Georgios Tsoukalas's activity

From 04/13/2013 to 05/12/2013


07:08 pm Synnefo Bug #3717 (New): Replace DateFields to DateTimeFields for enhanced precision.
Django DateField only saves the date at day level, without the time-of-day.
We must if our DateFields are really int...
Georgios Tsoukalas


04:30 pm Synnefo Bug #3661 (Closed): cyclades-usage-verify misreports 0 usage as non-existing
In certain occasions, for example when a user has non-zero VMs but 0 Networks,
the following spurious warning is emi...
Georgios Tsoukalas


08:26 pm Synnefo Feature #3606 (Closed): cyclades reset usage --userid should send zero resources if user is not f...
... since the user id was explicitly specified.
This will dispose of the inconvenience having to create resources
Georgios Tsoukalas


04:33 pm Synnefo Bug #3594 (Resolved): pithos commission serials must be safely registered in database to allow fo...
Pithos already has a table for this but it is currently unused.
Provide a @pithos-reconcile-commissions@ commad to d...
Georgios Tsoukalas
04:21 pm Synnefo Bug #3591 (Resolved): pithos-usage --reset should only reset diverging quotas and should provide ...
Proposition 1:
@pithos-usage --reset --dry-run@
Displays usages that are diverging in pithos and astakos.
Georgios Tsoukalas
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