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root / snf-cyclades-app / synnefo / db / @ 94b7399e

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# Date Author Comment
08e6fe1b 10/14/2013 03:51 pm Christos Stavrakakis

cyclades: Add method to get ip stats to network

Extend Network model with a method to get the number of free and total
IPv4 addresses of the network. Also, add method to IPAddress model to
release its IPv4 address if any. Finally, update backend-list management...

8c7c9813 10/10/2013 04:59 pm Christos Stavrakakis

cyclades: Fix DB tests

8764d304 10/10/2013 04:35 pm Christos Stavrakakis

cyclades: Make logic tests pass

Refactor Cyclades code so that it follows the new models for Networks,
Subnets and IPAddresses. This refactor is not complete. Instead is the
necessary refactor for making tests for server API calls succeed.

593851e0 10/10/2013 12:40 pm Build Bot

cyclades: Add /ports api call

92d2d1ce 10/10/2013 01:56 am Christos Stavrakakis

cyclades: Make API server tests pass

Refactor Cyclades code so that it follows the new models for Networks,
Subnets and IPAddresses. This refactor is not complete. Instead is the
necessary refactor for making tests for server API calls succeed.

0247388f 10/09/2013 07:34 pm Christos Stavrakakis

cyclades: Update models_factory

Update models factory to match the new models.

Signed-off-by: Marios Kogias <>
Signed-off-by: Dionysis Grigoropoulos <>

c9976c84 10/01/2013 11:37 am Christos Stavrakakis

cyclades: Extend Backend model with disk_templates

Extend 'Backend' models with 'disk_template' attribute, that contains
the list of disk templates that are available in each backend.

5aeb4e93 07/17/2013 02:57 pm Christos Stavrakakis

cyclades: Support IPv6 only networks

Make Cyclades support IPv6 only networks. Such networks will have
the 'subnet' attribute set to None, in the same way that IPv4 only
networks have the 'subnet6' attribute set to None.

Because currently Ganeti does not support IPv6 only networks, we create the...

9115d567 07/02/2013 12:31 pm Christos Stavrakakis

Distinquish between networks and Floating IP pools

Extend Network model with the 'floating_ip_pool' boolean field, to
indicate whether a Network can be a floating IP pool or not. Networks
that are floating IP pools must exist in all Backends, and so
'snf-manage backend-add' should try to add them....

c2876228 07/02/2013 12:31 pm Christos Stavrakakis

cyclades: Add FloatingIP model

Add Floating IP model to represent a floating IP that has been reserved
by a user. Each FloatingIP has an owner(UUID), an IPv4 address, the
network(pool) that has reserved from and the date is was reserved. Also,
it may be related to a VirtualMachine, if there is some VM that uses...

41a7fae7 07/02/2013 12:31 pm Christos Stavrakakis

cyclades: Major refactor to api and logic apps

Major refactor to cyclades api and logic apps that removes most code
from the api views and moves it to logic app, so that the same logic
code can be used by different apps (e.g. EC2 API). Code is moved into...

d4325f42 06/11/2013 04:38 pm Christos Stavrakakis

Fix compatibility issues with factory_boy

Update models_factory to use factory.DjangoModelFactory instead of

d552dddd 04/02/2013 01:49 pm Christos Stavrakakis

Simple tests for synnefo.quotas

939d71dd 03/21/2013 05:05 pm Christos Stavrakakis

Create public NIC when creating VM

Until now, a server's public NetworkInterface was not created in the DB
until the arrival of the message from Ganeti hooks. However, the IPv4
address of the NIC is reserved before sending the OP_INSTANCE_CREATE
job to Ganeti....

68b952f9 02/01/2013 04:52 pm Christos Stavrakakis

pep8 fixes

672db045 12/14/2012 06:22 pm Christos Stavrakakis

Add object factories for most db models

Use 'factory_boy' library for creating Django ORM objects as test data.
These factories can be used as fixtures replacement since they are
easier to write and maintain.