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root @ e6a42a96

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
e6a42a96 07/23/2012 11:36 am Christos Stavrakakis

Major modifications to Network model

Since Ganeti version 2.6, Ganeti is aware of private networks. We take
advantage of this by propagating network handling to Ganeti. Network
model is expanded to include information about the type of network
(public routed, physical vlan, private filtered), subnet, gateway, dhcp,...

27a8e4ae 07/23/2012 11:36 am Christos Stavrakakis

Send cluster name from snf-ganeti-eventd

a17a8e98 07/23/2012 11:36 am Christos Stavrakakis

Create network queues and refactor dispatcher

78548bed 07/23/2012 11:36 am Christos Stavrakakis

Pass tags to ganeti CreateNetwork RAPI call

cc7c0f44 07/23/2012 11:33 am Christos Stavrakakis

Implement backend allocator and management command

New module implementing instance allocation to one of the available
backends. Allocation is performed based on memory and disk utilization.
Statistics for each backend are stored in DB and updated periodically....

4161cb41 07/23/2012 11:33 am Christos Stavrakakis

Fix issues concerning reconciliation

f5b4f2a3 07/23/2012 11:33 am Christos Stavrakakis

Use the Backend client instead of global RAPI

Replace use of global RAPI client, with the cached client from the
VirtualMachine or Backend model.

Dispatch network actions to all backends.

1a894bfe 07/23/2012 11:33 am Christos Stavrakakis

New management commands concerning backends

- Create command to create a backend (snf-manage backend_create)
- Create command to modify a backend (snf-manage backend_list)
- Create command to list backends (snf-manage backend_modify)
- Modify listservers command to display the backend that hosts the VM

aed9b901 07/23/2012 11:32 am Christos Stavrakakis

Create Backend model to represent a ganeti backend

- Create Backend model holding info about credentials, status and resources
- Add Backend as foreign key to VirtualMachine
- Create a cache of Backend clients (RAPI) for better performance

1bce82c0 07/23/2012 11:32 am Christos Stavrakakis

Fix white space and PEP8

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