Bug #853

There is no way to specify an https url when using the cloud tool

Added by Vangelis Koukis about 13 years ago. Updated almost 14 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:07/18/2011
Priority:Medium Due date:
Assignee:Giorgos Verigakis % Done:


Category:Cyclades API Spent time: -
Target version:v0.6


It's a bit cumbersome to define the API endpoint with the cloud tool.
The most important problem is that there doesn't seem to be a way to specify an http url.
Also, please explore combining the --host and --api parameters in one: Why not have a simple
--apiurl='https://www.okeanos.grnet.gr:8080/api/v1.1' parameter?

Associated revisions

Revision fe29fb25
Added by Giorgos Verigakis almost 14 years ago

Add --apiurl and --token arguments

Remove --api and --host as they are now redundant.

Fixes #853


#1 Updated by Vangelis Koukis about 13 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Giorgos Gousios to Giorgos Verigakis
  • Target version changed from v0.7 to v0.5.5

#2 Updated by Vangelis Koukis almost 14 years ago

  • Target version changed from v0.5.5 to v0.6

#3 Updated by Giorgos Verigakis almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

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