catalogs astakos && pithos api calls

  • Substitute ``username`` with ``displayname``
32454501 01/07/2013 04:13 am Sofia Papagiannaki

Change pithos sharing to work with account uuids

50149cc8 01/03/2013 06:18 pm Sofia Papagiannaki

Migrate username to uuid in pithos permissions

096a7c3b 01/02/2013 11:45 am Sofia Papagiannaki

Fix negative population in statistics table

cd5033bd 12/28/2012 02:41 pm Sofia Papagiannaki

Provide error feedback during pithos database path migration to container uuid instead of email

c700f742 12/27/2012 06:29 pm Sofia Papagiannaki

Update Astakos API to provider calls for retrieving uuid from the username and vice versa, extend astakos client library (snf-common) and update pithos to use uuids instead of email for account identification

2715ade4 09/10/2012 04:09 pm Sofia Papagiannaki

Fix code formatting to conform to the PEP 8 style guide

ca7812eb 07/19/2012 02:43 pm Sofia Papagiannaki

fix nodes latest_version revision

5f8bbf54 07/17/2012 08:57 pm Sofia Papagiannaki

Refs: #2675

Introduce alembic