| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

root / snf-cyclades-app / synnefo / ui / static / snf / js @ 692c5cea

Name Size
auth.js 5.8 kB
glance_models.js 5.1 kB
invitations.js 5.5 kB
jquery.pagination.js 7.8 kB
models.js 93 kB
quota.js 5.2 kB
sync.js 19.1 kB
synnefo.js 15.2 kB
tests.js 22.2 kB
utils.js 20.9 kB
views.js 11.2 kB

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
890f3d4c 07/12/2013 01:22 pm Christos Stavrakakis

Merge branch 'hotfix-0.14.2' into develop


a6213c91 07/12/2013 11:51 am Kostas Papadimitriou

cyclades ui: Prefer os meta to identify connection user

How vm connection user gets resolved:

- Use the last user in `users` vm metadata if exists
- Use the last user in `users` vm image metadata if exists
- Use root if vm's image osfamily metadata is Linux...

d632e425 07/08/2013 03:44 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

cyclades ui: Allow destroy action on all vm states

1610b2da 07/08/2013 03:44 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

cycaldes ui: Locally reserve IP address assigned to created vm

in order to avoid conflict errors on repetitive vm creates

d4d51f2d 07/08/2013 03:44 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

cyclades ui: IP addresses vm creation step fix

Filter out ip addresses which pending for machine connection.

b9748526 07/08/2013 03:44 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

cyclades ui: Conditionally disable connect to vm IP actions

when IP's popup is opened from the vm create view.

c566f369 07/03/2013 01:21 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

cyclades: Networking step in machine create view

Introduce an additional `machine network setup` step in machine create
overlay. Through this step user can select ip addresses/private networks
the machine will be assigned/connected to.

1fc7640d 07/03/2013 01:20 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

cyclades: Public IP's overlay in UI

- Introduce a new overlay for IP addresses management (create, remove, connect,
- The overlay is accessible from the UI's options menu.

a3ac649e 07/03/2013 12:38 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

cyclades: Handle introduced ``SNF:task_state`` field

- Use it to identify if machine is in a transitioning state (a previously
executed task is pending to be completed).
- Disable all actions when field.
- Backwards compatible. If no field is set the UI falls back into predicting...

ab3df8df 07/03/2013 12:29 pm Kostas Papadimitriou

cyclades: Integrate machine resize action in UI

- Action gets triggered from edit links which appear next to the cpu/memory
details icon/single machine views.
- Handle inability to perform resize action based on vm state by displaying a
warning when machine is in running state....

View revisions

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