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root / snf-tools / synnefo_tools / burnin / @ 47fc1d1d

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# Date Author Comment
362130c3 12/18/2013 01:13 pm Ilias Tsitsimpis

snf-burnin: Add new NIC after ping

Burnin has a race condition where if it tries to add a new NIC before
the server has been completely booted, the kernel will not detect the
new NIC (not until the server reboots).
Fix this by adding the new NIC to the server after we have tested (ping)...

08f1780b 12/16/2013 03:17 pm Ilias Tsitsimpis

snf-burnin: Better log output

Testsuite ServerTestSuite will not fail if one of the generated
tests fails.

2c60bfa6 12/10/2013 12:02 pm Ilias Tsitsimpis

burnin: Fix a bug when generated tests fail

When a generated test was failing (in particular the
GeneratedServerTestSuite) burnin couldn't know that this test failed
and wasn't exiting with an error exit status.

Fix this by forcing the test that generated the erroneous test suite to...

3e5bbd85 12/02/2013 02:12 pm Ilias Tsitsimpis

burnin: Verify quotas

After every action that changes the user's quotas
verify that quotas' changes are consistent.

60a80953 12/02/2013 02:12 pm Ilias Tsitsimpis

burnin: Implement the new Network API

6c78720b 12/02/2013 02:12 pm Ilias Tsitsimpis

burnin: Write ServerTestSuite

d246be88 12/02/2013 02:12 pm Ilias Tsitsimpis

burnin: Create a new module to split up codebase

cee3ee9b 12/02/2013 02:12 pm Ilias Tsitsimpis

burnin: Finish ServerTestSuite

3eaf0ec5 12/02/2013 02:12 pm Ilias Tsitsimpis

burnin: Implement NetworkTestSuite