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root / snf-image-helper / tasks / @ 63656985

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# Date Author Comment
d309cd33 10/03/2012 04:56 pm Nikos Skalkotos

Suppress a reglookup warning

Hundred of warnings like this: `WARN: While quoting value for
'<registry_key>', warning returned: Data could not be interpreted,
quoting raw buffer.' are outputed when reglookup reads the registry
of a Windows 2012 system.

c50358a6 09/06/2012 01:10 pm Nikos Skalkotos

Make sure EnforcePersonality runs last

When a users inject a file in an image that already exists,
we want to make sure that this file is not altered by any other task.
So, the EnforcePersonality task, is the last task that should run
before the image is unmounted.

a50a2bff 05/29/2012 06:37 pm Nikos Skalkotos

cleanup! cleanup! cleanup! cleanup!

  • Change the monitor message type names once again (hope this is
    the final version)
  • Pass -u (unbuffered) to sed to retain the actual output order in
    the log file
  • Fix a bug in helper code where the starting `{' was missing from...
2a0ab295 05/24/2012 05:08 pm Nikos Skalkotos

Add start-task and finish-task events

This commit extendes the monitoring mechanism to include events from

2a0c492d 12/13/2011 01:52 pm Nikos Skalkotos

Move the task exclusion check away from

Not all tasks, should be able to be excluded. If MountImage,
UnmountImage and InstallUnattanded are never excluded, then the system
deployment can't break. If you don't want to mount the image or install
Unattend.xml then you probably want to use EXCLUDE_ALL_TASKS, since all...

7e5d635b 11/18/2011 03:48 pm Nikos Skalkotos

Fix copyright and license notices throughout

ec728294 11/15/2011 05:07 pm Nikos Skalkotos

Disable RDP connection during windows setup