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root / snf-astakos-app / astakos / api / @ 11366070

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# Date Author Comment
67920ea0 05/23/2013 02:07 pm Giorgos Korfiatis

astakos: Strengthen authentication in user_from_token

All user-related API calls make use of this decorator to authenticate
the user. Previously it used to check only for the existence of the token;
now it makes all checks previously found in the `authenticate' API call....

2e7924de 05/20/2013 03:14 pm Giorgos Korfiatis

astakos: Remove some unused imports

Also add a missing import in

6609821f 05/15/2013 06:13 pm Sofia Papagiannaki

astakos: change authenticate api call

``/astakos/api/authenticate`` call
does not include any more resource usage in the reply.
(``usage`` request parameter has become obsolete)
The services in order to get the resource usage should call
``/astakos/api/quotas`` instead.

47a8481f 05/10/2013 01:21 pm Sofia Papagiannaki

astakos: include resource presentation info in authenticate response

If option parameter ``usage`` is passed then the response should
contain also the resource presentation information
(as it used to be in the past)

b095201e 05/10/2013 12:45 pm Sofia Papagiannaki

astakos: remove module

Replace all AstakosCallpoint references

78c3a39c 05/10/2013 12:45 pm Sofia Papagiannaki

astakos: remove user argument from the api methods

User request.user field (set by user_for_token decorator)

79b5d61b 05/10/2013 12:45 pm Sofia Papagiannaki

astakos: WIP move all api calls under ``/astakos/api``

Refs: #3340

7f313da1 05/10/2013 12:45 pm Sofia Papagiannaki

astakos: rename api utility methods

6f1d4d03 05/10/2013 12:45 pm Sofia Papagiannaki

astakos: fix user api utility calls